Join Hoshido

>Join Hoshido
>Xander assumes you've been brainwashed, admits he isn't your real brother, attack Ryoma, and declares you are to be captured alive
>Join Nohr
>Ryoma attacks you immediately and does not admit he isn't your real brother
>Hoshidan """siblings"""

Finally getting around to Revelations. Was thinking about S ranking Azura because muh canon, but I'm thinking about Anna so I can get all the kids. Have the DLC, but haven't used Anna is she any good?

No pairings in Fire Emblem are canon.

If you're playing Revelations Anna will be much more useful if you Master Seal her into an Outlaw and give her the magic bow (can't remember the name, you can buy it from the Level 2 Dusk Armory and it counts as a magic weapon).

If not that, use a Witch's Mark or a Partner Seal to make her a tome-user (but only if she romances your avatar and you selected a magic-using class as your talent during character creation).

Regardless, do not let her anywhere near anything other than magic using enemies because she has next to no DEF. Definitely a HUGE downgrade from her Awakening iteration but then again EVERYTHING that carried over from Awakening got a huge nerf.

Meant to say Master Seal into an Adventurer in the first sentence.

Sigurd x Deirdre
Eliwood x Ninian

>joining Hoshido

Why would anyone?

Don't marry Azura, she's the worst girl and the reason why the game was split into 3 versions.

I mean that would probably be a good idea. I actually didn't use any magic users other than Felicia with the flame shuriken or Leo in both my games so far. Magic is just so nerfed this time around. On the other hand I was starved for units with res and any time a mage would show up I'd shit my pants.

Wish I could marry Scarlett on Revelations. Should have S ranked her in Hoshido and saved Reina for Revelations.

You can.
You get her for like 2 chapters before she dies, so you can go ahead and marry her if you really want to.

Why would I waste an S slot?

I'm just saying that the option is still there, no matter how wasteful.

Chrom x Cordelia..;_;

Anna's res is pretty good (definitely better than DEF especially if you reclass her to be a magic user).

If you user her as the Avatar's waifu you could make a Kana with pretty decent MAG and RES, which would make Kana much more useful if you can somehow reclass him into a magic user or have him go for Nohr Noble so that he can use tomes and dragonstone.

What happens in your home after she dies? Lilith still protects you and still be leveled up after her dumb sacrifice. You'd think these bitches know I can take a hit with renewal, if I get hit at all

I haven't done it for myself, but I'm pretty sure nothing of interest happens to your room.

Do I marry Anna or SkyMILF in Revelations? I don't really like any of the kids and I'm not a necrophiliac.

>The most hard-headed, self righteous character in the game
>Trying to capture you alive

I laughed, good one user.


>He thinks you're not related to the Hoshido royal family

Did you even play the game, or just read about it on Sup Forums? Or, do you just not understand how things work?

(Hint: Your mother married Ryoma's father)

Anna will make for a better Kana, if that matters to you. SkyMILF does way more things to my dick, though.

Both are fine. Also, Reina isn't a milf until you marry her. She's a Christmas Cake Santa has been trying to deliver for years.

Imo: Reina because older chicks man. If you want more reasons talk to Benjamin Franklin and his letter.

Well what I mean is, can you still bond with her ghost?

If you haven't done either, go for skymilf. She deserves to be happy. Hearing her say she wonders what marriage is like almost made me regret not choosing her.

Pretty sure you can't.
The room is likely the same as before you got married.
Not even having Kana fight her zombie mom in that one rev chapter gives any dialogue.

Not the OP, but did you?

Revelations reveals that Hoshidan blood doesn't exist within Corrin/Kamui and he was merely orphaned into Hoshido by Sumeragi and Mikoto.

They really dropped the ball this time. Remember how Lucina had different dialogue based on your relationship to her? Nothing for marrying any of the royals or even Azura. Totally lame.

Pieri a best, for all her faults and insanity

Holy War or Flaming Sword remake.

Which one would you rather see made?

Shippers got triggered by things that could be interpreted as canon pairing evidence so they stripped that shit out and streamlined everything with generically universal dialogue.

>Shippers got so triggered they wrote Beowulf out of existence.

Holy War.
The GBA games are more accessible to new fans and there are far more people in the west who don't know anything about Jugdral.

Holy War.

First time on Conquest. Do I bother with Mozu? I've heard she's not worth the time investment.
Then again, I've also heard that Arthur and Owain are not great either but I want them to work out.
The way I see it I can only have so many shit units. What ones do I go for?

Mozu's great if you reclass her into an archer asap. She can also give Effie archer so you can get some archers who can actually do damage.

She isn't worth it if you're going for a LTC run. But she's very good if you reclass her as an archer. Because she's the only one you get until Niles shows up.

What does 3-13 archer mean?

Archer Mozu will typically end up a lot stronger than Niles and his noodle arms. It also never hurts to have a bow user when there are so many enemy fliers in Conquest.
It's all up to you, man.

3-13 archer was a green allied Sniper in RD who would guard one of the chokepoints in a Defend mission against the Greil Mercenaries. He's typically seen as a very neato ally who actually DOES something.

>choose not to take a side
>lol guess you're not our brother/sister or something ay guys let's kill Kamui

I for some reason both understand and don't understand this reaction.

>He's typically seen as a very neato ally who actually DOES something.
Oh, I see. Thanks!

At least Elise's never a retard regarding what you choose to do, she's just surrounded by retards.

>he thinks Kamui is blood hoshidan
Water Dragon+Vallite woman does not make a hoshidan child.

>mfw he saved one of my units who would've been murdered by a tiger
thanks 3-13

It highly depends on if you plan on recruiting and using Shura a lot later down the road. A good bow user is damn near a must have for Fates, but Niles drops off really badly later on due to his shit Str growth. Mozu will easily cover for him by the time that starts to happen if you've been building her up too. Shura on the other hand is also really fucking good for a prepromoted unit, but not everyone likes to use him for their own reasons.

It's amazing how no one realized that Kamui isn't blood related Hoshidan sooner.
You would think that the ears and ability to turn into a damn dragon would set something off.
Your siblings have dragon blood in their veins but it's deluded, meanwhile you're half dragon, meaning your mother was a dragon fucking degenerate.

Why can't female units become Grandmasters? For that matter, why can't Hoshidan Nobles use tomes? Now my MAG boon Femui is even more useless.

I guess it doesn't matter that much, since Birthright is piss easy.

>Grandmaster is male only
>Great Lord is female only
They really fucked up with these.

Mostly because he has the comfiest air Jordan's known to man.

why is Mozu so low in the tier lists when Sniper Mozu is such a beast?

Because it's for Low Turn Count runs, which is not how must people play.

What could those reasons be?

tier lists assume you care about the amount of turns you spend because the people who make them assume it's impossible to judge units without putting a constraint on turns, because you could theoretically spend a ton of time grinding Wendy (who's universally considered a terrible unit in FE6) to a high level in an arena and have her be good

the problem with this is that assumption sort of fails; conquest doesn't give you the ability to claim infinite experience within the main campaign, so restricting turn count isn't really necessary to prevent absurd outcomes; just restrict DLC, randomly given items in My Castle, and buying items from other people's castles and you're good to go

shouldnt Nyx be considered a good pair up unit?

iirc she gives like +6 speed +5 magic and +2 res

she is the best wife for leo for sure

If you choose to execute him, you get boots.

>Join Hoshido
"Hey, that Garron guy looks pretty evil."
"Yes, we must defeat him for the good for the world."

>Join Nohr
"Hey, that Garron guy looks pretty evil."
"Oh, he totally is. Let's conquer a country for him."

"Man, we sure are killing a lot of innocent people. I don't know if this is worth it."
"Look, just trust me, okay? I'm going somewhere with this."

>Look, just trust me, okay? I'm going somewhere with this.
I would stick around to see where he goes.

Hoshidan please stay go.

I know the feeling. When I saw her in Birthright, I thought, "Well, I know who I'm marrying in Revelations!" then I found out she dies in everything by Birthright.

Use Hick if you don't mind feeding her kills, which can be done in her chapter. Go in with a bow and a heart seal for her and let her promote right away, as Villager skills aren't worth it imo. Course this sort of depends on the difficulty but unless you are on Lunatic (which I assume you aren't) you should have no issue at all.

Arthur can be ok but I find he's better pair-up fodder for Effie and trade off his weapons to Camilla when she joins. He's usable though, but beware of his abyssmal luck getting him killed.

Odin is a mage but really wants to be a Samurai and/or Dread Fighter if you have them.

>"Man, we sure are killing a lot of innocent people. I don't know if this is worth it."
When? You yourself spare almost everyone you fight, though Hans does kill the wyvern dyke.

>unarmed civilians
Gods damned blood-thirsty Nohrian scum.

Kamui's army just knocks enemies out, aside from the kitsunes. Birthright Kamui is the most bloodthirsty out of all 3 routes

Hans and Iago kill COUNTLESS innocent Hoshidans, and you're like, "Well, guess I better look the other way. The only way we could possibly expose Garon's true nature is if he sits on that throne! There's no way attacking him would solve the issue right now, and save hundreds to thousands of lives! That has the slight chance of making my adopted siblings sad though, and child blood can always be washed out of my clothes."

And then Hans and Iago slit their throats afterwords, and Kamui and crew, knowing this full well, just let them do it because they might piss of Garon otherwise.

This does not happen just with the kitsunes. This happens over, and over and over, and gets worse every time.

I married Ryoma.

Saying that Hans and Iago killed COUNTLESS Hoshidans is pushing it pretty hard. We really don't know how many they killed aside from a few occasions. Compare that to Hoshido where your goal is pretty much to kill everyone you encounter.

God damn that pissed me off, "Brother!" No, I'm your husband...

you can s-rank her corpse too

So what happened between the 20 year gap of Flaming Sword and Sword of Seals. Why does Lyn's card version mention finding Mark unconscious 2 more times when she found them only one.

Will we ever return to Elibe?

And yet somehow they had no issue giving Azura unique supports with Corrin in every route, as well as different confessions including an extra one added by Treehouse. And all of that is on top of how much focus they put on Corrin and Azura's relationship, to an extent that you might even forget you married someone else.

>tfw still not out in Australia

They better be putting my head petting minigame back in for making me wait this long

Let's be real here, Nohr is the unquestionably Evil side. There's nothing wrong with killing the soldiers who fight for a dark dragon. And the Hoshido army ONLY killed soldiers, and only in the heat of battle. Anyone that survived the battles were taken prisoner and NOT summarily executed later.

The Nohr army, on the other hand, goes out of its way to incapacitate the enemy instead of killing them. Great! Until the rest of the Nohr army shows up and slits the throats of all those incapacitated and helpless enemies.

>Saying that Hans and Iago killed COUNTLESS Hoshidans is pushing it pretty hard. We really don't know how many they killed aside from a few occasions.
Literally every Hoshidan soldier except the royals and retainers were killed once the rest of the Nohrian army catches up with Kamui's group in Hoshido, along with a ton of non-combatants who just looked at Hans or Iago the wrong way, or groveled too much, or too little.

It's possible that in Birthright, the Hoshidan army kills more people than the Nohrian army does in Conquest, but every single person the Hoshidan army kills is an enemy combatant, faced in honorable combat. Every single person the Nohrian army kills is an unarmed prisoner, or an innocent civilian, and Conquest Kamui just watches it happen without lifting a finer.

>Will we ever return to elibe?

We better.

>We better.
That's only if IS actually cares about Elibe, and aren't planning on going to another continent for the next Fire Emblem the next 2-3 years from now.

IS better return to Jugdral or Elibe.

You seem to be assuming that every single enemy you beat up in Conquest just hangs around after losing and waits until Nohr sends a clean-up crew, as opposed to I dunno, retreating somewhere. I mean hell that was the whole point of fighting Hinoka in chapter 24.


Once the rest of the army is with you, the defeated units don't have a chance to retreat before they get axed.

>so what happened between the 20 year gap of Flaming Sword and Sword of Seals
Brief prosperity, Eliwood and friends are lauded as heroes, Zephiel develops daddy issues, and a lot of convenient parental deaths.
>will we ever return to Elibe
No, and we shouldn't. That story has been told, same with Jugdral, Tellius, and Akenia/Valm.
If Awakening is any indicator, revisiting old continents just ends up being pointless nostalgia pandering that adds very little.

And Fates adds so much? Please.

Holy War is the SNES games, right?

I'd say remake those first. Roy/Eliwood can have a turn later.

So not until chapter what, 21? Because the reason you went through that whole route was to avoid most of the Hoshidans. Yeah Sakura's bunch got killed, and maybe Takumi's, but Hinoka's retreated. And those were all soldiers. So if Garon and his posse were just following you from that point on then the majority of civilians probably didn't get caught up in the fighting.

>he fell for the FE14 meme

Fates being mediocre, pandering shit has nothing to do with it being in an original setting rather than an old one.

>Takumi gets mad after the Queen dies and tells you to go away

Maybe IS should play it safe and do something with an old setting because they still cannot into original settings. Going back to an old setting saved the series and allowed them to test things out.


*brainwashes populace*
*denies entry to Kohgan refugees, including young orphans*
*has no regard for Nohrian soldiers' lives but expects Nohr to have mercy on theirs*

>saved the series
More like sold its soul to the devil. You'd just bitch about "waah they ruined fe7" after release.

FE7 is pretty overrated anyway honestly. People complain about waifus but Lyn was the first waifu, not that FE7's characters were anything worth praising.

No I'd be happy with it because I know what will happen after.

>Sold its soul

Yeah sure but my point still stands.

>Remake of FE7

I'd like this but knowing Nintendo they'd fuck it up by doing something retarded like splitting the game into 2 versions again; one for Hector Mode and the other for Eliwood mode.

Or making the Tactician a playable unit.

Doubt they would do that. Knowing them though they'll probably add in a Lyn Mode that you have to play even past the tutorial.

Or lock Lyn/Hector Mode behind some pay stuff.

>Tactician a playable unit.
No shit they are going to do that.

Takumi is the only Hoshidan I feel sorry for. Poor fucker has middle kid syndrome something fierce. From what I picked up Ryoma was too busy learning how to be a king to play with Takumi growing up, Hinoka was too concerned about swinging a stick around for your kidnapped sibling you don't even know, and Sakura if I was to guess was too busy playing with Aqua and making her feel welcome.
Meanwhile he's expected to get along with the daughter of the man who killed your father and stole you away.
Said sibling comes back from Nohr after like 18 years and is apparently the sequel to Jesus, taking both the Jesus sword and being able to turn into a fucking dragon. And with him comes a sword which blows up the town and his mother figure. Then after all of that you decide to join Nohr.
I might just be projecting onto him, I don't know.

I'd still probably buy it just to play with my favourite units Geitz and Pent again.

Sure, but it's still higher quality than the recent FE games. You may not be one, but the nostalgiafags at large would be shitting themselves in anger.

That's what I would expect, since they know how popular Lyn is and she was already designed to be appealing to the players. Personally I'd like if the Tactician was playable but as a unique sort of unit, kind of like a Dancer but can buff other units instead.

You aren't really wrong. Yeah he's a bit of a dick but he does have serious middle child syndrome so it completely comes out of nowhere. I think it's more that he's just very antagonistic towards you, and as much as people say they hate everyone sucking the MU's dicks they get mad when someone doesn't.

Probably also an idea that his issues aren't enough to justify his attitude, considering he grew up in cushy-ass Hoshido. Compare that to the Nohr siblings sans Elise who grew up in a shithole.

>lyn's canon partner not being Rath

Almost all of the FE4 kids have canon parents, thanks to FE5.

And many characters from FE1/3/11/12 have canon pairings as well, like Marth/Caeda, Abel/Est, Julian/Lena, Merric/Elice Samson/Medea and Lorenz/Coffin.

I wasn't saying it's bad, just that people nostalgia hard over it. And really I dunno if I'd say it's higher quality. As far as gameplay is concerned Conquest is actually really good and definitely beats it, even though the story is ass.

>Personally I'd like if the Tactician was playable but as a unique sort of unit, kind of like a Dancer but can buff other units instead.

Would be a bit pointless because of Nils and Ninian.

Maybe add a few Skirmish missions or more side missions so units like Karla and Renault aren't completely fucking pointless.

>Nintendo made the avatar the main character in Fates because some people didn't like Chrom
>Then made Corrin even blander and even more boring

>Conquest will "have every choice count"
>no story decisions or dialogue options

>as far as gameplay is concerned Conquest is actually really good and definitely beats it
I don't like this meme. I played through Conquest and it was certainly better than Awakening or the DS games gameplay-wise, but it tried much too hard with auxiliary mechanics and the oft-praised map design, despite being solid throughout and definitely better than awakening's shitfest, got very obnoxious at points and on the harder difficulties it brought back bad memories of the worst part of Radiant Dawn (you should know what I'm talking about). FE7 is so much cleaner, with the only particularly stupid part being the Kishuna shit on Hector mode. Depends whether you like peaks or consistency more, I suppose.

A FE7 remake would be cool, but I'd rather revisit Magvel tbqh

The only choice you make is the one at the counter.

I hope to God this was just a gimmick for Fates and doesn't become the standard for future titles.

>Lyn mode is free-to-play