Remember me?
Remember me?
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God what a shitty game
Literally who ?
is it any good, is it out on pc?
if I remember correctly, yahtzee kind of liked it.
I wish I didn't.
This game was fucking garbage.
Much love for the OST.
its ok for a single run.
the game has a fuck ton of potential, but they fuck it.
the levels are linear as fuck, the gameplay is very simple, and you only do 4 of those memory puzzle.
the good thing is the musci, the graphics and the world.
Man Remember Me wasn't bad enough to be funny bad or good enough to be a hidden gem it just meanders in the ok zone which is why no one remembers it ironically.
I'll never forget.
Huge potential. Too bad Life is Strange's success means they'll never try again with a sequel.
Yes it's out on PC, no it's not very good.
At best, it's average. The gameplay leaves nothing to be desired as it's just an even more watered down Assassin's Creed / Batman combat system except extra-simplified. The only gameplay offered for most of the game is the combat, so it gets tiring real fast.
The concepts were pretty cool though and were the only things I found to be decent. The cool concepts include:
>Running through futuristic France
>Commentary on the mixing of personal lives and technology (like social media on steroids)
>The memory puzzles, although there are few. They are basically little events that you need to set up to happen in a certain way, think of you playing Death in the Final Destination films.
Soundtrack's alright. You'd probably be better off just watching a playthrough, that way you won't have to suffer the cheap gameplay and can still get all of that linear, simplistic bullshit that the game offers.
how long is it?
7-10 hours
9.5 hours if you only play the main story without wasting time.
>At best, it's average
I loved the GoT rpg, so I hope I'll like this one.
perfect, gonna see how it is then.
The only thing that I liked about it how they handeled the robots, making them roar with a digital face was cool
Pretty much. Had they focused on a more engaging combat, possibly a title that can't be used ironically against it.
Still love it though, I could see it becoming a cult classic
Mediocre game, great art direction.
Wither focus on combat or memory puzzles. Either one would have made a good game but instead they decided to fuck it all up by half as sing both
Great concept, poor execution. Beautiful visual design too.
i remember that ass and art design. no so much anything else.
but I suppose that is enough for a game to be "okay" at least.
and you also support smaller devs
Very forgettable game.
I really enjoyed the game desu, though I can recognise that it misses the mark in a few places. It's a shame there were so few Memory Remix segments, for instance, considering how much emphasis was placed on that mechanic prior to release.
I could even see it as a stealth.Knocking out enemies through some memory attack or something. The make your own combo didn't work.
That was the thing that made me care when it was being released. Loved the way they did the robots.
The world building they did was leagues above the gameplay they shit out. I really want another game set in the same world, with more focus on memory puzzles or some other gimmick, rather than subpar combat.
should I just play the game on easy if the combat is that shitty?
Still feel awful for remixing her
I remember this game being ass, and grateful I got it off PS+ and didn't pay for it.
No, that wouldn't change your experience. The combat is not hard, it's just repetitive.
Sucks we'll never get a sequel. Nilin had a great character design.