ITT: Forgotten games

I'll start with an easy one.


>PCuck tears

Forgotten yet you cucks cry about it every damn day

Only men above 6'3" may post in this thread Please leave.

How far did you get, Sup Forums?


I hope you're enjoying the 50 second loading screens and 20 fps.

1 year old bait

PC owner detected

We don't cry about it, we laugh at it.
Also, cuckoldry is the thinking man's fetish.



there is multiple on this game every day, what the fuck are you talking about

>sonycucks are THIS delusional
I'm on my hands and knees, begging and pleading you to seek sunlight



This game ironically



What's this from? Searching it just brings up some oscar meme jokes.


The Departed



Was this good? It peaked my custom robo interests

What the FUCK happened bros?!


Like a clockwork

I remember Bb

Yakuza 5

I haven't forgotten about it.
It's better than Dark Souls 3

I really hope there is going to be an expansion where you can recruit aliens.
Kinda like a reversal of the Enemy Within expansion where pro-xeno humans attacked XCOM, pro-human Aliens will attack ADVENT.

Yeah I liked it, if you're looking for a CR type game this is probably the closest one.

>ITT:Games that cucks still cry about.

That star fox wii u game that looks like ps1 game
