
>it's free
>packs can quickly and easily be earned without paying anything
>guaranteed rare in every pack
>1/2 chance for epic
>1/4 chance for legendary
>intense tactical battles
>over 350 cards

This game will kill Hearthstone
Prove me wrong faggots.

Other urls found in this thread:


It doesn't have the retarded Twitch audience that's required to be successfull.
And a tablet version.

Isn't it tremendously pay2win, like every CCG?

It sounded like you can maybe put together one deck for free, enough to get you into the pay2win MMR, and then you uninstall or shell out the dosh

blizzfags will be blizzfags

You do get given alot of cards at the start.

You will do better if you buy lots of packs, but packs can be attained easily without paying anything.
Also, you're not crippled if you don't get packs. Some of the most powerful spell are in the starter decks.

They will wait a bit before going full turbojew mode

They ARE ex-blizzard devs.

I'm waiting for the superiore hearthstone clone instead

what so you can rub your doodle to waifus you fucking weeaboo

>it's free
>packs can quickly and easily be earned without paying anything
>guaranteed rare in every pack
>1/2 chance for epic
>1/4 chance for legendary
>75% chance of vet OP
>75% chance of meta destruction at the end of month
>75% chance of songay OP
>100% chance of being total dogshit
>"intense" "tactical" battles
>over 350 cards (nearly none used)
>It's being shilled
>It's dogshit since the jaxi patch and only gone down

EleGiggle HEARTHSTONE EleGiggle KILLER EleGiggle

Salty Magmar player.



>100% of being fucked by druid
>100% of being fucked by druid
>100% of being fucked by druid

druid sucks senpai

Alright, user you can calm down now.

I'm 100% right and you fucking know it. Game went to shit after jaxi patch, after that it's a wild ride of it being dogshit, patch after patch and 1-2 retards in deep denial, the "Lol we normal tcg nao let's throw away all our identity XD" patch last month (I think?) was the last drop, now it's irredimible shit. Enjoy your dead game, and dead thread. Now go die under 100 replies like last time faggot. Enjoy your ever dying game~

pd: magmar was right, game is ruined post new year's and nobody listened.

He's same-fagging again and again, probably a songoloid or vetshitter. Everyone who gave a shit about the game left months ago and the game is bleeding hard.

>I want a GOOD ruleset/game
>I want a good ruleset game but I enjoy games with GUIs out of the 80's (and money)
>I want a game for my phone
>Am me retarded. Am me go face. ME WIN MANY TIME. ME SMART!

I liked it and it's better than Shitstone
but yeah It doesn't have the rabid twitch followers and it probably never will. Unless the meme streamers jump over it wont get big. Trump and Kibler being paid to stream the game occasionally isn't enough.

It won't kill Hearthstone, because it's much more skill-based, difficult to learn, and less intuitive for the casual streaming audience. It's quite complex and a good player with a free deck can crush a new player with an expensive deck, unlike Hearthstone where if you just buy enough packs you can get 30% winrate vs professional players if you use meta decks.

That being said, it is a much better game than Hearthstone.

Unless it gets good again.
Which won't happen. It'd get worse and worse until it is HS2.0

>it is a much better game than Hearthstone
Not hard senpai

What happened to Magmar? I haven't played in a really long time but I liked the class.

Faeria is better

>hurr face durr

retard tryhard who couldn't get to S-rank detected. once you get good enough at the game to counter aggro the metagame opens up wide

Got meme'd on hard.

But again, everyone but vet and songay did.

not him, but what is the problem?
I haven't really played since december

what about HEX or Chronicles: Runescape Legends?

Vet/Songay OP as fuck since then (they alternate), the rest range from vanar-tier to mediocre.
5 card draw replace 2.
Draw 1 per turn.

No opinions, haven't played.


Songhai is still good?
That's stupid, people where always complaining about them.
>Hit face, play boars, backstab for all your health. huehehaw

This reminds me that Infinity Wars died

game switched to 1 draw per turn instead of 2. this means more open design space in the future but apparently the guy you're replying to got ass blasted that the patch made his favorite deck unviable

you can do an almost free 25 dmg combo in one turn if you know what you're doing and get lucky draws

I've played the game but I don't know why. something puts me off. also maybe it just me but I got the slight impression that the AI cheats on me, I don't know how different is to play against other players and even less in ranked.

I'm kinda dissapointed that the next expansion will only add 180 cards to the current pool for june.

Unsure after new heros with new hero powers, but I'm pretty sure they still are (no meta analysis anywhere either, Kolos gave up too).

Kolos agrees with me, and kolos>you.

I still waiting for a key. at this point I almost gave up to get into

It cheats senpai.

>Have unique mechanics
>Fuck let's just be HS it's easier!
My favorite deck was killed when it became memedern balancing general, now it's just fucking dogshit game general, the change making it no longer interesting at any level.

scientist grincher Mogwai maser think otherwise, kolos is as asshurt as you are

why draw 1 card instead of 2 is bad for the game?

And the game will be killed in a year or so, Kolos standing right, me standing right since new year's and everyone else eating shit because the devs keep using modern's balance instead of legacy.

>No SB
>Add tech card
>Might as well not even exist because lolnodrawlol

If you aren't playing Vetruvian or Vanar you're playing cancer incarnate.

>he doesn't know they removed druid's combo

I haven't played since january, should I jump back in or is it too late?

I quit when they took Mana Burn away from Magmar

Did Magmar ever recover from that or is it the balance still fucked?

Vet AND vanar are cancer incarnate

Nope, still fucked.

>Magmar either draws each player a card or gets a +1 attack that can get dispelled
>Still loses to any ranged minion
>Vetruvian still fucking OP after the changes
>Songay still fucking OP after the changes

>enough to get you into the pay2win MMR, and then you uninstall or shell out the dosh

Nah, you get cards rather quickly and cheap decks can easily get you to rank 10 aka free legendary every month. You can get a full deck pretty quickly if you disenchant a bunch of stuff
Buying cards is actually not worth it at all compared to how many packs you get

Yeah fuck this game then

Did you try out bloodborne spells? They pretty fun
Of course vet is now a different kind of OP

More cancer than Songay, Abysshit, Fagmar and "I'm going to win by turning a 10-minutes match into a stalemate until you have to go to work" Lyonar?

Hehe get fucked magmar cuck ;)
U mad?
U so mad XDDD

Fuck that mess. I'd rather pay $20 for the game and get everything than play some of it for free but need to pay $500 for the rest.

How are they cancer?
Because I know they're broken, but the other kind of broken user, just use any ranged minion.

>How are they cancer?
Because they have an answer for literally any bad situation they can get into and have the best minions and the best spells?

Actually, this game is not that bad on the F2P aspect. You can earn all cards for free and quickly.

>pixel art

I want this meme to end

>stop shilling your p2w bullshit here

It will never beat hearthstone anyways!

1. Ranged minion
2. They do, as long they have board control which they have because you're a baddie
3. LOL

>It cheats senpai.
and how it's ranged?
what's the best I can do with Rage,Wiz,Dom & Order base decks?

Not all, but enough to get a good deck yes.

Only good thing about it.

>I lose to ranged minions: the faction
>Lol drawing is for scrubs: The faction
>My bloodborn spells are shit: The faction
someone allowed them to drop an un-contested elder!

IA on "Inhumane" cheats having more HP and better draws, it's infuriating enough that it's not even worth it.
The quick play IA is pretty easy and the decks you find in ladder are generally not too hard (

>Elves on top
oh well I'll try to see what can I do.
do you suggest I try to unlock the other two factions of the game?

Why not? Laddering gives tons of XP

>1. Ranged minion
But they're almost all crap and not worth it.

>2. They do, as long they have board control
>A card killing the strongest minion no matter the faction requires Magmar to have board control
>Dropping a Rush+Frenzy Makantor Beast requires board control
>Metamorphosis+Plasma Storm requires board control


>someone allowed them to drop an un-contested elder!
>2016+5 months
>He still think Elder is viable

Go right ahead mate. Waste a 9 mana turn.

how are the "extreme" challenges of each area? I mean if the IA already cheats I don't want to see what will happen to me if I even try that.

>He's still mad and bad.
>And still mad about makator
>For over 5 months you can't plasma+tf

Just 20 gauge urself mah man.

Ignore them. Or just make a deck exactly for that, the undead guy is the ultimate bullshit, him and his faggy tombs.

Non-undead guys where easy-ish

>tfw played Vet AFTER the Third Wish nerf
>Sticking two Third Wish into a Sand Howler at the back and BLASTING my way to victory.

Granted, it didn't work very often but it got me to Diamonds.

Easiest/strongest deck in ladder atm?

It wasn't a nerf.

Unless you mean the last change it got, and still vet was tier 1.


Aggro vet/songay or zoo vanar.

Really? I thought most people lived it as a nerf. I mean Blast sure is fun but Star's Fury+Third Wish really won games by itself.

I wish the devs knew what the fuck to do with Vet, everytime I come back it seems like something different.

Star fury got shat on, but vet still was god-tier, because third wish+rush was OP as fuck.
Then they are still OP because they are the only class that draws cards.

However vetards still cry about being UP.

What I hate is everyone crying for their favourite Generals being UP while Magmar, since Meta/Plasma/Mana Burn nerfs, is and always will be complete shit.

Do you have a decklist for Vanar?

They are still butthurt about losing to basically Jund/k, mostly because they're bad.
The game did die after new year's showing the general direction of "balancing" being zero understanding of the game, the mechanic changes where the ultimate crapshot.

>The game did die
I think it's active instead, thanks to the promotions with famous HS streamers and stuff.