You hyped?

You hyped?

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That looks fucking horrible and the voice acting sucks giant dicks.

What kind of peasant could ever be hyped for a console game? PC release when?

Jesus fucking christ user, at least wait before there are people in this thread.

Velvet has got to be the hottest video game woman in existence

Not really. Every Vanillaware game has had great core gameplay ruined by endless tedious repetition.

>Partial Nudity
The trailer showed no such thing. Why was that even part of the ESRB rating?

Honestly looks fun. A more whimsical God of War mixed with some Japanese flavor. The voice acting was sub par, but the gameplay looked enjoyable. Would it kill my fellow english speakers to have a little emotion in their voices?

The voice acting is fine, you retarded weeaboo

>muh high pitched nip squeals

>God of War

Almost forgot about it. It's almost a good thing it's not coming out until later in June in Europe.
I've got OW and Burning Blood to play in June.

Oswald a best

Don't you know? Partial nudity is for midriffs, showing leg skin and so forth, it's apparently hurtful to the children if there's a character who's less than fully clothed.

Although Velvet certainly isn't the most wholesome-looking individual around what with the gypsy dancer appearance, underboob and all.

What's the difference between this and the odin sphere game

>$60 dollary doos for the PS4 version

Damn you Vanillaware, damn you and your animations

Which version would you all be getting?
Vita for me so I can have all 3 on maximum comfy.

It's the same game, but with new voice cast, upgraded gameplay, enhanced HD visuals. The original is still fine, but I'm really looking forward to this.


I never played Idin Sphere, but I've played Muramasa and Dragon's Crown. I thoroughly enjoyed Muramasa but honestly didn't particularly care for DC.

Why should I buy this remaster, and what's in it that I shouldn't just download the PS2 version for $10 on PSN?

i want the vita version but it would cost me a fortune to get.

Oswald is a baby back bitch.

Odin Sphere is like Muramasa but with better characters and norse mythology. Original had very simplistic combat, lots of copy pasted areas, flat levels, and terrible alchemy/inventory management though. Remaster is supposed to fix that.

So it's legitimately a remaster, and not just an upscale? Like what Muramasa Rebirth was to Muramasa on the Wii? Can we expect anything similar to the amazing amount of extra content the Vita got?

Can't argue with that

>15 overwatch threads
>os thread can't break 25 posts
Did summer start early?

I am very hype
preorder artbook for anyone that wants to see it

I would be interested but there are too many other weeb games attracting my attention this summer. I'll probably pass on it, maybe grab it on the cheap some time later.

God that dub is terrible, it has dual audio right?

Overwatch has a massive shilling campaign, c'est la vie.



waifus seem a step down from dragon cown


I wanna fuck that fat rabbit.



i want to fuck that blue rabbit




I've never played this game someone sell it to me, why is it good?


>Social-Emotional Agnosia, also known as emotional agnosia or expressive agnosia, is the inability to perceive facial expressions, body language, and voice intonation.
>inability to perceive voice intonation

Confirmed for brain damage senpai

>Velvet's lacy figurine underwear is now basically canon.

Ingway did everything wrong

>was planning to buy a ps4 this month since I have the money
>only getting it for p5, kh3, and nier 2
>see this
>nice suprise muramasa looking game
>now im hyped
Thanks user, you marketed this game to me.

yeah I'm sure cultural differences have nothing to do with it but thanks for looking that up(??????)

Next month has a couple of under the radar releases. Atelier Sophie, Grand Kingdom and Guilty Gear Revelator come to mind.

>Hosted on exhentai

None of those are "under the radar" senpai.

Unless you don't browse any news at all or just stick to shit like IGN. Even then I bet they have Sophie and GGR news.

Was hoping to see that. Now if only someone would scan the complete Dragon's Crown artbook that released after the pre-order version...

>tfw all they had to do was add hitstun to enemies you attack
>game is improved vastly through this alone

Yeah people sometimes upload vanillaware artbooks there, the entire unlockable art set from Dragon's Crown is there in high quality.

What I mean is that barely anyone speaks about them. I've seen like 1-2 atelier threads over the last month and today there was a guilty gear thread. And this is probably the site that discusses niche games the most. It's easy to forget they even exist or when they come out.


the dark souls artbooks are hosted there too

Atelier threads are almost daily but mostly start with _____ is cute! Cute! - Rorona this, Totori that, that kind of shit. It's rare to see them to go on for hundreds of replies but they're still there.

>And this is probably the site that discusses niche games the most.
Hardly, Sup Forums barely discusses videogames. It's all about shitposting, console wars waifuposting and PC posting more or less.

Reddit objectively discusses more considering you'd be hard pressed to find a game (series at least) without subreddit and it's not full of shitposting and such.

If you wanted more fighter discussion you'd just stick to /vg/ no matter how shit it is, really.

I want to play Gwendolyn already.

Oh boy, time for Odette to kill my framerate again.


Does this game play like dragon's crown? It's the only vanillaware game I've played.

Nah, more like muramasa. You can't move up and down while on the ground.

Fuck it I'm getting the Vita version.

There had better be a physical release for the Vita, goddammit.


Muramasa Rebirth was way closer to original Muramasa than OS Leifthrasir is to original OS. It's bordering on being a full remake, it would be if it wasn't using the same exact art.

I don't understand moon at all and i can still tell what kind of emotion a character has by the voice alone.

Day one buy.

Played the demo when it came out on JP PSN and it was great. Loved the original and this seems like the best kind of remake.

ok Im hype

If I can play it without the English audio, then yes.

I thought there was supposed to be a new dub?

Already pre-ordered special edition. I hope sales are good so Vanillaware can rerelease Dragon's Crown and/or Muramase for current gen or PC.

Dual audio was confirmed a while ago.



Look at it this way, they changed enough to warrant a "classic mode" that lets you simply play the original with the improved graphics and framerate if you don't like the new combat enough.

I really really want the artbook but I also really really don't want to buy a PS4 before the new model drops. Is it purely a preorder thing or will I still find it around in a few months?

Yes there was a new dub.

Usually they're hard to come buy after a couple of months. Especially outside of the united states, you'll mostly find some in gamestop or so.

Velvet's lines in the trailer are 100% the same.

Well ask fatlus, they're the ones that said they were doing a new dub.

Atlus collectors editions usually increase a lot in price after they are released

Oh well, I guess I'll just have to buy the game and have it sit around for months.

Is there good porn of this game? Dragon's Crown had some okay stuff, but really fizzled out quickly, and Muramasa has next to none.

I want to fuck that bunny.

Google it you dumb cunt

Dragon's Crown had a decent amount of porn, my favorite is the one that reads like a choose your own adventure book. Very true to the spirit of the game.

Why are you people still afraid of English? Why the fuck aren't you people just learning Japanese if it's so sugoi?

>I also really really don't want to buy a PS4 before the new model drops
Just get the game for the PS3. It's the only sensible thing to do.

>That voice acting

Dem hips.

I'm not afraid of English, I'm afraid of terrible acting.

there is, it is just a tad hard to find. i had one before i had to sell my vita due to some issues.

now that i have a vita again i can't find a copy for a decent price anywhere so i got a ps3 copy of the game, it has local MP but opening loot chests with the analog is not that great, i would just rather got to the chest.

>Dat voice acting

My PS3 decided to die so not an option. I could get it on Vita, but going for the small screen when I could have full HD feels like a disservice to the art.



>American VAs in medieval fantasy


If you think this is even close to terrible you're deluding yourself.

What makes you say the Japanese is better?

I dont get hyped for ports of mediocre games.

>Japanese VAs in medieval fantasy

I'll take Taiwanese or German before I'd take whatever was in that trailer.

I pre-ordered it for Vita. It's supposed to come with some book. Vanillaware games are best on Vita because you can play them comfy in bed