What time is it Sup Forums?

What time is it Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


High Moon?


Hiiiigh Noon

Tall Midday

What did Hanzo mean by this?

12:00 mid-day

Its pretty sunny.



Its high.. bleeergh!

>unironically living in europe
Hey kid, you really need to get back to rebbit.

>3 minutes ago
>2:22 or 14:22
>Literally 20 minutes after or 40 minutes to high noon in any timezone

About tree fiddy.


Time for McCree to fuck my boypussy






Reminder that if you follow a Mcree around a corner when happens is your own fault.




Time to hit E.

What kind of American cowboy wears a poncho?
I thought he was Mexican until I saw his name.



This is a joke, right?

I'll see myself out.

What a tard

>McCree on enemy team starts his ult
>immediately shot jn the head by a widowmaker
>widowmaker player in McCree impression "BYYYYEEE"

well, it's a high noon somewhere in the world


This post has it all

Time to check the fucking catalog, there are 6 other Overwatch threads already up you fucking mong

then don't go into them, simple as that

Time to balance this game post-beta

Pic related.

So make pharah just completely worse in every aspect than rat? She already fires and reloads slower.

Doctor Winston, I'm BAMF

>Helix cooldown reduced to 4 seconds

Hnnnnnngg my fucking dick. I'll take the reload penalty for that.

>change McCrees damage
>make pharah even more useless
>no changes to Junk Rat
Don't be biased

>Zenyatta health buff

Praise the Lord.

>make pharah useless
>buff reaper
>make mei even worse than she already is
>not nerfing widow's ridiculously low charge time
>destroying D.Va's allahu ackbar capabilities
The only sane change you made was Bastion.


Even blizzard has come forward saying she has way too much damage output along with her mobility. I just made a suggestion on how to slightly nerf her while also buff some of her other tools.

The reaper buff just allows him to use his passive better because going out of your way to collect souls is cumbersome. That and a slightly faster teleport hardly make him OP

Her freeze ability hard counters half the cast from 10 meters away and is extremely unfun to play again. Unlike bastion which is just a matter of getting good, Mei's natural ability can just shut you down even if you're a good distance away and are stronger.

You are right about that, I was just trying to address hook sniping which, in tandem with side low charge time, makes her able to just eliminate enemies with no chance to react or way to counter her.

I just said some. I feel like 40 meters away is a little much. Just make the radius slightly smaller. Other than that I gave her major buffs because her "flanking tank" is made useless by her mile wide head hitbox

Just a slight buff on his ult which has a longer build time than the other 3, so getting an extra 1.5 seconds out of it doesn't seem too gamebreaking, especially when its just overheal.

How'd he do that jump?

"Stand still on the objective. Just trust me you dumb fucks"

jumped into reinhardts charge just right


Neat. There's another apparently bugged McCree/Reinhardt interaction that lets him bust through the shield if he charges Deadeye long enough... any ideas about it?

From what I understand, when calculating the damage that will be fired at each target, Deadeye seems to be considering the current health of the shield, allowing its shots to reach huge damage levels and break through the shield on the first shot, then fire all remaining shots at other Deadeye targets

I was reading about it on planetoverwatch.org

There's some really interesting analysis there.

Are fucking serious, the only good thing they gave to Mai was the faster movement.

>Winston jumps on you, double taps E, zaps you for 1 second and throws a punch
>over 200 damage in 1 second
You're a genius.

about tree fiddy

>implying jumping, deploying shield, activating it, zapping for 1 second, and punching which takes 1 second all happened Somehow miraculous in 1 second.

2.5 seconds minimum if the splash and shield set up were done synchronous.

Also shield only does 40 damage, which is only 10 more than base melee, so why waste it like that? Melee wind up is 1 second, which even currently the tesla does more damage than at 57.

The fuck did I just watch?

6:17 PM, why do you ask?

Only characters I feel need legitimate changes are Zen, Mei and D Va.

3:21 pm

Guys. What if we make a list like this to send to Blizzard?

deploying shield doesn't interrupt your zapping and you're finishing off with a punch because many of the heroes you're going after have 200 health or less. So really you're already zapping in the air, land, drop and explode shield and finish off with a punch (punch damage happens instantly btw) assuming your enemy has 200 health or less.


CST is the comfiest timezone

Still, doesn't seem too out of place given that fan the hammer can do 420 damage with no headshots in 1 second(70x6), and you even have flashbang to make it that much easier.

A tank like winston being able to do 200 in double that time isn't too out there.

most of those changes are horrible. Mei and Pharah would be useless.

Reinhardt needs +5 to +10 to melee attacksso that you can still 2shot a tracer that has a lucio without E active in range and 3hit a genji in the same situation.

Fiestrike CD is okay as it is. Ult needs not more damage, the hammer does.

Winston jumps halfway across the map though. McCree has to come to you or you need to come to him.

>buffs to zarya
>Buffs to WINSTON

You are fucking retarded.


yeah no, the game is fine, git gud.


71C on overwatch

>trusting Sup Forums with game balances

thank god this is in the hands of Blizz, you people would ruin it.

>Widowmaker can plan 150 in 1 second from half way across the map in 1 second without skill

>Phariah can splash damage 160 health in 2 second from across the map

>One clip from the speed demon Tracer does 170-240 depending on range in 1 second (no headshots)

>2 shots from the highly mobile Reaper with only half the pellets hiting can do 140 damage in 1 second (no headshots)

>2 arrows from Hanzo can deal 250 damage in 1 second (no headshot)

>Genji can do 100 damage in 1 second from 3 shurikens (no headshots)

Now considering that Winston doesn't even have the option to headshot at all with his weapon, does this seem all that bad to buff him slightly?

someone is salty about mei....

>Nerf the characters I dont like
>Buff the characters I like


The only one of those that's even remotely comparable is Genji and you even fucked that up

28x3 right-click + 30 melee + 50 dash and that's not even 1 second but as fast as you can input those commands.

That's a big belt buckle.


Better Changes

>Bastion's turret mode does not allow instant, aiming, though fast enough for most occasions
>Bastion regains his shield as an ability in turret mode; lasts for 3 seconds, or 200 damage, with an 18 second cooldown

>Zenyatta gains 50 shields
>Orb of Discord reduces target's move speed by a minor amount, while increasing Zen's move speed while he is in LoS

>Lucio's healing is reduced by about 1/5th

>Mercy grants a shield to targets of her Guardian Angel, provided they were a fair distance away, at an amount proportional to the distance

>Winston's Tesla damage slightly increased

>Damage to Roadhog grants less charge than other characters
>Hook cooldown increased by 1 second

>Reinhardt's cooldown for a broken shield is increased to 5 seconds
>Charging may now be prematurely finished; both Reinhardt and target are uncontrollable for .5 second after the end

>D.Va is removed from the game
>Oh fine. I guess buff her cannons by 1 damage per pellet.
>Reduce her rate of ult gain while outside her mech

>Torbjorn's rivet gun has a much more impactful firing sound, animation, and impact

>Mei's freeze-ray's range is slightly reduced
>It takes longer to freeze high health targets, and lower for low health targets; 200 health being the median

>Junkrat's movement speed is slightly lowered

>Reaper's Reaping attracts souls that are in his crosshairs
>Reaper's shadow step activates slightly faster if he has not been damage recently

>Reduce Farah's Self damage from rockets and abilities

>McCree's roll cooldown increased by 2 seconds
>Hitting any enemy with any attack or ability lowers the cooldown by 1 second

>Genji's melee and swift strike do an additional 5 damage
>Shurikens' damage increases if multiple hit; 1 hit does normal damage, 2 hits adds 1 to each impact, all three add 2 to each impact

>Dragons from Hanzo and Gas from Reaper now have team colors

How are highly mobile people like Tracer, Phariah, Reaper, and Widowmaker not comparable?

At the moment they can dole out more damage than winston, and even with his tanky health pool, they can kill 2-3 times faster and have ultimates that are shit.

Seriously, the knockback on his ult is all of 10 feet. And given the air drag in the game, its pretty hard to knock anyone off, especially when half the cast have some means back up
(widowmaker grapple, phariah boost, Lucio by megaman walljumping, Genji by air dashing/double jumping, Tracer blinks or rewind, reinhardt charge, Mercy guardian angel, winston hop, D. Va flight)

And then there is the fact that his ult is shut down by SO many basic abilities like nothing:

Sentries, Bastion in Turret form, Mei's existence, Orb of Discord, RoadHog's chain, Getting pinned by Reinhardt, Lucio's sound wave, Junkrat's trap,

And then for ultimates, Whole Hog, Hammer Down, Self destruct, Missile Barrage, Molten Core, Configuration tank, Gravitron Bomb, Transcendence.

>Endless mccree rolling combos

it's always high noon somewhere.

my dick

thank fuck you dont work for blizzard.

>nerf Macrees damage
>no tankbuster in the game now
>absolutely just gutting Hogger

It's time for Bastion to get the play of the game.


>increase movement speed during take a breather
>immobile during take a breather

aAlmost time for the dogs of AMS to make a move.

Shit, rolling reloads, doesn't it?
Well, scrap that one. Figured it woulda been fun, but you can't mess with instant reloads on a high damage weapon like his.


most of these are absolute shit but
>No changes

Me I is op as fuck

Bout what my card gets




Reaper and Zenyatta can bust tanks

I'll bust your tank

you got any more of them overwatch memes? I need reaper doing this

If they buff her ud just quit. She's a better tank than half the tanks, nigh unkillable, and wins most 1v1s

learn to fucking headshot, something that she's generally incapable of if she's spamming w+m1 at you