So, feeling like a major NORMIE lately because I cannot seem to beat this fucker. I've probably tried 50 times...

So, feeling like a major NORMIE lately because I cannot seem to beat this fucker. I've probably tried 50 times. Never had this much trouble with any other boss in the series.
Any tips? I've mostly been using chaos dark sword and a light shield so I can fast roll, but I also tried a tank style build with greataxe and greatshield of glory. Neither are working for me.
I usually get him into second phase but then get killed in one hit. I do have pretty low vigor, maybe that's the problem.
Inb4 git gud, I know

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Have you tried that ring that gives you a billion i frames? With fast roll that should make things easier. He has a lot of moves!

eat red bug pellets

Which one, the one that makes you invisible when you roll, or the one that says "boosts rolling invincibility"

the bloodring/boosts rolling invincibility at cost of taking more damage. It's quite significant.

If normie is defined by a functioning social life then myself and many other normies have no problem with this dork and I'd rather not be lumped in with you. Thanks.

Roll out the way and git gud

gg ez lol

Is this game easier than the sequels because I'm not struggling at all and I just beat High Lord Wolnir. All bosses so far have been

I like how you embered after the second phase started. Never thought of that, good tip

>just beat High Lord Wolnir
All bosses up to and including wolnir is fucking e-z mode, its after him that you get a few not so easy ones.

OP here, I do feel like 3 was easier compared to the others. Like you said, none of the other bosses took me more than 5 tries or so. But there is a huge, disproportionate jump in difficulty when you get to nameless King and soul of cinder

Is this lag, or... What

Yes, host had a shit connection and FROM netcode is not perfect. Happens pretty often.

Pretty much the only thing that enables co-op babies to progress in the game.

Getting sick of this bonfire

Post a picture of your stats.


No shame in summoning. You can do it!

Thanks senpai but I'm a dirty pirate so I have to play offline

Grind a little more, or respec to get 50 strength and 50 faith to use Morne's hammer.

Well the first problem is you have a chaos infused weapon and you attuned lightning blade, but can't use it. What I would recommend is respecing. Get your vigor to 27, your dex to 40, most/all the points in faith and endurance to get the above stats. Then change your sword's infusion to refined. You can then use some pine resin to get an almost as good buff after the stats change. Your damage and hp should both be higher.

>defeated Nameless King under 5 tries because muh camera angles

>Sulyvahn Beasts took me 50+ tries

Literally wtf from

Thanks, gonna go respec now. And yeah sword is chaos, but I was using lightning blade when I was using heavy greataxe on an earlier attempt. It was just still attuned

Straight swords are really overpowered in Dark Souls 3 (mainly in pve, but still slightly bullshit in pvp). Making it refined and getting 40/40 you should see better results all around. Lord of Cinder probably has a pretty high fire resist and the normal physical resist so when you hit him with your current weapon you are losing like 40% or more damage.

Learn to recognize his combo in 2nd phase.
Circlestrafe to the right. Bait for his jump attack, roll to the sides and punish. Stay cool.

Yeah, this is what I'm working with right now. I'm dumb and didn't realize he's probably resistant to fire.
Whats another good straight sword? Or just respec this one to refined?

just circle around his left arm in phase 1, and stay the fuck out of him in phase 2. When he jumps at you do a couple attacks and run the fuck away.

>compaq monitor
How? did you buy it in 2005?

I knew someone would comment on that. I normally use a TV as my monitor but I'm living in a dorm right now so I just brought this shitty old monitor instead of the 50 inch TV, to save space

>I've beaten every boss under 5 tries

>not using REVOLT multiplayer fix


>So, feeling like a major NORMIE
>dark souls is for normies meme

When will this meme end? Everyone I speak to has no idea this series exists

Got a link?

I'm not saying dark souls is for normies, I'm saying I feel like a normie for not being able to beat it

Sunlight Straight Sword is really good. It's weapon art is a buff like sacred oath. It's scaling is also really nice.

Dark Sword is fine though, it will have similar damage and the stomp weapon art has no business being on a straight sword.

Yeah I don't think I've ever actually used stomp in combat

It prevents you from getting staggered mid swing, so for a common enemy if you trade blows they will stagger and you won't.

Doesn't work as well with bosses since trading is a bad idea, but if it comes to the last hit then it would work.