Console and overwatch apologists will defend this

BF4 10-30hz tickrate (up to 144 at close range on some servers
BF Hardline 30hz tickrate
Titanfall 20-30hz
CoD Black Ops 3 20Hz
Destiny 10hz on pvp with 20hz on small maps.
Overwatch 20hz
Doom, probably the same shit.

CSGO 128hz tickrate
Quake live 128hz

Do you think low tickrate multiplayers are a good way to lower he skill
ceiling for your casual audience to enjoy the game more?

How could console and overwatch players not feel dirty knowing they are
playing a gimped game?

>inb4 You can tell when the framerate is bad. You can't tell when the TICKRATE is bad

Other urls found in this thread:

lol, nerd

Overwatch has a 60hz send rate and a 20 hz receive rate.

>learning a new buzzword
here is your (you)
now fuck off


Welcome to modern gaming where they cater to casuals.

>overly edgy new blizzfriend spotted

the frenquency at which the server and client communicate.

That's fucking pathetic, the hit detection is noticeably bad, especially when using Roadhog or Widow.

the 20 packets send by the server do not magically trnasform into 60 so this is the limiting factor here.

20hz tickrate in the end.

Who cares, it's a casual game

literally no one gave a fuck or even knew about this till the whole overwatch thing appeared
fuck off

When BF4 updated to higher tickrates you could really notice a difference it was great

bf4 runs at 60hz on 48 player servers. stop lying.


hitscan detection is lenient as fuck
you can play with 50-200ms jittering like a fucker and still hit everything because their server accept absolutely every shot

Why is it allowed to talk about update rate without talking about prediction?

Are there people unaware how one only makes sense in the context of another?

Why is this place so strange?

PC fags always making up excuses, first it was the 60 frames per ssecond shit, no they want 120 ticksrates per second.
Jus shut up and engoy your emulated ps1 games

Yes and with such low tickrate the experience is basically riding on the prediction system from the netcode.

You don't have a point here.

Why is hitscan still allowed in year of our Lord 2016?

The better question is, if the other fps are so much better, why are they wasting their time on Overwatch.

The game is a success.

The game didn't flop, your attempts to make a TOR 2.0 did.

Enjoy your last few days in TF2.

"Unnecessary" communication. It's the same reason you have all these low tick games in modern times, games are a buusness first now. Gotta cut every corner possible if it isn't noticeable to your average gamer.

console fags become increasingly butthurt over the years as the games they try to enjoy are not best version available.

Don't worry the industry catter to your child feelings by making every console multiplats equally ugly across every platforms.

Thanks for being part of the cancer, enjoy your 20 tickrate.

The Tortanic was a success initially. 10/10 scores everywhere and fanboys praising it to the moon and back.
It didn't implode overnight. It took about 5 months for the damage to really sink in and OW will be the same if not sooner.

Everyone will go back to TF2 because Blizzard doesn't understand that it was the modding community that cemented TF2.

I really don't like what blizzard has become, they're a second rate valve with tired franchises and clones of other companies games. The fact that anyone plays overwatch is amazing because I had it pegged as a failure at launch. I don't like imitation games, and games that are imitations of imitations are even more profoundly annoying. It's fucking awful that blizzard is still getting away with it.

someone is going to have a sad awakening in a few weeks.

Heroes of the storm 2.0 inc.

But it's pc fags that do the most complaining, it's always "consoles holding us back", and now tick rate is consoles fault and not blizzard's fault?

PCMR are the biggest babies, and I am saying that as an idort with a decent pc.

because it's a fucking multiplat casual console shooter.

Lowered skill ceiling is the name of the game here, everyone gets to frag.

CS:GO uses 64 tick servers

that's community and pro game servers you're thinking about

So play a "hardcore" shooting game. Who is forcing you to play overwatch? Not every game needs to cater to torney fags.

I don't give a fuck I'm having fun with that game and that's all that matters. Fuck your reports bullshit

post yfw autist spergging over this new buzzword instead of just enjoying this casual game

It got 10/10s because of paid reviews and precisely nobody but the biggest biodrones were excited for it.

I take it you weren't around back then when we had a good laugh in a thread where someone showed off all the shitty bullshit?
Where we had good laughs watching the streams?

You missed out user, while it did ruin the board, those were great times.




>all those numbers

Yeah, you sure showed them there consolefags what's what.

but at 20/60 the game still plays out identically to 60/60, it might just take a mere 33 milliseconds more for the server-side update to reach you but you would still have been shot at/dead in both cases.

fair game =/= tourney

I've had to shoot literally ahead in time in order for the hit to register, shooting them where they were standing at the present time wasn't working.

What does tick rate have to do with being fair? You just have to be .05 seconds faster than the next guy.

They explain how it works here:

Tick rate isn't the end all be all.

Overwatch has a tick rate of 60Hz, not 20.

The client updates the server at 60Hz, both the server and client simulate at 60Hz, and the server updates the client at 20Hz.

Never had any of the problems these morons are complaining about.


Tick rate is how often the game state is simulated.

You are thinking of updaterate and commandrate.

>csgo 128 tick

lol k whatever you say bud.

this is ridiculous. Why play a shooter in the first place if it is to be gimped by stupid designs?

It's a waste of time.

A link is always as slow as it's slowest speed. If I shoot a guy who looks like he's in front of me when really he's behind the wall, that's because the server didn't update me fast enough.

Then don't play?


That doesn't make the game run at 20Hz, user, and that's more a result of client-side hit detection than the updaterate.

Most likely in this situation it isn't the servers fault, but you having a slower connection. If everyone has a smooth connection the current netcode is pretty robust.

Literally SJW tier shit, it's pretty annoying.

>new buzzword
People have been bitching about tick rates in online games for years. Your ignorance doesn't apply to everyone else.

>my blizz overlord answered to us, see we totally not getting it in the ass.

but the client side/your game interpolates and predicts where he is going anyway so you're not losing out on any critical information

people have been bitching about niggers for hundreds of years
doesnt make them right

Epic, simply epic my friend.


the game is simulated with the data sent and received by the server, at a frequency also known as tickrate.

The game gets simulated on every fps on every clients based on the prediction the server makes based on the data it receives.

What a great comparison, user. Video games and people of a certain race truly are identical and thus easily compared. My favorite part of all this is that asian people are 60fps.

Yeah especially with the around the corner or kill at same time incidents i don't get why they didn't start with that bitrate my guess is everything was rushed by EA

>I'm being cattered to, I must be right
here we go, neo-Sup Forums everyone.

if you honestly think valve is any better than blizzard you're retarded

reddit/tumblr is that you?

What's wrong with games made for me?

its the same fags that bitch about sjws i swear

protip life is way better if you arent a retard and you dont take video games seriously

>up to 144 at close range on some servers
>at close range
So you're literally parroting Sup Forums and actually have no idea what tickrate is?
That's fucking embarassing m8.

Well if other devs realize they can get away with cutting corners and the industry as a whole drops in quality I would think that's a fair reason to get upset. So why even give that a possibility of happening? There's nothing wrong with having reasonable standards.

It's a beneficial thing for oversea people that try to connect to servers

Is this tickrate shit the new pcuck buzzmeme after muh 60fps 1080p?

people playing thoses refuse to aknowledge their shortcomings. Even when it is a pretty bad game design like this one.

>but it's fun

>what are regional servers

and you just posted without knowing how BF4 tickrate work.

Good job. THAT is embarassing.

Something that is important that devs will try and pretend doesn't matter so that they don't have to put in the effort to make a quality game? Yes.

keep your meme fresh user, recently the trend is in your favor, tickrate is a good shitposting fuel.
But guess what? I had fun, with a fuckton of games with low tickrate and Overwatch isn't some competitive shit so who cares apart from autists who won't play it anyways.

its the new valvedrone meme. now that overwatch is outdoing league of legends in waifu-bait all the autistic dotards have stopped brigading the league threads and started brigading the overwatch threads.

go check a league thread if you dont believe me, dota players / cs:go players are unequivocally retarded shitposters

>Overwatch isn't some competitive shit
Except Blizzard is trying to make it one.


>But guess what? I had fun, with a fuckton of games with low tickrate
And I bet you never noticed it you casual scrub.

You can thank me for bringing it up to you.

No, the sendrate is 20 pubplay, that's why you're killed behind walls. The receiverate is 60 in both pub and private matches.

>nothing but irrelevant claims and insults towards random people while blanketing anyone that plays [game]
>calling others shitposters

Fuckin this, shooters never took skill

Sup Forums is mostly shitposting during the day. Don't forget "artificial difficulty" that was spawned here.

Then why aren't you raking in all the easy "e-sports" money?

quake / 10 bait

can someone post the link of the youtube video about a guy explaining how tick rate worked in CS:GO, by moving a character against a wall similar to ?
i think that would help a lot in this thread

A luxury for a jewish company.

>CSGO 128hz tickrate


>thickrate thread
>no meiposting

You can easily find 128 tick servers through the server browser but MM is only 64
Overwatch servers can go up to 60 or 64 in private matches but MM is 20

i found it

What are you talking about? Everything was pretty fine and dandy for me. My bullets landed like they were suppose to, bodies after that.

I need a team holmes

>that delay between hits

holy shit that is horrendous

You can see the tick rate on the server browser, most of them are 20-30 Hz

Is there a reason why the game is 20 ticks? I haven't heard about tick rate much up until this but it seems like it would be a simple case of just cranking it up like those CS source servers. Does it make the game harder to run?

Does this mean no BR and Slavs on their own containment servers?

You should be able to be to get into any team if you're that great.

>playing MM

Who knows man. Probably not but it would allow them to play on US servers without having an unplayable experience.