Please stop pretending there is a multiculturalism propaganda going on in media, there is not. Yes...

Please stop pretending there is a multiculturalism propaganda going on in media, there is not. Yes, whites win the most Olympic Games medals, they get all the Nobel Prizes and have the highest recorded IQs.

But you're overlooking one important detail: Overwatch is set in the future, things can change. Only 50 years ago blacks were still slaves. Now look how much has changes since then. We are winning Nobel Prizes and medals, too. Now let's wait another 1000 years and see. There are more blacks in this world and we're advancing just as fast if not faster than any other ethnic group.

What you see in this picture is nothing to be afraid of. it's perfectly normal. If you see something wrong, you are a racist.

Other urls found in this thread:

This is GOOD and NORMAL.

Nope. Pic related will be the future.

For the nazi boys.

The pyro is canadian?


>Engineer gets a Texas flag

Fucking right

India only looks like this because they get oppressed by America and the UK and all the intellectuals get literally imported. Politiicans make money with remittances in Indiea more than in any other country.

>it's a Sup Forums bait thread
But it's actually funny that anyone unironically gets flustered when people say they prefer to see their own race, future or not.

Oh my sweet summer child.

You're really giving those baiters and lost causes the time of day.

you are reaching barneyfag tier autism

Thanks for this. Racist scum will never understand and see propaganda in everything, though.

go back to shitting street Pajeet

>it's a "Sup Forums gets triggered" episode

this is normal.

Why is Blizzard doing it this blatantly? I thought Jews are good at hiding it and Blizzard is huge as fuck?

Nope it looks like this, because the majority there are literal subhumans.

>the UK and all the intellectuals get literally imported.
Like these Paki chaps?

But yeah the caste system worked definitely better, because it gave those with at least some vedic aryan blood the most authority over low IQ poo in the loo savages.

The Mexican Reaper is pretty cool

I'd rather have a pretty cool Mexican Reaper than some generic white person.

>Healer with a medpack flag


What they should do, right, is set the game in the Forever War's future, where heterosexuality is a crime.

>hanzo and genji not nippon

Take a look at recent and ongoing events

>Bingbong represented by a blackie
>not promoting multiculturalism
tippytoplel go 'ang yaself m8

When was Pyro ever confirmed Canadian?

I must have missed that.

How long before there are genderbend skins?


There were Sup Forumsfags triggered the other day by eye shadow on a rainbow 6 character.

They are like SJWs whining about everything but the main difference is they are afraid to go outside.

Texas and Boston aren't countries you fucking mongoloid

Not gonna lie, white man + black woman is 100% A-OK in my book.

Comparing a global organization with outposts throughout the world to a group of mercenaries in America

The fact that there were so many foreigners in TF2 is actually stranger than the fact there are so many in Overwatch. Also, Reaper is a Mexican but he was born in LA.

>TF2 is full of delicious barabait
>Overwatch doesn't seem to have any from that image, though some girls are hot

What gives?

Demoman's Scottish accent is fucking awful though. Like Shrek tier garbage.

France had around 850k nigger soldiers from their colonies in their ranks, though. 275k stayed in europe after the war and were mainly used to occupy and (((enrich))) the german rhineland.

They can't come soon enough.


>Two black woman
>One asian
>Not a single white female
That's not diverse enough

Reinhardt and Roadhog are both pretty bara. Reaper's in some fetishy dominatrix suit. Hanzo runs around with his nipple hanging out.

Would plow.

>Using skins to promote multiculturalism

Kill yourself.

How many layers of falseflagging are you on right now, my boys?

This. Can't see it enough.

>Overwatch is set in the future

Then how come the chinese haven't enslaved the niggers?

>Not wanting a refined Japanese waifu

>Overwatch is multicultural
>Still get a ton of cute girls running around in skintight outfits

What is the problem here?

I'm sure the donald is happy to see this.

Blizzard should kill themselves?

How do we stop this SJW shit from polluting the minds of white children everywhere?