Whelp, this unexpectedly happened in Battlefield

So me and my friend were doing a terrible weapons challenge and there was one piece of equipment that actually came to mind.
>EOD bot

Me and my friend never thought this would go well, it turns out i went on a 26 killstreak and trolled pretty much at least half the team.
>Feels good man
>Vid related

Enjoy. Again, i thought this wouldn't go well, turns out it was the best day I've had on Battlefield in a very long time. :)

Have a pity reply

Fuck off

Are you 12?

Why the hate?

>click on your channel
>see this
fucking end yourself already

Nope, 21. All the 12 year olds are on COD.

Nice senpai

Legit kill yourself you inbred piece of trash.

Not your personal blog, fuck off

>All the 12 year olds are on COD.
They're also on CSGO, BF4, Overwatch and whatever other FPS you can think of.


10/10 trolled me hard bud ;)

oh my fucking god

and this
FPS are the genre for babbys who can't wrap their heads around anything more complex than pointing a gun at a target and shooting.
at least arena FPS take a little more skill than that.

Also look at this desparate user samefagging his own thread.
Just let it die and save yourself the embarrassment.

Wait, who the fuck is that between Mugi and Mio?

>He's a weeaboo
>he doesn't even have good taste in anime

Try harder

nice blog, bro

you're going to go nowhere in your youtube endeavors, you're a horrible content creator

it's honestly so fucking cringy when people like you do this shit. using "trolling" and "kek" anywhere outside of shitposting is cancerous as fuck.

>me and my friend
Fix your grammar

We'll see about that