I've never played FFX-2, can I play it before FFX if I don't remember much about the prequel's story? Are they story related?
I have the fear that playing FFX-2 after FFX would ruin the experience I just had with the previous game. With all this j-pop looking bullshit.
Final Fantasy X
>Are they story related?
i have no idea wat it is either, bump
x-2 is an immediate sequel you dingus
FFX-2 story is a direct continuation where FFX left off so you need to remember the original. Play the original first.
It's not a bad game, you can see it as a spinoff, the plot is really silly tho. Didn't ruin FFX for me.
My game is in Japanese
What do
learn japanese
It looked too stupid to be a direct continuation.
>With all this j-pop looking bullshit.
Literally only in the intro.
The story is about another government conspiracy and solving the mystery of Not-Tidus.
Combat system is a MAJOR improvement over FFX.
You need to know FFX story though.
Switch to English text, there is no dual audio since audio is tied to subs.
English audio has Eng/Ger/Fr subs.
Jap audio has only Jap/Chink subs.
Way to prove what a retard you are by judging a book by its cover, or rather judging a game by its intro.
There is literally 0 J-Pop outside of the intro.
The intro is also a plot point that sets up the minor antagonist in the beginning before the main plot kicks off.
it IS stupid, but it's also fun
just lighten up a little. if you let a stupid game ruin an entirely different game for you then that's your fault.
>Just came out on Steam
>It's 30 FPS locked
Watch someone make a fuss about this
>Combat system is a MAJOR improvement over FFX.
That's arguable. ARTB sacrifices strategy for flashiness and is not for everyone.
Animations are tied to framerate since it's a fucking 15 year old game, it can't be fixed without literally redoing the game from scratch which is not financially viable.
It's like releasing a game limited to 4:3 resolutions in 2016. No excuse.
Just ignore Blitzball's seemingly random scores and you'll do fine. Also don't expect an emotional ride for X-2.
Rikku best girl.
You can set it to "Wait" mode and get all the strategy you want. The entire point of ATB is to enforce buffing and priorities because you know enemies can move during your "turn".
4:3 is easier to fix.
Anyone know if this has keyboard prompts on screen, like FFIX?
so except the 30 fps lock, how's the port?
Yes but watch people complain anyw- knew it
A turn based rpg has literally NO REASON to be 60 fps
See Go lick TotalAsscancer's butthole you autistic sperg.
in before some shitty private site
Was the original game 30 fps too?
Just forget FFX-2 even exists. It's not worth anyone's time.
It was a turn based jrpg on the ps2
What do you think?
Yes and its locked to animations
Stay mad you leeching faggot.
Yes you retard. All versions are 30 FPS.
PS2 original, PS3, PS4 and PC.
All are 30 FPS locked since the animations and game logic are tied to framerate. Running it in 60 FPS would make it run twice as fast and break everything.
>in before some shitty private site
if you're that fucking poor just emulate it on ps2 with configuration settings
it was alright
i never mentioned a site, but privates are inherently shit with bad selection
why would you even bring up blackcats
You get absolutely nothing out of X-2's combat system if you use wait mode. Every move in X has a weighted delay associated with which affects the turn order. Of course all of that gets thrown out the window once you get quick hit, but you can't tell me X-2's frantic flailing trying to hit targets that are already dead, tripping over each other because lol pathing is objectively better.
Blackcats has literally everything and even if it's somehow missing something you can put up a bounty request and it gets filled within literally less than 24 hours as long as you offer payment in upload credit.
>as long as you offer payment in upload credit.
>you can pirate games for free
>as long as you offer some money
You are beyond fucking retarded
But what could I expect from a cancerous Sup Forumsutist leaking from his containment board.
I wish I could fucking murder you for your fucking ignorance and stupidity.
I wish I could murder you for being a fucking edgy degenerate
What the fuck, 37 gigs? Isn't this a game from the early 2000s?
I'm not familiar with that Korean pop band, user
It has new high-res textures, dual audio and high res CGI FMVs (x2 since they've got English and Jap ones so it also bloats the filesize)
They're attempting to discourage pirates