Am I missing on anything vital by emulating this instead of buying golden version?

Am I missing on anything vital by emulating this instead of buying golden version?

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Yes. A lot. Several in-game events, a whole new character, and an epilogue. Just get Golden.

not vital, no

golden's extra content is just mostly fanservice for people who have already played the game. If you really like P4, i would recommend replaying it with P4G

P4Golden > P4Animation > P4

Watch the anime, it's pretty sweet.

play Persona 4 UNDUB version, its way more superior and emotional since original actors are few classes better than dubbing actors.

dont listen to this fag P4 is the best if you play undub, anime is medicore compared to the game.

>anime is mediocre compared to the game

Anime at least has some character development, also DA KILLAH has more personality and his speech actually makes some fucking sense.

Extra content and rebalanced characters

However, the PS2 version doesn't include one the worst characters in the series, so that's a plus

Is marie that bad lmao

Google it asshole.
>golden's extra content is just mostly fanservice
Ahahaha, no.
Shuffle time is fucking amazing in how broken as fuck it is now.
>getting megidolaon by the 2nd dungeon
Feels fucking incredible man.

>Is marie that bad lmao
Google it, asshole.
I hope you like poetry.

no, not really.

Her poems will maybe take up 1 minute of your playthrough and i think she references "fsteak" in one of her slink events. Thats as bad as it gets.

the only way to believe that Persona 4 game doesnt have any character development is to play poor dubbed version of the game.

Either way you're missing a good game, so it doesn't matter.

Don't play Persona 4, it's fucking terrible. Only degenerate weebs like it.

le original language is better meme

it only sounds better because you don't understand the language and don't pick up on the awkward phrasing and enunciation.

Persona 4 is a shitty meme game anyway.

I liked it

>it only sounds better because
It sounds better, that's what matters.

Is P3 better?


In some ways, but none that matter.



if you like whiny tropey anime bullshit, sure

if you don't like the jamaican colors yes

Better than putrid yellow, and gray hickville.

Why would you play Persona 4 if you dislike tropey anime bullshit

P4 Undub >>>>>>>>>> PFG

if you aren't being a weeb while playing Persona you're just being an autist

I use to think Atlus dubs were pretty alright, but when they made various changes in the later releases of Persona 4, and generally fringe budget dubs for anything else, they sure have taken a turn for the worse.

But seriously, Persona keeping the Japanese suffixs and shit in the script is just autist pandering. It's fucking stupid. OH MC-KUN, DAISUKE~

JAMAICAN detected

Annoying Chie or Granny Chie?
the choice is yours

le it only sounds better because i don't understand it meme

It sounds better because it was recorded with professional nip VAs who aren't paid non-union cuck wages.


Or he can just play the undub and have the best Chie.


Like people already said, on PC you can play the undub and play at 1080p resolution.
Vita version has minor shit compared to that.

Anime is better if you've already played the game, theres lots of nice nods to the game (like Rise's scan showing menus from the game). It has some pacing issues due to cramming an 80-hour game into 24 episodes and some QUALITY but it really has its moments.

This is not to be confused with the P4G anime, which is a colossal waste of time

What persona gives you Megido by Kanji's dungeon? Also enjoy casting two times and then having to pay the jew fox, Megidolaon is ridiculously overrated

> 1080 resolution
> people think you can upscale properly when the information was never there to begin with

You can upscale pretty good actually
The only bad thing is that the drawings suffers a bit

Did I say anything about widescreen?
Yeah the textures/sprites don't look any better but everything else looks sharper.

I refuse to believe anyone could genuinely prefer Japanese teddie.

As someone who's played through the game in both languages, I'd say the voices are much of a muchness.
The English can be cringey if you're not down with american people saying "-kun" all of the time, but the actual voices and there delivery are fine.

Shes kinda bad but not as bad as people make her out to be, theres her poems but they're supposed to be cringeworthy, since the way you hear them is from Margaret leaving them out for you to read.

People mostly don't like her design or how aggressively she's been pushed in other games, in Golden you can basically ignore her until December.

Also "fsteak" was actually in the original jap (fusuteki), it was a huge coincidence.

People like you are killing Atlus.

The bear is shit in both version.
He's a null point.

There's a bunch of extra content to Golden version but Chie's and Teddie's new VAs are obnoxiously bad.
So that's a trade off.

>People mostly don't like her design or how aggressively she's been pushed in other games

I find it funny when people get triggered by the new ending photo.

The drawings are only a bit better.

>implying rendering at a higher resolution isn't objectively better

Chie's new voice is objectively better than her old one.
Her original actress sounds like a confused old lady half the time.

Well, Golden is obviously meant to replace the old game in the Persona 4 canon, seeing as Marie makes appearances in persona 4 arena ultimax and P4: Dancing All Night.

The golden version is far superior in every way, it's the definite version. If you wanna play the game the best way play golden but if not play the shitty emulator

Chie's new VA is miles better than granny Chie, sure she overracts at times but she actually sounds like a teenager.

Nothing is worse than Japanese Teddie

>Play Persona 4: Dancing All Night
>They replaced Laura Bailey with Ashly Burch
>She's actually alright

I'd take that over a retarded 30-years old woman who wants to sound like a teenager.

Fusion skill inheritance
Skill cards
Motherfucking fast forward button
Adachi S-Link
Two new arcanas
3rd-tier ultimate personas
Kanji & Naoto re-balancing (ie. they don't suck)
Nighttime Inaba
Okina mall/Shichiri beach
Bonus dungeon
Beach trip, concert, Valentine's Day, and other events
Playable January & February
Snowflakes falling on your face

I won't deny that the loss of Japanese audio is tragic
but Golden is so obviously the definitive version of the game

The original Chie's VA actually gives some of the better line readings famalam
Granny meme needs to die, none of the VAs of either language sound like children.

Disregard this, I just realized that she's only available as a DLC character in both.



>P4G still costs £16 new
>Dancing all night only available on PSN for £35 in the uk

Teddie was unbearable to begin with so I don't see a problem

Meme all you like, she's still a alright voice actor.

>she's actually alright

>granny Chie
I want this meme to die. I own both and prefer Golden, but P4 Chie is literally perfection.

Maybe she is, maybe she isn't.
She sure as hell isn't better than Laura at anything though.

Yeah, I think so.
>Extra dungeon
>2 extra social links
>An extra ending
>2 new Arcana with their own demons to fuse
>Can go out at night; means new jobs, tasks, places to shop
>Improved fishing minigame, and pretty much everything is improved int erms of upping stats (like books]
>Entire winter months
>a bunch of new events
>portable and looks better than the PS2 version.

Haven't played since release, but I remember it being a huge improvement all around and I ended up beating it so fast because I couldn't put it down, whereas the original it took me a few months to really get through it.

No. People use Marie and Chie's voice actor as reasons to hate a game on a console they don't want to buy. Most people who actually played and beat it seemed to be okay with it all around.

Nah, he sounds like a comfy and kind mascot in the original
The new VA tries to sound like a perverted clown.

why? the voices are fine.

Doesn't really matter in this case, since it looks great on the portable.

Fuck you Teddie

I thought it was better.

Persona 3 definitely had better characters but mainly because they actually had character development. The atmosphere definitely supported the main theme of the game. Battles were also a bit harder since you needed to (sometimes) use tactics properly and learn the AI behaviors to know what sort of actions would come out from the different tactics. Personally I liked this a lot since it made it feel like you had to learn a "person", but I can also understand why one might be annoyed at not having control over the characters (especially if they played P4 first). The worst part of P3 is the pacing. After a few months it begins to be monotonous as the same thing happens each time and I almost stopped playing part way through. Though after sticking with it, the game definitely picked up again towards the end.

On the other hand I have a lot more to complain about with Persona 4. I didn't think the characters were all that great. Similar to the first game, the characters are sucking your dick 24/7 but I felt it was much more blatant and thus much more annoying. The characters also didn't have much character development as each one of them essentially had the exact same "development". I also thought that the game was much easier, and whether or not it's because of character control I'm not sure. Although P4 has better pacing there's absolutely no sense of urgency as the sort of slice of life stuff going on along with the main plot definitely broke any tension you might have at all. The villains in both games are pretty poorly done with terrible motives, but I feel inclined to believe it was done a bit better in P3 although that could just be from a bias of liking the game more.

tl;dr Both have their flaws but I thought P4's flaws were worse.


Portable games don't look great, the screen is too small.

Undub matters, the ENG dub is fucking terrible.

>the voices are fine.

>picking out a bad line reading in a game with dozens of hours of voice acting
You want to play that game? You won't win.

>some waifu fag was autistic enough to make a video this shitty

Is P4G EU have undub option?


Sounds like DemolitionD

How is a 5 inch screen too small? If that was the case, why are most people okay with media on a smartphone?

Don't bring normies into this.

Nope, the voices are fine. Atlus is good with their dubbing.

You guys are in the minority when it comes to this, in which case, why not just fucking play it in Japanese entirely you degenerate fucks?

No dual audio for Golden, so just emulate the undubbed version and you'll be fine.

Because it's five inches you fucking loser.

There's literally nothing wrong with the dubs of Persona games.

5 inches is big enough for your mom and it's big enough for you.

What's "not normal" about using a phone? The game looks fine, unless you have horrible sight.

Viewing venue doesn't matter as long as resolution is set to match. The only issue lies with your poor eye sight, bigger isn't better in this case because it offers absolutely nothing in terms of visual aesthetics.

P4 Chie:
>no emotion
>sounds like a 30 year old woman
>bland and forgettable

P4G Chie:
>dynamic and energetic as befitting her character
>sounds like a teenager
>occasionally annoying, but still speaks like an actual human with an interesting personality instead of a robot

There is literally nothing wrong with hanging yourself if you seriously believe this.

You may only think this if you don't watch anime with fansubs, but if that's the case I have no idea what are you even doing on this website.

>there are people in this thread defending a shit tier dub and playing games on a tiny screen
>that you have to buy a portable device for to play

Emulation is free and better on your ears and eyes. Stop defending autistic shit.

The only argument I see against new Chie is "Doesn't sound like old Chie."

P4 Chie:
No emotion

P4G Chie:

The gameplay is objectively better on golden though

What's wrong with buying a Vita?

Just get a PS TV. They're about 50 bucks. You can play cartridges and PS1 games without a memory card.

Persona 4 has one of the best JRPG dubs besides the honorific shit, maybe you should hear actual bad dubs like FE Fates

Those things aren't even related, dumbfuck.

JP Chie

>literally perfect in every way

>old chie
>no emotion

>This shit is the shiniest!

Let's not