What happened to gaming, Sup Forums ?

What happened to gaming, Sup Forums ?

the memes became real

The bottom game was made by a much smaller and less experienced team

Nothing really. What's wrong?

Top Game : 5 guys, back in 1985, when making games wasn't as simple as it is now

Bottom Game : 1 guy (+ other people) who made it in 3 years, and was making romhacks before.

Literally T H I R T Y Y E A R S

Undertale isn't all about gameplay

It doesn't matter if they're the player or the developer, when given the option, most people will gladly take the easy way out.



"what went wrong Sup Forums?"

here's your free (You)

haha wow nice le tumbler meme ess jay dubleyews amirite?

Go read a book then


>retro platformer that pioneered vidya vs a shitty indie game made by a furry
i wonder

ikr it's about the deep story XD lmao up voted

Why do that when you can play Undertale?

Autistic cunts like you started crying over every single release instead of supporting games you like.

Nice meme thread, here's your (You)

Stop using this excuse. It's lazy "retro" graphics that would have been considered shit even decades ago.

People who always besmirch Undertale can do nothing but call it shit, and when called out to name something better they resort to memes or more shitflinging

This is why I'm voting for the Bern

Are there any indiegames that don't pander to nostalgia and aren't flash tier quality?
I swear things found for free on miniclip 10 years ago were more creative.

>Are there any indiegames that

no matter what the end of that sentence is I assure you the answer is probably yes

Around 90% of indie games as re like that, but you wouldn't know

If Sup Forums actually gave a shit instead of fighting phantoms in their brains, they would complain about 30 dollar minecraft clones and simulators, since those are what modt indie games are

I can't remember the last pixelated platformer. Axiom Verge, I guess

Want to know what my favorite game of 2016 is so far? Stardew Valley.
Doesn't matter how a game looks, so long as it is good, it should be supported and played.

How does it feel that Toby is now a millionaire because of that hack of a game and is probably wiping his ass with hundred dollar bills.

Nintendos soul died.

Welcome to Sup Forums, where graphics don't matter unless it's a game that's too popular

He should've just gotten Temmie to make all of the art. The bunny and turtle shopkeepers are the best looking things in the game.

I would assume so too, but it sure doesn't seem like that's what makes the rankings.

Calm down, Dickens. I asked a simple question.

>Are there any indiegames that don't pander to nostalgia and aren't flash tier quality?
Yes but you've probably never heard of it because It doesn't sell.

Just like remakes and sequels sell more in hollywood than original content.

except undertale had shit gameplay too. there's no upside to it unless you love random quirky stories which surprise not everyone does.

To be fair, graphics do matter to a certain degree.
The visual aspect of a game is important too, as vidya is first and foremost just that, a visual medium.

But it actually looks good. Look at the shadows and everything. This game was made with love. It has nothing to do with UglyTale.

You didn't like the battle system? Even though it's better than every NES and many SNES RPGs?

generally indie games that don't cost money are way better then ones that do, see iji, wesnoth, a bunch of half life 1/2 mods and of course cave story

What happened to gaming, Sup Forums?

Fucking Pixel made one good game ever

Didn't mean to quote

>Sup Forums will never go back to that stage where they just liked Undertale for what it was
it makes me sad

I'm so happy nobody talks about this game anymore

This is actually true.

What's that one really decent GB inspired game that was on Newgrounds?

>You'll never go back to being a normal Guy

You fucking furry.

>implying SMB actually looked like top image

Please do some research youngboi

people are trying to capture past successes by closely emulating their visuals.

Undertale is pretty much edgy Groundhog day, isnt it?

I agree, although you have to admit bullet hell defense was rather neat. Still though, Undertale is a bad game.
Undertale is going for the Earthbound look, and Earthbound isn't exactly the most detailed looking game. Could they have put some elbow grease into it? Of course.

6 minute mile my ass

Sounds like basic supply and demand

>Undertale is a bad game

Supply and demand is good unless it favors something I don't like.


This desu.

Undertale would have been better if it looked nicer. It's a good game that looks terrible. Good graphics can't save a shit game but they can improve a good one.

Sup Forums liked Undertale when it was still just a demo and a kickstarter, only when it released and became popular they started hating it.

Did Sup Forums ever like Homestuck?

When Undertale turned out to be Homstuck-tier they hated it.

Games have gotten more mature.
You haven't.

If you're enjoying undertale, you're officialy a degenerate

The "Sup Forums loved Undertale before it became popular!!!!1" meme is getting stale

Just because you didn't browse Sup Forums around the time the undertale demo released doesn't mean it's a meme

I have been here since 2009, lad. Check the archives, and you'll find it in your heart that you're mistaken.

New as fuck.

Its not a meme. These things happen. Soon Sup Forums will be so contrarian that they will come to praise Undertale.
I've seen this happen before.

>playing undertale

7 years has been long enough to see Undertale grow

>flowey the flower
lol thats so random!