It's Canon!

>Nintendo upholding traditional family values
Where were you when Gamefreak BTFO homos?

>proudly wearing a rainbow on his hat
Next time might want to check yourself before you wreck yourself.

>Implying gay people can't marry

>he's married to a man
>they only ever imply it but the only other person wearing a ring is a man that hangs out with him constantly

/vp/ asspain levels will be off the charts for the rest of eternity

>Not knowing rainbows have been a symbol of peace and God before sodomites corrupted it
Learn your history, cock globber.

oh yea im sure thats what they meant when the used it in our modern society on this character

I bet you still call things "gay" when you mean "happy", don't you?

and now?

I haven't followed these games at all, ow does this Blow out homos?

OP assumes that since he's married, he's straight and if he's straight then homos have one less man to lust after as if that ever stops anyone


But why would homo's lust after this guy? Who is he and what is attractive about him at all? He looks like one of the swimmer trainers from old Pokemon games, and nobody seemed to care about those losers.

what a cute trap

holy shit what the fuck are those graphics

A 240p game made in 2016 blown up to 1080p

he's cute hawaiian brah

Like Sycamore 2.0

"Cute" traps usually turn into hons once they hit their 30s. Those artificial hormones will do that to you.

>even your mom has buckteeth now

I want to murder that fucking artist, holy fuck.

Now I need to check the trailer and see if that fat tan professor has a ring

I don't see a ring.

She is holding her hands on her dress, user.

>itoi's face when the media calls this faggot a progressive milestone

Question about wedding rings: Are they always on the same hand? Do spouses wear them on the opposite hand of each other? Because that lady doesn't have one on her right hand at 1:07 on the Starter video


Always on the left ring finger. Always.

Only stupid people get married

In certain contexts, yeah.

I was content in the fact that I'd grown out of Pokemon years ago.

Turning Lupin III gay only solidifies my decision to move on.

>sour grapes

Left hand ring finger.

Ive always heard it was because theres a vein that goes to the heart, but its probably just a myth.

is that the disney purity ring?

homos put rings on it too

The Jews were right about sodomites.

I'm fine with the kind of people desperately looking for "progressive milestones" in video games staying the fuck away from the Mother series.

This, goddamnit. Don't draw teeth if you're not going to do them right.

All veins go to the heart, retard.

Don't gay people wear their rings on their right hands because
>hurrrr durr gay rights



Fair enough.

I don't like the idea of wearing a ring all of the time.

Is it acceptable to wear your wedding ring on a necklace?

Weren't the magypsies genderless?

No, but in the 80s and 90s wearing an earring on your right ear was considered a sign of being a faggot. Left is right and right is wrong was a fairly common saying.

no nigga

You could, you know, just not get married.

>Father is around because its harder to run away when you live on an island

can somebody explain to me why people thought he was gay in the first place

and secondarily, why having a wedding band means he cant be

>Weren't the magypsies genderless?
Yes technically, but I believe Itoi said he had trans friends and he decided to implement that into Mother 3.
Just like Duster is a cripple, and the whole world of Mother represents the handicapped through his character.
Just like Salsa and Samba represent the African Americans in the Mother universe.

No, but it is acceptable to not be a fucking baby and wear the ring.
Also acceptable to take it off in the shower or some shit. You just have to be seen with the damned thing, that's it.

>can somebody explain to me why people thought he was gay in the first place
Wishful thinking because he's so handsome.

>Yes technically, but I believe Itoi said he had trans friends and he decided to implement that into Mother 3.

Feels like he was making fun of how unconvincing and flamboyant they were.

You forget it's there after about 5 minutes. Don't be a moron.

>Even though Ionia proves their worth by teaching Kumatora PK Starstorm

>and secondarily, why having a wedding band means he cant be

Game is Japanese and gays can't get married over there.

>>United states
>>Gay marriage legal

>>He'll have a cute husband

it's set in Hawaii

What's with you fags and "cute"? If you want him to be homo, why not a regular non-fems guy?


>Where were you when Gamefreak BTFO homos?
>Has a fucking rainbow on his hat, the literal symbol of homos
More like BTFO hetfags. He's obviously in a gay marriage.


Are you really saying that only fem guys are cute?

Bara is very cute

It's still a Japanese game.

Dumb fuck. Rainbows are a symbol of peace and a religious one as well to many cultures around the world, not just Western homos.

Gay marriage is literally not legal in Japan. There is no reason why a Japanese developer would include it in their game.


not him but Im hetero and I can appreciate cute shit too

>trans people will never teach kids psi powers by taking bath together with them

Lucas just held his head underwater.

Actually my Highschool teacher who does a lot of shit that his ring can get caught on stuff and you know, rip his fucking finger off because of it wears his ring on a chain.
We've been good buddies since I was a freshman and I only ever asked when we hit the bar after a bike race

Most are displayed that way in japanese media. Doesnt seem like an insult to them but seems more as a way to give them more character without having an arduous task of explaining their situation or why. If you give them an outgoing personality the reader just assumes "oh they just like themselves this way and are happy" and move on.
just what it seems like to me, not completely sure because i honestly dont care at all about it.

My dad is married and I don't think he's worn a ring in decades.

Do you know those things pose a health hazard? If your hand swells up, getting the ring off becomes impossible, and they choke off blood flow to the finger.

are you seriously implying that you arent allowed to make a game about things that are illegal in your video game
are you actually this fucking stupid

>want to get married
>50% divorce rate

Dont marry a cunt then.
Fucking idiot.

it's not like it's fucking random

don't get married unless you're in a good relationship

Nah, drag queens are famously obnoxious. Look up Ru Paul.

>wanting to get married

even with a prenup it's not worth it

everything in life has a 50% chance

Sure, but Ionia was still unconvincing and flamboyant. This is a comedy game after all.

i know that bitch. i was talking about in japanese media, though i havent seen all that much but from what i've seen they have all had a similar personality

Stop this shit. Just because you don't want to get married doesn't mean that marriages universally fail.

not if you are your wifes first man

only marry virgins

That was the entire point.
Kirby is literally a fucking demon that consumes everything, but on the outside he's just a cute little airhead.

They cant.

>Weren't the magypsies genderless?


Fassad is confirmed male.


except they do

They can't because it's wrong.

everyone's staying away from the mother series though, it's fucking dead lmao get dunked

>only marry virgins
I live in America, so that's gonna be pretty fucking hard

>gay marriage is illegal so it would never happen in a fantasy video game
>numerous doujins and mangas of gays/traps getting married and even pregnant

Cmon, user...

They literally can though. And even before they legally could in the US they would still wear rings.

Does anyone honestly care?

That's bullshit and anybody whose met an old married couple who were genuiniely happy know this.

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson have been married for over 25 years, and celebrity marriages are the most likely to fail.

You're deliberately lying to yourself if you honestly think that marriage never works.

80% divorce rate if they have an autistic child

Well, there wasn't much progressive about it.

Sure the Magypsies were there, but they're just there for humour, not to further trans-rights.

Sure there are degenerate countries that allow gay marriages, but that doesn't make it right

Japanese media still has the balls to use stereotypes.

>50% divorce rate

If you were guaranteed those chances in a lottery, would you play? Of course you would, for those are high chances of success.

If you have weapon that has 50% chance to critical hit for 4 times the damage, would you use it over a weapon that has a 0% chance to critical hit but does double damage? Of course you would, for again those are high chances of success

Unless we speak of marraige percentages in XCOM games. In that case anything that isn't 100% don't even bother.

Sorry for my poor English, I am from Florida

>implying people don't change


Marriage ends in either divorce or death. Therefore nothing good will ever come from marriage.
Don't get married.