This looks nothing like Desmond Miles

This looks nothing like Desmond Miles.

He's not Desmond though.

Thats good though, Desmond looks like Adam Sandler

Fagbender is honestly one of the best actors they could've picked.
Also it's not about Desmond or any of his ancestors I believe.
Also this Desmond looks like a sandnigger version of Sandler.

>Desmond looks like a sandnigger version of Sandler.
only after revelations, he started to look like a weird version of Sandler
everything started to go full retarded after the ending of Bruhhood/spoiler]

Really? Doesn't look like Sandler nor does he look like le ebin sandnegro.

3 was the game that kicked the bucket for me, what a pile of shit

Came here to post this, Fass is pretty good actor to get for a movie which will be 90% fightan choreography and CGI eagle dives.
This actually suggests that their might be a good script for this shit, or at least his character.

Fagblender is directing it himself isn't he? Generally he's the only reason this movie is even happening. I have hopes it's going to be decent if only because of him.

Post video game movies.

PoP Sand of Time was really good.

I really like this move even though I don't remember shit from it

Had literally nothing to do with the Sands Trilogy other than the concept of time manipulating sand.
It was really meh. I only watched it for the slut.

Anyone have that chart of Desmond's faces throughout the series that starts normal but eventually ends up with him looking like a fucking orangutan?

That's because he's not supposed to be Desmond you fucking retard. You probably thought Marion was playing Lucy too didn't you?

I don't think Irish people should be in films.


Even in the first one he looks like a sandnigger.
A good looking sandnigger, but still a sandnigger.

Beat me to it, they should've stuck with 1/2. Is it really that fucking hard? Desmond looks like a completely different fucking guy in Rev and 3. Literally a better acting Sandler in Rev.

Does everything look like a sandnigger to you?

No, I'm merely European and I know how sandniggers look due to our neighbouring countries being chock full of them now. Good thing we told them and Merkel to fuck off though.

Even Desmond Miles looks nothing like Desmond Miles

I'm a Eurofag too, he doesn't even look like one


>he doesn't even look like one
Have you ever met someone from the levant? I've got Lebanese relatives and Desmond wouldn't look out of place in a family photo album.

Good, he was fucking ugly.

Maybe the levant, Desmond just looks of Italian descent (which was kinda intentional)

Or, hang on, how many different kinds of ethnicities does Desmond have? Arabic (though Altair's background is poorly documented), English, native American, Italian...

>how many different kinds of ethnicities does Desmond have?
Skimming through the wiki the answer seems to be "all of them".

And he was apparently modelled after a french-canadian with hispanic ancestry.


How deep does the rabbit hole go?

He's not Desmond.
'Callum Lynch discovers he is a descendant of the secret Assassins society through unlocked genetic memories that allow him to relive the adventures of his ancestor, Aguilar, in 15th century Spain. After gaining incredible knowledge and skills he's poised to take on the oppressive Knights Templar in the present day.'

He's just your average new worlder "muh hertitage" fag

holy fuck they made a mistake. i would totally watch an adam sandler assassin's creed movie in theatres.


Slavs are -just like sandniggers- subhumans though