PC gamer here

PC gamer here

Yesterday my best friend invited me to his place to play Uncharted 4

I tried to remain calm and not show too much interest in the game ... but I have to ask:

How in the FUCK this game graphics looks this good??? How is this even possible???
And yes, Im pretty mad about this

Naughty Dog should be developing for PC and not for inferior consoles

They're just gods at optimization.

Come on man. You are not even trying anymore.

Is how.

I was suprised too, easily supasses all other console games in terms of graphics.

The power of the Cell. The PS4 is basically a super charged PC.

>tfw Uncharted 4 is basically TLOU but with "uncharted gameplay"
Fuck you Naughty Dog, glad i sold my PS4 instead of waiting for this shit.

I don't really like uncharted and i don't care much for console war bullshit but it does seem pretty impressive for a console game.

Digitalfoundry says it is the most impressive console game to date but i don't know thats their honest opinion or sonybucks speaking.

Either way the game does look good.

First-party dev pushing the limits of a medium/low tier high equivalent rig. The reason there isn't much that looks better than Uncharted 4 on PC is that there's no market for it. PC is a 4k multiplat platform, but as we all know, multiplats don't end up pushing the hardware for any of the platforms it's on.

If the thread doesn't 404, salty gamers will shit on Uncharted 4, nitpicking low bitrate videos and compressed screenshots to get their confirmation bias and be able to sleep tonight.

It's impressive, tlou on roids.

Digitalfoundry likes games that push the limit of the hardware

They even liked FAST racing neo on Wii U because it was pretty as fuck and ran smooth as shit, even though it led to the road being hard to see due to fucking shitty motion blur in some levels

to me it looks exactly like Last of Us. Now that was an impressive looking game for PS3

Anyways, graphics are it's only appeal and since they are basically a non-factor when it comes to how good a game is, I'd say it's a pretty bad game. It's glorified because it's on a console with no games

>inferior console
>how does it look so good!?!
then thats clearly not the case, pc are fucking pathetic for actual "gaming", why do you think the most popular games are cancerous and shitty moba games, a card game based off a moba, and fucking 15 year old shitty fps games with micro dlc that cost $100?

Outside of Nintendo's consoles, there haven't really been any notable exclusives on any platforms this gen. All the major games are multiplats. Terrible argument.

>id say its a bad game
>never even played it
Pffffffthahahahahahaha this fucking pcuck
playing it right now, fucking goty right here

kek nice false flagging op i bet you are that one OP who post undertale graphics vs uncharted 4 graphics earlier

You think its the same guy who also keeps posting random pc game from 10 years ago vs uncharted 4? i'm 95% sure it is him

You can see that the game struggles with shadows in the later areas of the game. They're not as sharp as you would hope but otherwise the game looks gorgeous.

Im going to rent a PS4 just to play this.

I enjoyed the other Uncharted games.

You're not a pc gamer
However Uncharted does look pretty good.
Less so at points but overall pretty good.

And holy shit they had the sense to lower the graphics-o-meter to get 60fps in multiplayer

I remember playing one Uncharted games for like 20 minutes in my cousin's PS3 and it was pretty boring and bland, it was to be expected from a normie-core console game though. I watched a 30 minutes of a U4 let's play and that doesn't seem to have changed.

I don't understand how what you say makes my argument terrible? Just because other games are also terrible this makes it ok for U4 to be terrible?

And resolution. Multiplayer is 900p

>didnt play uncharted 2, the best one
>using newfag buzzwords like normies
>watching video of other people playing games like a cuck
yeah your post is worthless kiddo, just stop getting mad ps4 got another actually good game you desperately want. If you didnt care why are you in this thread?

It's not, though. It's only terrible because you can't play it. See, it's actually the reverse of the actual facts.

I've owned every sony console and never played TLOU or Uncharted.

How do you expect me to describe normies without using the word normies? "Normal people with bad taste"? It's fine man just keep clinging to whatever AAA game is released no matter how bad it is.

I can play it, I don't want to.

Although I'm a sonygger I try to be objective but the game actually does look pretty impressive compared to others, besides the occasional pixelized textures.

The game get's too high scores tho, it was an enjoyable game but it's more like an 8 then the 9-10s it's getting everywhere. I might have scored it higher if it was the first time playing an Uncharted game. The game mechanics aren't that great with all the annoying automatic repositionings of movements and shit and the shooting parts are still boring as fuck. Good story tho.

In addition, I still think the Order 1886 had pretty amazing graphics as well. Too bad the game was utter shit.

>this backpedaling
listen kid i dont know why youre so upset people are enjoying an objectively good game, but maybe if you werent a fucking grown man or underage cancer living with your parent you can afford to buy tons of games across all platforms and enjoy them, not my fault youre a pcuck

>Naughty Dog should be developing for PC and not for inferior consoles

kek, and who would fund their games? mustards?

Backpedaling on what, exactly?

And why are you acting like I can't buy multiple consoles and games? I just said in the post you're replying to that I could play the game if I wanted to.


So what about the gameplay? Is it still a linear corridor shooter interspersed with braindead push-block puzzles and cringe-inducing one-liners?

>Naughty Dog will never license their engine

The minute you develop for pcs is the minute you loose the optimization which is why it can look nice on a ps4

PCucks are such hypocrites. Hardcore PC players are even more autistic then console gamers. Wtf are you guys even trying to prove? With your LoL, WoW, DotA, HotS, SCII or whichever autistic game you are playing so much that your social lives are non-existent.

How is being a normie social guy enjoying Uncharted 4 not >>> then a sad fat greasy neckbeard fagtron playing LoL? Right it isn't. Now foad.

>game is bad!
>did you play it?
>no i saw 20 seconds of it
>so no you didnt?
>i dont wanna! game is still bad though
This is how fucking retarded you sound. You're a fucking joke kid.

Not OP but is me, I guess that sort of comes down to the truth. The multiplayer is kind of enjoyable in a goofy way tho.

this game is stunning on console, and I'm pc master race but do not be fooled by reviews

to this day, every time when I did load up Star Wars Battlefront, I have no idea how they got those graphics on a ps4, obviously it looks x10 better on pc, but the graphics they got battlefront doing on ps4 is honestly mind boggling

This has to be a joke post. Look at the amount of questions mark and ellipses, as if a newfag wrote this

nice try false flagger.

Most of the game is pre-baked (there's not even real time AO), and when the game have to rely on the base game lighting the environment looks like absolute ass. And there are ALOT of places like that.

If you didn't like any previous uncharted games you won't like 4.

I only really liked 2 out of all of the previous games and I really ended up liking 4 also. It's the fantastic pacing in 2 & 4 that made me love them so much, and I also really like the combat in 4 because it doesn't let you stay in cover and forces you to move and use different ways to deal with enemies.


Too obvious bait. Fuck off Sony shitposter.

Why are PCuks hypocrites now? I never called console games autists, I just named normies, who are just casuals who have bad taste, why do you think shit games like CoD keep selling so much?
Maybe if they had better vidya they'd have less social life.

If you are happy being a normie (social guy enjoying Uncharted 4) then that's fine for you if you are content with being a casual, but I'd rather play """better""" and competitive video games.

>20 seconds
Try 30 minutes(as I said in my previous post that you apparently didn't read).

And you don't think that watching how a game plays is enough to realize if you're going to like playing such game? Keep calling me kid though.

>took the 20 second hyperbole seriously
>thinks a small brief viewing is enough to judge an entire game
How old are you? You know you're suppose to be at least 18 to be here right? Do you habe autism or asbergers?

People like you are so sour it makes me cringe. Who the fuck cares that Uncharted's obvious top tier console graphics do not use real time AO? The fuckin game looks amazing and can easily compete with graphics ran on a proper PC. It's your own fault that you spend all that money on a PC that can run everything on ultra. The reviews are in no way deceiving, the graphics are top notch for a console game.

>small brief viewing
30 minutes is demo tier. And for a moviegame it's longer than what a trailer would be. You are seriously going to keep calling me kid?

I can't get over how great the tropical island looks. The way the light hits the foliage and dust particles, I feel like I'm actually in the fucking jungle.

>can compare with graphics ran on a proper pc
UC4 fucking blows everything out the water on PC, PC is a fucking joke especially with modern shit GPUs.

>modern shit GPUs
The fuck kind of GPUs do you think consoles use? Some advanced future magical tech? Their APUs are made by AMD dude

This game is fun as fuck to play. Get rekt faggots.

Crysis looks better than Uncharted 4 easily hands down.

FFXV looks pretty good.

The problem with Nipland is they take so long to develop, half their games were meant to be PS3 games. Nioh and Persona V for example.

>Play PC games on ultra settings
>Hurrdurr graphics are superior
>All objects have an insanely stupid unrealistic shininess.

Uh yeah no.


Oh come on, western hollywoodesque aesthetic sucks




As a PC gamer its disheartening to see others shitposting about 30fps and cherrypicking bad screens. I really would like to have some developers like naughty dog doing PC work. Even if they use tricks to conserve resources, they work and make for an aesthetically pleasing game granted you aren't being an autist squishing your face against each wall counting the polygons of each model and resolutions of each texture.

>How in the FUCK this game graphics looks this good??? >How is this even possible???
>And yes, Im pretty mad about this

Hello shill.

I"m now convinced that Naughty Dog pays people to post here and keep these threads alive. Just look at IGN on facebook they fucking post uncharted shit all day long and and if you post something negative you get blocked. If you keep posting shit you get blocked.

Pic related
Shortly after this the comment was deleted and I was blocked from posting on there.

Also carefully look at the fucking wording in the OP, look how fucking try hard it is. Guys this isn't tinfoil shit. Its fucking real and happening right here on Sup Forums holy fuck.

>$1.50 was added to your account

Wtf do you expect from a company that literally has naughty in the name.

You can't optimize like this on PC and Naughty Dog are gods at optimization.


I'm honestly losing faith in videogames more and more as days pass

I can't believe this game actually is considered one of the best exclusives, let alone a good game (it's not). I'm baffled

Sour Grapes

>I can't believe this game actually is considered one of the best exclusives
paid reviews my friend
also people paid to shill on social media
You are in a shill thread RIGHT NOW
the person that made this thread was paid to make this

You sound mad that people like what you don't like. Doesn't mean they have bad tastes, it means they like different things than you.

If I've gathered anything from your posts, you seem to have objectively bad tastes as you assume anything "AAA" is bad.

Btw, idort master race here.

Yes yes, I'm a Pcuck alright. Literally can't say any negatives about any exclusive without being called one, but I knew it already
I hope you like that Sony cock in your mouth tho

ill get uc4 when i can get it and the collection for 60-65 bux



>Literally can't say any negatives about any exclusive without being called one

You didn't just say a negative, you flatout said that the game wasn't good.
I mean universal praise doesn't come with bad games.
If you think it does please show me one single game that was universally acclaimed while being a bad game.


>getting mad about graphix
us pc gamers right?

>If you think it does please show me one single game that was universally acclaimed while being a bad game.
League of Legends

>universally acclaimed
Do you know what this phrase means?

Not everything AAA but how many good games were released in 2015? 4?

Getting a little salty there, eh?

Don't worry m8, it's just a game. It's funny that Pcucks always brag and throw shit in other people's mouth, but as soon as a game exclusive deems worthy on another platform and people get hyped, they get butthurt and resort to buzzwords.

Like I said, it's just a game, you can go back to play and close this thread. There's a lot of great games on PC with better graphics. Let us have our fun.

>Mfw Sonyggers will try to play the victim again after this
Oh man, this shitposting is gonna be fun.


Heroes never die!

They don't call it funposting for nothing.
But yea, it's great, Sonyggers will complain about being treated like shit then when they're out of a slump for a bit they go right back to flinging shit (and in turn, everyone hates them even more).
It's great, and it's a never-ending cycle.

>30 fps
>require to render half the frames

Pretty easy to explain

>Falseflagging as a PS4 owner is fun

I don't falseflag as a PS4 owner.
Don't really have to, they shitpost just fine on their own.

The same thing can be said about Pcucks.

You're just as insufferable as Sonyggers. Right now, it's like seeing a retard making fun of another retard.

Pcucks always swing shit around about muh mustard race but always get defensive and get a massive victim complex as soon as consoles get any tiny good thing going for them.

>You're just as insufferable as Sonyggers.
Only to Sonyggers.
As an idort, I'd take the most obnoxious Mustard Race faggot over the average Sonygger any day of the week, as would most others.
Sonyggers are a legitimate cancer, no one else even comes close.

Uncharted 4.

Yes it is bad, for multiple reasons:

The "platforming" is braindead. You don't have to time jumps or anything, just hold the stick and press X as much as needed. That's LITERALLY (in the real sense of the word) how it is. Sometimes you have to press L1 to use the grappling hook.

IA is fucking spastic. They are fucking stupid if you play stealthly, which the game wants you to (every area has that high grass you can hide), but as soon as they spot you they become literally Rambo. Starting the action right away it's fatal because you have to kill so many soldiers, and you are constrained to stay in a single spot not using the entirety of the level design.

Combat sections consist of 10% of the game, the rest is walking in empty barren fields. There's literally nothing in them except the sporadic, useless treasure. This is just bad game design, and it results in terrible pacing.

Story is drawn out. I'm in chapter 15 right now, and everytime you get to one place it's "oh well, too bad! Avery actually hid the treasure in another part of the world". This is basically the story of the game. Sam doesn't even care anymore that he is going to die if he can't find it.

Weapon variety is poor. Mechanics are shallow overall, there's plenty of more interesting shooters.

The only good aspect of the game is the graphics, which are pretty good. Everything else ranges from shit to mediocre.

This game plays so well, graphics are amazing too. Stay mad faggots.

Are you going to argue with someone or just keep calling people names?



>FFXV looks pretty good.
platinum demo a shit blurry textures everywhere

>platforming is brain dead
The new traversal mechanics say hi. I would agree to this in the previous 3 games.
>you don't have to time jumps
Except for when there are moving parts which there has been in all 4 games.
>IA is fucking spastic. They are fucking stupid if you play stealthly, which the game wants you to (every area has that high grass you can hide)
No every area doesn't have high grass. Did you actually play it or are you just trying really hard right now?
Besides on high difficulty and higher the AI can discover you from a relatively high distance. Please stop lying, its pathetic.
>Combat sections consist of 10% of the game, the rest is walking in empty barren fields. There's literally nothing in them except the sporadic, useless treasure. This is just bad game design, and it results in terrible pacing.
Keep lying bro.
>Story is drawn out.
>I'm in chapter 15 right now
you still have like 7 chapters left. There is plenty of shooting yet.
>Weapon variety is poor. Mechanics are shallow overall, there's plenty of more interesting shooters.
All weapons feel different and have very distinct differences. Not buying it.