Apologize to Dark Souls 2.
Apologize to Dark Souls 2
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Two was, and still is, an awful game.
Three is not as good as one, but far better than two.
Good game
im sorry you were downgraded
Apologize to this
*unzips dick*
I always liked relaxing in Majula. I could spend an eternity there as an undead - such a tranquil place.
Three has complete garbage covenants. The worst of their souls like titles.
I'd say it's not as good as the first one, but at least it manage to stay good the whole time, whereas DS1 shat itself after O&S.
The chaotic PvP is fun for everyone but edgy tryhard invader faggots.
You couldn't, you would go completely hollow :')
I have nothing to apologize for as the only thing I really disliked was how Soul Memory was handled. After the first playthrough it should stop functioning. It was an attempt to stop twinking and worked but then it just fucks up PvP later on.
I never hated on DS 2 and now that Stagger Souls 3 has crash landed I appreciate it even more
I don't like how they designed levels worse and made up for it with the "Things stop dying eventually" bullshit.
In fact I really hate that.
*Unsheathes katana*
*Teleports behind you*
Dodge this.
Dark Souls 3 is weaker than 2 mechanically. They took a huge step backwards for no real reason and removed a bunch of shit that 2 improved. The only improvement from 2 to 3 was removing soul memory and improved level design.
I would be a happy hollow.
PVP is broken.
Also, why is there no gravelord covenant?
>I can't get good at PvP
>Therefore it's broken
and its because of those mechanical flaws that I just can't enjoy dark souls 3 as much as I should.
such beautiful and interesting areas in DaS II...
2 had shit level/boss design and terrible game mechanics like SM and everything being horribly slower. That said, it did introduce some cool things like bonfire ascetics, working covenants with decent rewards, being able to invade a nig even hollowed and if the boss was cleared and some other good shit. I'm disappointed that DaS3 took several steps back in this regard, since 2 had some good ideas in the making.
As opposed to DS3
>The cathedral in the woods
>The cathedral in Canada
>The cathedral in a castle town.
I tried to give it another go today but at the menu i realized it's not worth spending another 20hours to understand and/or edit keyboard and mouse settings.
>tfw there was a time when you would unironically attune lightning spears
Not worth the fp in 3. Also,
>wanderer coat
At least they removed the green shit from the cloranthy ring.
Nothin personnel kid.
that pic you posted is complete shit.
The only thing I miss is the covenant rewards.
I'm finished with covenants after one Saturday night, at least in DaS2 I had something to play for - auras were pretty shiny.
ur shit
I'm sorry I didn't like your shitty covenant invasions and didn't enjoy getting forcefully getting teleported into a world full of traps + enemy monsters + an enemy player.
Or that lava castle + volcano on top of that windmill
Dark Souls 2 is literally the Star Wars prequels. A masterpiece that the internet decided to meme on and make it look like shit.
Dark Souls 3 has no soul. Made by committee. At least Dark Souls 2 was original and took risks but the internet decided to hate on it for no reason
No need to apologize since I put over 700 hours into it and it's the best game of the souls series. Miyazaki threw out everything great that 2 did so he could play it safe and milk 3 with shitty mechanics and animations from 1 for the nostalgia fags.
I have nothing to apologise for. I have always loved you and you will always remain my favourite Souls game and one of my favourite adventure games of all time.
it seriously looks like it was drawn by some manga obsessed weeb degenerate who probably has a foot fetish and spends hours making waifus in souls games. pathetic.
Friendly reminder that DSII is awful in pretty much every way and DSIII is so much better because it removed everything 2 added and stuck to the first games model much more.
That being said, DS3 has shit tier PvP because of how similar it is to 2. They should've went fallout new vegas and made it exactly like dark souls 1 with more content
>forcefully getting teleported into a world full of traps
>tfw dungeon master of a +7 ascetic'd gauntlet with rare items hidden here and there
>watching it all from the exit while chameleon'd
>all those deaths from being rushed by the wolf/rats and underestimating my dorf buddies
Best covenant. Shame there was only one good dungeon. The majula pit was kinda shit.
Little confusing, the PvP is in dark souls 3 is like the pvp in 2, but everything else is perfect Because it's like 1
>Update DaS 1
>Give it a not shit PC port
>Redo the rougher parts of the graphics
>Add quality of life improvements like using multiple soul clumps at once
There, I just made the best Souls game ever.
>Make Demon's Souls 2
Apologize for making this thread again
I fucking love Majula. So comfy and melancholic at the same time.
Best in series
all the memesters can suck FumeUGS
Dark Skid Poo was never and will never be good.
I wish I could take all it's AIDS enabler fans and throw them off a cliff. Truly a blight
>the cathedral in canada
after ds3 I miss ds2, but I don't know if I want to go back to ds2s terrible level design, bosses and enemy ai.
I just miss all the things it actually improved upon the 1st game:
>almost all weapons were viable
>character creation with most options
>could go to almost any area you wanted right from the start so if you had a certain build in mind you could get it right away and then play the rest of the game with it without going NG+
>NG+ actually had new enemies and equipment
>could use bonfire ascetic to get most ng+ equipment as well as refight bosses(which would have been nice in the souls games with actual good bosses)
>repair powder actually mattered. having a secondary weapon was encouraged because of weapon degradation, so you could actually try out more weapons
>and lets not forget Power Stancing essentially doubling weapon move sets
It gave the player so many options. It just sucks that those options couldnt really be used on anything good and it sucks even more that both Ds3 and BB dismissed all of it and in some cases were even more lacking than ds1 in players choice
>btw never played it but i dont have to. a 0 review on metacritic called it the worst game ever haha lol
Dark Souls 2 deserves the response it got.
It did some things right, and it did a lot of things wrong.
It just so happens that the things it got right are things that Dark Souls 3 managed to fuck up.
This. If they could have just kept making DS1 I would have been happy. DS3 was a step in the right direction in most ways.
Glad it's the last game though.
Care to name some mechanics?
Who exactly, aside from faggot OP, is behind this push to revise history and make DaS2 out to be anything other than the bland rushed shitty game it is?
Doesn't matter. DaS2 is still objectively the worst souls game. Crying about DaS3's covenants or how it's aesthetically too similar to BB in some areas does nothing to redeem DaS2
I had fun playing Dark Souls 3
I didn't have fun playing D*rk Souls 2
Would Dark Souls 2 receive as much hate if it was set in a different universe and called something different like King Souls?
I loved the setting but it is all a lot more high fantasy and surreal than 1.
>Ascetics, not to respawn enemies but to respawn bosses
>Able to use a weapons full moveset in the left hand (my personal favourite as a lefty)
>Upgrading shields actually improved their stats, not just the stability
>Depleting your stamina caused your character to breathe heavily
>You didn't lose your momentum from falling down 2 feet
>Poise wasn't as retarded as in 1 or as useless as in 3
>Interacting with the environment unlocked secrets, like lighting all the scones in The Gutter
>Other secrets like the pig and the pickaxe
>Pharros Lockstones and Fragrant Branches to manipulate the environment
>Getting wet reduced your characters lightning resistance while boosting your fire resistance
>NG+ didn't just increase enemy HP and damage, it added new enemies and items
>rolling in poison pools made your poison build up continue even on dry land because you were still covered in it
>rolling in snow/poison/water covered you in it, and it slowly disappeared
>You could activate several pools of blood at once, resulting in hilarity
>You could be invaded even if you were hollow and if the boss was dead, but at a lower chance
>You could burn an effigy to block invaders, but as a result you blocked summons as well
>Poison builds were not only viable, they were useful
>You could roll in more directions when locked on
>Hexes were fleshed out
>White phantoms couldn't Estus with an invader in the world
>Small soapstones if you wanted help with the area before a boss, without having to Black Crystal to solo the boss
>not liking Duke's Archives
Just played it 15 mins ago to see how it holds up and its absolute shit. Even my wife walked past and laughed at the backgrounds, movement animations and attack animations. The whole game is sluggish as fuck and generally a bore to play.
Yeah probably.
I think mechanically 3 is a lot better and it feels better to play but at the same time it had a lot of the typical one step forward and two steps back shit that this series always has. I still don't think 3's level design was that good. 1 is still better despite being an unfinished game. Painted World and Sen's Fortress shits all over anything in 3.
Ds2 had
>best npc dialogue, best lore
>best setting
>best armor design
>armor has unique perks
>guard breaks
>dual wielding
>magic is useful
>bonfire ascetics
>ng+ mixes things up so it isn't just a trek through the game on easy mode with endgame gear
Ds3 was a big step back from Ds2 and BB. Weapons and armor look like shit, magic is useless, lore is a mess. Most of the praise is from people who thought ds2 was absolute shit.
Best thing for them is to end the series and just start doing single game installments. They could do a Christian mythology demon hunting game in the Victorian era or earlier. A modern day Men in Black alien hunting game would also be pretty bad ass.
dark souls 2 is a much better RPG than dark souls 3, the level design and some enemies are fucking ASS, but the character dialogue is sublime, the story actually goes somewhere, the firekeeper changes dialogue multiple times throughout the game, shalquoir is fantastic, Vendrick has cool as fuck dialogue, same goes for Aldia and FEEBLE FUCK best npc of the whole fucking series, the degree of control of your character is also MUCH better, in dark souls 2 you roll like a human would, every animation is completely motion capped and looks natual, in dark souls 3 you hop like a fucking bunny and it's fucking retarded, power stancing was MUCH better than the crap 2 weapons we have in 3, not to mention that the speed of dark souls 3 enemies is tailored to long sword R1 spam only, no poise doesn't help either, dark souls 2 works much better, I seriously hope people realize that the only thing dark souls 2 lacked was cool level design and some better tweaks to some enemies, otherwsie it's a lot better a sequel than dark souls 3 in every fucking way possible.
If the level designer of bloodborne/dark souls 3 did dark souls 2, you faggots would be all over dark souls 2 while shitting on 3, I can fucking guarantee it to you.
>best npc dialogue, best lore
I can agree, or at least accept, the rest, but what the fuck are you on? NPCs are the flattest they ever were. Once they get to Majula they just "end"
You made a type OP. What you meant to say is to apologize FOR Dark Souls 2. I mean really it should be done every day for the rest of human existence, as it is LITERALLY the WORST game of all time. Everything about this game is a stain on society. Every copy of the game should be burned but sadly that isn't possible because of digital. Still it's an absolute shit that should be reviled with nothing more than disdain for being PURE FUCKING SHIT!
Those all definitely improvements, but I can't but feel that none of them are enough.
I played Vanilla once including DLC, and SOTFS once also to completion. But I can't imagine a scenario where I would ever play the game again. Pretty much the only thing I like about the game is how fucking huge it is. Both plays combined took me 100 hours. I also have 100 hours in DaS3, which I have beaten over 6 times.
Rat covenant was neat.
being summoned by the Mirror Knight was neat.
NPCs had more dialogue and would say "Oi!" or something if you walked away without saying goodbye.
NG+ wasn't just rings, it was new enemies and boss souls (and the duke's dear freja appearing earlier), DS3 could have chosen to build upon this but it just went with the rings and different loot souls in NG+.
An actual poise system
I wish DaS had more areas like Majula. Obviously the world is fucked up but you can't tell me there aren't more areas where normal people still live
Most of the criticisms are valid, but the sound design doesn't get enough shit for how much it deflates the experience. Almost every weapon and enemy contact has the same couple of noises, which sound like hitting a pillow underwater. Nothing felt satisfying because every weapon sounded weak.
Sorry DS2
>best lore
Was it? I didn't really care for anything DS2 introduced, but neither do I care much about DS3 since half of it is "IGNORE WHAT HAPPENED IN 2, HERE'S 1 AGAIN" without really addressing any of the questions that were left unanswered.
I'm sorry i've been playing das 3. You're sill my favourite and it's just helping me appreciate you more.
as opposed to Dark Souls 1 where they just die.
In a game that doesn't force you into NG+ because of online maybe dying NPCs isn't the smartest idea
srry bb
>DS2 NG+
Fuck me I can't believe they fucked that up in 3. That shit is unforgivable. DS3 has the worst NG+.
This is one of my biggest problems with the souls series in general. It's supposed to be about the world falling to ruin, but most of the time it's so bizarre and hostile I can't imagine it EVER being hospitable in the first place.
Only Bloodborne seemed to address this, with the beginning having people shut away from the hunt that would talk through their doors.
>the level design and some enemies are fucking ass
Isnt that pretty much the entire game? The rest are throwaway remarks.
Playing it through for the first time and it feels so ugly and uninspired compared to the design of the first one. Everything is too fucking orange, kind of like how everything in 3 is blue.
The torch mechanic got old after the first area, I cucked the dragonrider after about 10 tries and beat the first giant. The game seems fucking gay so far and I don't know if i should keep going or just uninstall it and download ds3 instead.
The Sup Forums hipster alliance is in full force again I see.
false, worst NPCs in the series
false, shitty, bland, boring and colorless areas, put together by what it seems like a 12 year old child
false, armor and weapons looked like plastic trash
that was nice, actually
3 has those too
3 has dual wielding, but no power-stance
so is magic in 3
it's shit
very minor changes, BB doesn't have any new game+ content at all, for that matter
Kill yourself.
They die, but their story progresses to the point of death. In 2 you've got a bunch of characters who have stories but they just stop with no resolution, death or otherwise.
why? dark souls 3 exposed 2s flaws even more
>The game seems so fucking gay
Underage detected. Gay isnt an insult when you realise women are fucking disgusting.
>so is magic in 3
Magic blows in Dark souls 3 until you're basically at NG+ levels.
Fuck you I liked this series before it got mainstream.
You've probably never even heard of Demon's Souls.
its gay
I liked II more than III.
Sue me. II was as memorable as I to me, while III is mostly just a blur.
see Then proceed to kill yourself.
why? its shit
>best NPCs
it easily had the worst until BB and then ds3 decided to trump BB with that too.
No need to apologize. Dark Souls 2 is my favourite after all!
Now if you'll excuse me I need to grab a kale shake and caramel Machiatto before I ride my bixie bike to my college media/photography classes.
Then I'm going to go put on my favourite saggy beanie and hemp shorts while I vape, jerk off and listen to my Depeche Mode vinyls.
PS: Skyward Sword is the best Zelda. Wake up and learn to go against the hivemind, SHEEPLE.
Fuck you. DaS2 should apologise to me.
>mfw PCucks call the game with the best atmosphere in the whole series "Hipster Souls"
>mfw they will never, EVER play it
Souls 3 being total garbage doesn't retroactively make Souls 2 a good game, it just means that both are shit and Fromsoft royally fucked up.
A ps3 costs like 50 bucks. If someone wants to play Demons they can.
Dark Souls 2.
>less linear
>better balance
>entirely original, does its own thing story-wise as opposed to 1 and 3 being basically the same
>best PC version bar none
>no retarded difficulty spikes halfway through the game
>hardest content is optional
>consumable healing items allow for no-bonfire runs without necessitating farming
>good variety in weapons and tactics
>fixed magic and pyromancy allowing you to faceroll your way through the game
It was certainly the best game, in terms of features and mechanics
All critics have to respond to all of this is
>muh downgrade
*I casually nod and drop you a wink*
*tips fedora*
They won't though.
You can find plenty of those people on steam forums, shit talking demon's souls because they can't play it.
Bloodborne too.
Mentioned by one poster
>>less linear
But more linear than both Demon's Souls and Dark Souls.
>>better balance
Tempered by the fact that the shitty movement made the weapons and the game in general not fun to play. Replacing the fast, responsive, tight controls with minimalist animations from DeS/DaS with the clunky movement and LMAOSOEPIC animations was by far the worst part of the game.
>>entirely original, does its own thing story-wise as opposed to 1 and 3 being basically the same
3 being a continuation of 1 does not retroactively make 1's storyline generic. Demon's Souls also has a completely unrelated story, and the thing that it shares in common with Dark Souls is that the story is cohesive and relatively clearly explained through a variety of channels. The Souls formula for plot is supposed to be "explain the main story clearly but let the player discover the world on their own". Dark Souls 2 B team devs misinterpreted this as "make everything in the game vague and unexplained to give the illusion of depth".
>>best PC version bar none
Do you mean in technical terms? Because 3 is objectively better in that regard.
>>no retarded difficulty spikes halfway through the game
Yeah, the whole game was just piss easy. Git gud.
>>hardest content is optional
The other games do this too.
>>consumable healing items allow for no-bonfire runs without necessitating farming
All healing items in Demon's Souls were consumable and Dark Souls had consumable humanities. I agree this is an issue in 3 though.
>>good variety in weapons and tactics
see above point about the game just not being fun to play regardless
Actually a good addition.
>>fixed magic and pyromancy allowing you to faceroll your way through the game
Whereas in Dark Souls 2 you can faceroll your way through the game with everything because it's easy as fuck.
It's the weakest game in the series whether you like it or not, and it's funny that you bring up "mechanics" since that's where the game fucks up most.
Those are a lot of positives, and I wont refute them, but it has a lot of negatives too.
>awful weapon durability
>cracked red eyes only
>soul memory
>crow RNG instead of fixed trades
>nonsensical world layout
>enemy swarms = difficulty
>samey and uninspired bosses
>hyper tracking
DLC excluded of course, it did a good deal of things better. But we haven't seen 3's DLC yet either.
apologize for forcing your shit
Dark Souls 2 is so good. The core mechanics are definitely the best in the Souls series. Poise works how it should have in 1, mostly as hyper armor and with heavy armor users able to tank a couple of weak hits without staggering. The dual wielding and off hand mechanics worked, again, like they always should have. Invading mechanics are also great, invaders can't heal and when they invade white phantoms can't either. Add with extremely punishable estus and it's the best system.
The encounter design in 2 is definitely the best part of the game, yeah I fucking said it. These games are ONLY hard with multiple enemy encounters. When the fuck is a 1on1 hard except bosses? The game actually made you fucking adapt which I think WAS the point of the series but it got lost track of. Shrine of Amana is the best area in the base game, forces you to actually fucking think. Dodge rhythmically, use cover to move up, dispatch enemies as they come. You can also use the torch to aggro the water guys from far way so they won't fuck with you while you move up on the casters and also use it to see edges in the water. That's another thing, the torch was used pretty well. The Gutter, the Misty Woods, Shrine of Amana, Brightstone Cove, I'd say that's pretty good and it's fun to light sconces. And then the DLC areas kick the ever living shit out of the rest of the series.
I think I know why 2 wasn't well received. To people, Dark Souls isn't a game but an 'experience'. Because Dark Souls 2 didn't focus on muh interconnected world and other softer elements it's vilified. These games are seen not as games, but status symbols. It's all posturing. And then Dark Souls 2 comes along, far harder than the first, focuses on being a game before anything else, and these non casuals pretending to be gamers get blown the fuck out and do anything they can to blame the game.