Trails thread

Let's have a nice discussion thread. Anyone playing any of the Trails games? Have any questions?

There's also been an update to Zero fan translation 2 days ago:
>Script is done
>There won't be a public beta
>They're aiming to release it in December

Beat Cold Steel a few days ago.
That fucking ending sequence was nonsense and I couldn't stop grinning.

I played FC and SC back to back, and finally beat SC some weeks ago. Not one to spend 90+ hours on an RPG but it was all worth it.

Olivier's my nigga.

Now that I've finished all the English games and I'm not playing one I feel like something is missing.
Hopefully the third doesn't take years to come out.

It's coming out next year and Cold Steel 2 is coming out in a few months.

Strange thing is in all of the games I get near the end and just want them to be over since they're so long, but then a day after I finish I wish I was still playing them.
I guess I have brain problems.

>Kevin only got one game when he's worthy of being a protagonist of an entire trilogy more than any other Trails MC so far


Why do people love shitposting so much, but hate discussing actual vidya?

It's a shame really. And it's not like the other MCs suck balls but Kevin is truly based.

does 3rd make him cooler? he seemed like a dork in sc.

>Outwardly a dork
>Inside he's a cold, holy assassin of God

After 2's ending I'm really interested to see more of his character in 3.
Also I think the line he says when he uses his s-break is really cool.

Yes, it is his game after all. I wish they would make another game with him or another church member instead of a fuckboy like Rean.

Patiently waiting for the release of pic related. I'm having Estelle and Olivier withdrawals 2bh family.

Cold Steel 2 is gonna be great as well.

Is there really only three new characters? Weak.

I played TITS quite some time ago, but ditched it. I managed to get to the town where that orphanage gets burned down and some dock workers beat up. When is this game getting good?

All of these games are about 50-70 hours long.
The good part is always the last 2 hours.

>Nun lady
>Colonel Richard
>Anal Ace
That's seven.

The last few hours are usually my least favorite parts. They're just back to back bosses and monster chests in giant empty dungeon crawls.

If you didn't enjoy the game then fuck off. They aren't for you. I enjoyed TiTS from start to finish. Take your ADHD ass and go play call of duty.

Well, darn. I don't know if I want to wait that long.

What kind of attitude is that?
I asked kindly and you are acting like a jerk for no reason. Are you autistic?

Your last 4 were all playable in SC.

That's the bit before the last 2 hours, before everything starts popping off.

>playable in SC.
Anal Ace was only playable in the prologue, and the other three were only playable in the last chapter.

Anellace was also in the school raid with Kurt.
Goddamn Kurt was a beast with incredible crafts, I wish you could keep him.

>No public beta
>We're releasing it in 7 months

Its like they're begging for a cease and desist and it would be no one's fault but their own.

Why are fan translators so goddamn stupid?

How much legal power does XSEED even have?
Have they ever C&D'd before?

This isn't like they're trying to translate a Squeenix game.

me on the left when seeing this news

Depends on if they approached Falcom and secured the rights to localize zero/ao.

I'm also wondering if it really takes so much time to edit it and test it if the script is finished. They're even looking for another person to help them.

Stuff like making sure its aligned correctly in the text boxes.

He's a highly ranked magical assassin of the Church with his own ship and crew, even though he likes dicking around in reality he's a very serious and smart person.

>>They're aiming to release it in December

It'll be out before 3rd. Now I'll have to dodge spoilers for both games while I wait.

5 dollars when?


FC has a very slow start. The chapter after your current one is where I really started enjoying it, whereas your current chapter I found quite boring. From the next chapter it remained interesting until the end.

SC is similar, it has a slow first few chapters but once it gets going it really takes off and hooks you until the end.

Does Zero start as slow as FC?

Wouldn't know.

Bridget x Alan OTP

Guess we'll find out in half a year unless some nips spoil us like they've been trying to for years now

>Bunch of things in Zero spoiled by playing Cold Steel first