Games you are literally too stupid to understand

Games you are literally too stupid to understand.

I have watched countless tutorial videos and I still dont fully get it.

It'll just click one day. Just throw yourself in the deep end. Don't play on Tutorial Island.

This. At first you don't understand it but then after a while you just do. You just have to play enough to get there. Don't be afraid to fuck up either. It's the same with Europa Universalis IV and I expect it's the same with Stellaris too.


>Don't be afraid to fuck up either

The best time I had was getting a game over since I had my nuts chopped off by the Byzantine emperor after a failed coup despite not even knowing how to wage wars.

Don't swallow the Strategy meme, Crusader Kings 2 is a RPG first and foremost.

I haven't had a ton of time because of uni but I might just spend a day beating my face into all the mechanics.

Fucking this.

I just wanted that damn fishcake. I refuse to cheat with a guide, though.

literally this.
just click around and figure out what shit does.

Paradox games aren't as complex as they seem, the hardest part is understanding which parts of the interface are important to get started. It's also simpler to go in with an open mind and not compare it to other strategy genres such as 4x because it may mislead you

>doesn't understand a game as simple as CK2

its a boring map simulator. Theres not much to get

Make a good vassal one of your advisors, hit fast forward until you can claim a cassius beli.

rince and repeat

I got into paradox games by blatantly cheating. With Cheat Engine or console commands. I gave myself enough advantage/resources etc. to be able to try out every major game mechanic and after that I playing normally was much easier to me, since I knew how everything works and where am I going.

Its really not that hard to understand.

All you need is merchant-level plot power

Vanilla is pretty boring but i have to say the Game of Thrones mod is actually fun.

Play Liquor and Bureaucrats Simulator instead. Much better mechanics and you get to commit genocide.


>Gavelkind succession as a duke

It's pretty easy once you get into it. I like playing as the vikings and playing it as a rape/incest simulator.

I understand how to play it
I just dont understand why my 1.5k army gets squashed by a 900 man army when we have the same equipment

Download a mod called Shattered World.

It breaks everyone down to just the county level so you can start on a level with everyone else without having a liege to fuck with you or vassals to manage. You can learn the basics of blobbing and how to deal with family and diplomacy. I find that Ck2, EU4, and even stellaris are not engaging or fun to watch. There is just too much that you do your own way that the streamer/lper does a different way.

So is it a crime if I prefer Medieval 2 Total War instead of Crusader Kings 2?

>ultimogeniture succession as a lustful character with a lustful wife

terrain advantage, flanks, unit types and leaders also matter

>mfw taught myself how to play dwarf fortress last year
>no other game scratches my autism itch and probably never will

that means nothing considering they're completely different types of games

CK2 is easy to learn because it's really difficult to lose and you can always bounce back from a defeat
Try playing as a German duke or Iberian king and just look at all the fucking tooltips

I'm too fucking stupid to play HoI3 though, I can conquer America as Japan because the naval AI in Paradox games is always retarded, but playing as Germany is impossible for me

Victoria 2 is the only good Paradox GS anyways

I remember a video where a guy made a spacechem setup that would've completed the first level of the game way after the universe died of heat death

thats the thing
my martial ability was astronomical compared to his
I even moved my army so I wouldnt do a river crossing
and I still get destroyed

that is truly a Paradox

>hate programming in assembly
>maybe I'll get better through practice if it's in a game
nope, I'm still garbage

It's stupid, but it's really easy to take out the US navy with a fleet a quarter its size

Paradox can't make naval AI worth shit

try EU4 first