Fat Princess

All things considered, I don't think Fat Princess was that great. I really liked the concept and the characters, and the art was pretty nice.

Do you guys think a game could be made, either in the same series or as a new IP, that uses the same sort of gameplay hook but as a more engaging game? An RPG, for instance?

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Post lewds of Fat Princess

No lewds but have some official art


The first game was entertaining for what it was; a chaotic multiplayer game with funny, gimmicky classes. I haven't played Fat Princess adventures, but it looks like shit and doesn't seem to have anything that made the first game fun.

I never played Adventures, but yeah, the first one was kind of entertaining.

>checks date warily

The PSP version is pretty great with friends.

>Do you guys think a game could be made, either in the same series or as a new IP, that uses the same sort of gameplay hook

You mean forcefeeding and weight gain? Boundless


Boundless is horrible, made by a mentally insane tumblr fag.

[spoilers]but it makes for a good fap every now and again

Yeah, I like the idea of Boundless, but it flat out doesn't work most of the time, and the randomness just kills it.

I've tried working on my own WG RPG but I always run into the same problem- Weight Gain is really hard to make into an engaging gameplay mechanic since it's just watching numbers go up.

The thing about weight gain is that it has plenty of factors that need to be added for full enjoyment. It's not just about numbers going up, it's about seeing a visible change in appearance, seeing how a character may act regarding it, what their opinion on it might be and of course how it distributes on their body. making an actually good WG themed game could take a fucking ton of effort.

I'm going to need a link to the whole gallery

True. Graphics aren't actually too hard; if you use Unity you can just use Maya's blend shapes, and model the character's body parts at their fattest and skinniest. Then you just tweak it by changing a number. Then you could handle weight distribution by having a "genetics" variable for each character that adds a multiplier to the weight variable changes.

I guess how they act or feel about it would have to be based on your AI, or depend on your game.


pink best girl

Why didn't they make a second one? The adventure one doesn't count, that piece of shit could be a mobile game. I miss chopping heads off and carrying my THICK princess to her throne.

sjws complained

I sincerely hope that is not the case

There was one article about it and that's pretty much it.

so whose dumping thicks here


No idea how an RPG would work but the original game was fun and pretty novel.
It wasn't super deep but it was fun to get on when I had a bit of time or just wanted to relax for a bit and unwind.
Plus thick