AC IV Blag Flag

>AC IV Blag Flag
>Sup Forums says it's a good game
>fucking tail missions everywhere

kys dumb reddit frogposter

he's right tho

I didn't say that he was wrong

WHO said AC was ever good on Sup Forums ?!

dumb frogposter

Why would anyone kiss him?

should play rogue instead, all the good stuff from black flag but none of that shit.
not a tail mission in sight.

ship combat is more better and the sea in the north atlantic is rough and full of icebergs that you can use to your advantage.

yeah he only has 2 guns, but who gives a fuck, the story is better than 4 anyway, and ties into unity in the end.

good game, better than black flag

its the best AC game after the first one


You just keep digging your grave deeper.

Rogue was way too short.

>every single assassins creed game has had eavesdropping missions
>its not ok if black flag does it

>actually doing any missions
Dumb frogposter

I quit the game because of this too. Tailing missions have never been fun. Either walk behind this person while listening to an awful conversation, or drive behind someone with "Too Close!" or "Too far!" until the hell is finally over

>Sneaky assassin has to do sneaky stuff

its a fucking assassin stealth game
what the fuck did you expect?

I only played it because I heard the ship combat was fun, and it was less a Creed game and more a pirate game.

Then I got tailing mission on tailing mission.

Ship upgrades are locked unless you progress the story.

>The story is better than 4
Literally all they did was model swap the assassins with Templars to make the assassins the evil power hungry guys. At least 4 had good character development and a believable villain

it's only "good" because autistic people love terrible pirate shit

real talk i really really want to get this game because i fucking love pirates. how is it? i love to explore and find treasure and stuff, i heard this game is great for that. but i dont want to cough up a billion dollars for a fucking ubisoft game if it's bad

Go play age of pirates or naval action if you want a boat game.

>giving ubisoft money
>not plundering it on the piratebay

You aint cut out to be a pirate

Black flag can't be more than $30 now. It's a fun game with a good story. The only complaint I had about this game was Edward knowing assassin skills with no training.

>play syndicate
>there's barely any tail missions

shame about everything else being weird or just outright shit

i thought it had some saving problem with the current crack?

the base game is, but the "gold edition" is still $60. plus $30 is still a lot to spend

Yeah really, this. There are few games I start and don't finish. Alien Isolation is one of them. AC IV is another one. I can't even really think of any others, because I generally like to finish what I start. But man, these two were so shit I just didn't care to see them through.

Arrest missions replaced tail missions

I still got the launch version. works fine.

yeah it was too short

>believable villain
there is no villan, its just the sage guy, some drunken pirate he meets.

>Literally all they did was model swap the assassins with Templars to make the assassins the evil power hungry guys
not exactly, they didn't change anything of either of their ethoses.
it's more of a personal journey, shay seeing that the assassins will go to any length to stop the templars taking control, even destroying whole cities (anything is permitted)
I think it was a good story.
only sad thing about the game is the amount of assets they used from AC 3 and 4 in it

yeah but those were generally a lot easier and less tedious

Every version I've found lacks the DLC.

The naval combat isn't even good either. After you board few ships you've seen it all. You shouldn't trust what Sup Forums retards say.

>Edward knowing assassin skills with no training.
some people are born with the gift, that's what makes them master assassins, remember ezio and arno had it too.
they mention in 1 of the games about it being from the 1st civilisation.

>Black flag can't be more than $30 now
it's on sale right now on the PS store, 60$ off I bought it recently.
that and rogue are the only ass creed games I can play after completing the story, because of naval combat