What went wrong?

What went wrong?


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Legion will save WoW. Prove me wrong.

What is really so fun about spamming abilities in a huge clusterfuck with no real purpose?

Nothing. WoW is objectively in the best shape of its life currently and can only go up from here.

The reason that the playerbase has dropped low is that nostalgic shills are shilling Vanilla and WoTLK servers, blinded by their nostalgia and are convincing the existing playerbase that retail WoW is bad and that they should stop playing WoW or play private servers instead.

Blizzard knows what they're doing more than a group of people in their basements illegally running pirated versions of games' previous expansions.

Nostalgia hinders progress. People blinded by nostalgia can't try something new. They'll never experience something new. They're afraid of change. Real Blizzard fans, like myself, should acknowledge that WoW isn't perfect but you make absolutely zero progress from hiding in the past. I raise my head up, look at the sky, and march on hopefully to a better future and a beta WoW.

Don't forget to preorder Legion for an exclusive mount and pet!

better WoW*

Do stupid shit is funny

nostalgia hinders progress?

what if the progress you've made puts you in the negative because it's absolute shit?


shut up and master a different
class to Warlord.
There something new.
Now you can go back to sucking Activisions cock.
It's not THEIR community either, they just bought into it.

>wow pvp
>make a comparison of an everyday occurrence to one time scripted battle

i think this video embodies the design philosophy the wow team had back then perfectly and explains the good parts about vanilla

blizzcon 2005

There is no substance to make the game interesting outside playing it with friends. You have these bells and whistles but there is nothing to make it a solid game.

Fucking Ragnarok had more substance than WoW and that was also a sluggish game.

Every expansion after Wotlk

>Remove CRZ
>remove LFR
>remove dungeon finder
>remove garrisons and the garrison mission table

Fixed WoW

>vanilla parts
>not requiem for a dream or system of a down

i think they need to stop diluting and discouraging a server community

also stop the gear treadmill after legion, at least dont focus on it so much

make some tiny-expacs that focus and add some new zones or whatever for low-mid level chars

why cant we have several quests zones for lvl 30, 50, 72 whatever

why does everything have to be mainstreamed so much that u just get hand held throughout the game

Like Eve, WoW is a old-news game. Kids are way less likely to grind the fuck out of MMOs now that better games have been released

As someone who's currently playing the alpha, I can safely say its more of the same as WoD.

Nothing about it is appealing other than the larger zones, the pruning and casualization is just too much. Legion is possibly going to be worse than WoD in terms of raiding and PvP.

Get with the times

this and
>remove ez epics
>remove hierlooms
>make world explroration great again


I don't even think heirlooms would be a problem if they tuned them down to be more in line with blues. There's nothing more boring than zoning into a dungeon with a bunch of guys in heirlooms and you can't even get a fireball off because they globaled every elite in the pull and are already on the next one.

Exp bonus is fine, the itemization is retarded.

Honest answer. How dead is this game currently?

Web 2.0, not even geemu could handle it

I see a few people in Tanaan all the time, Ashran is always busy, BG queues are fast and full

That's a question not an answer ya dingus

what a dumb fucking video. I hate when people compare things and its biased as fuck

Considering they're embarrassed to release sub numbers after Q2, pretty fucking bad probably

It's no where near as popular as it once was but there's still plenty of high/locked servers. Then when you throw cross-realm bullshit into the mix you'll find that every location is populated.

What's currently the best English not buggy blizzlike WOTLK private server out there right now?

In that video? Cherry picking. Retail can look like vanilla in the video, just go to ashran.




>Ten new dungeons
>Two new raids
>ten new world bosses
How is this a bad thing?


Not an argument

this is the worst kind of cherrypick video

jesus christ

Like cata and panda and wod and blahblahblah shill

I don't think anyone wanted Pandaria. Cata was supposed to take us back to the "roots" of challenging gameplay and all it was was tedious dogshit.

Mop was good tho

What, did you really expect people with rose-tinted nostalgia glasses to have _actual_ arguments?


Data taken from the game... a month ago now? Said a peak of around 1.5 million it's probably much lower now.

5 million or something

That cherry picking. are nostalrius fags really this insecure?

And does that PvP really look fun? Just looks like a massive zerg of 'who can bring more players'.

I think this guy gets it. Dedicated PvP talents, humans nerfed and gear not mattering is gunna be huge.

> Dedicated PvP talents, humans nerfed and gear not mattering is gunna be huge.

B-but muh purplez

Forgot to include the every minute graveyard runs in the vanilla video lel

Makes you wonder if half the stuff will make it into retail considering WoD only had 2 raid tiers.

I know it'll probably be shit but this looks real fucking comfy


>a pre-planned community event
>typical day to day MMO monotony

Not even pretending not to cherry pick. This vid should instead show someone shouting in trade chat for 3 hours looking for a healer for ubrs.

>thinking that Legion will be shit
Stop that, user.


i wish i had a collage of all the fucking shill threads about how WoD was going to save WoW and be better than vanilla right now

Soda made a really good point a few casts ago on how the game will change after Legion.

>Legion is not gonna bring everyone back but instead cater to the more recent players
>If Legacy servers do become a thing, and people not only play them but stick to them (6 months of Legacy) then it will influence the next expansion
>Legion patch 7.2 has around 3.2 million players
>Legacy has around 5.8 million constant players
>Blizz will obviously cater to the larger majority

I hope some old changes come back after Legion to slow the game down and make it more worth while to not be max level

Remove the last two sentences and you'll hook a lot more people.

Garrisons and Class Halls(reskinned garrisons) are completely indefensible.

No flying at max level? Also indefensible.

The entire game world and server community ruined by instancing is also indefensible.

>5.8 million constant players
Nostcuck detected

>Fly to Auchenai Crypts for porting other players to the instance.
>Ask help for porting.
>One player is too far away
>the other two players starting an argument who should go to the portal stone
>group is close to split up

Luckly I was able to convince both players that they both fly to the portal stone.(or the player from far away came to me can't remember any more)
The instance itself was no problem but I was really pissed about the two players.

Could you PLEASE delete this post?

As someone who's currently playing the alpha, I can safely say that you are full of shit

>excited for beta launch
>check twitch to enjoy it with my fellow Blizzbros
>happy to see WoW being in the top 3 again
>click it
>literally 25k people are watching a guy streaming molten core
>barely 5k people watching the beta launch



Who cares about twitch?

As someone else who is playing alpha, I can safely say you are full of shit for thinking he's full if shit.

>people putting "epic" music to WoW 'combat'

There is nothing more cringe-worthy

This guy gets it.

Literally nobody gives a fuck about twitch. See LoL/Dota2 and HotS. HotS is the best moba out there and has more people playing it than LoL/Dota2 combinded. They aren't watching it on twitch, though because they are way too busy playing this strategic masterpiece.

Cancelled my preorder because I didn't get alpha or beta invites. This random select invitation is cancer on the industry just like early access. The last thing they need to do is continue to alienate their current/previous playerbase further. Now beta is gonna be just like alpha where its filled with normies who have never played WoW or the genre and have no stake in the matter. That and people who just don't give feedback or make reports at all. Fuck these people. If I dont access within the week im legit going to XIV.

I'm a blizzdrone and even I'd be embarrassed to spew shit like this. Playerbase droped because of Nostacucks? The base dropped to shit before nostalrius got shut down. The playerbase dropped because WoD is a shitty expansion, that's it. Way too little to do outside of raiding (3 raids) and you can gear up directly to the last one so the first 2 are obsolete. They added absolutely nothing for the PvP crowd but a zerg fest nobody likes.
Apart from that you can do, YOU GUESSED IT! DAILIES! YAY!
My whole guild unsubbed until legion after we took down archie, we couldn't even be assed to gear up properly, for what? For beating the same raid on an even higher difficulty? We didn't even step foot in to HM or BRF because it was faster to gear via tanaan/ashran and we dived directly into HC.

But thats exactly what pristine realms are proposing to do, yet theres such a backlash about them because apparently its 'Vanilla or nothing' to some people.

>go to subway
>order a sub
>sandwich artist takes a shit on a plate and hands it to me
>"Enjoy your pristine server, sir!"
>Blizzcucks unironically expect people to eat it up

I cant tell if you actually dont get it or are being ironic

Honestly im starting to believe them when they say "You think you do, but you dont." What is missing from Vanilla is the sense of community and the necessity of group play. These are steps towards fixing that. Very, very few people are pushing for Vanilla because of its abysmal content. They are right in that if they added legacy realms people would move on to the next expansion in months, not years. Its such a tiny minority that wants to stick to Vanilla that its not worth catering to. Thats why I honestly thing pristine is the right direction because we need the new content, but we need to remove features that take away the community on that realm.

Stopped reading right there

>I'm going to throw a temper tantrum because I didn't get in Beta right away and then I'm going to an even shittier game! that'll show them!

See you in Legion :^)


I don't get why everyone loves kill videos like this. Method does this shit all the time.

If I wanted to play Legion/WoD "content", I would play it on retail. Pristine doesn't change anything if it's the same fucking raid you have to do in four difficulties.

I liked the progression in vanilla. It felt, like there was always something to look up to. In terms of gear, instances, gear, level and raids. This isn't there in WoD/Legion, it's the same fucking raid over and over again for the very same look in slightly different color.

I still don't get how retailcucks let Blizzard get away with this shit.

Its been a series of offenses that clearly demonstrate they don't care.

>that down to earth chat-like presentation
>referencing his mom's adventure
>tons of facts & data
>screenshots from development that show attachment to the product
>nerdy but excited voice
Goddamn things went south really bad at Blizzard. Where did everything go so wrong?

what is even the problem with lfr and dungeon

fags just bitch about it all the time saying it ruins the experience yet i remember sitting in org spamming trade chat for hours just to find a healer or a tank to actually do content instead of sitting in a queue that takes a 1/3 of the time. how much nostalgia can you have thinking that was ever so fun

Because until Wrath hit most people never got to see most of the game.

>casting blizzard on a group of poeple like it's some pve encounters
fucking retards lmao

How about you stop being an autist, be social, get friends, a guild and never have to spam trade again.

>he still thinks garrisons are what ruined WoW

Spoiler: WoW was ruined before garrisons came out.

Jesus Christ, fuck off shill.

Also in alpha. It's not lies and he was telling the truth. Just because you wish it was something else doesn't change it.

>Legacy has around 5.8 million constant players
You have got to be fucking kidding me. What planet are you living on?

>we have amazing tools, it's not like we're limited by technology
>technology's just not there yet. Ten

oh god, the memories

No fucking way its 5mil right now. More likely less than 3mil.

Largest retail server in the world, peak times.

You decide.

>HotS is the best moba out there
Holy fuck, are you serious? xD

Playing it right now

that's not illidan-horde, nice try though



Lucky, my server has 170 players online at peak time. It's so dead.

You think it is but it's really not.

>Solid PvP lead Brian Holinka


traditional gameplay vs. casual gameplay

the industry is slowly learning that casual games belong where they started, on mobile/handheld devices. blizzard has become one of the most retarded developers lately, especially the wow team, so naturally they are still going balls deep in the casual bullshit

To the ground, baby

>dwarf is least played race

>garrison shit
>channeling blizzard
they're both shit