5.5.1 kernel exploit been out for weeks

>5.5.1 kernel exploit been out for weeks
>no daily threads
what is everyone playing?

Other urls found in this thread:


The Waiting Game
Haven't even done the exploit because I can't even pirate it.

>>no daily threads
Can't pirate what?

The Waiting Game

Got me there

nogames and the exploit is pretty inconvenient, that's why there's no daily threads like 3DS

>exploit is pretty inconvenient

In what way?

All you do is open the web browser and goto loadiine.ovh and select the homebrew app you've placed on your SD card and you're set.

It's safer since it's a kernel exploit that doesn't add permanent modifiers to your hardware too.

Playing Wii U games is as simply as dragging and dropping onto an SD card.

Was playing Pokken yesterday and I've almost been convinced to buy it just to play it online.

It works like a charm if you load it through hbl. but if not, it sucks dick

>Download Starfox Zero
>Works when I test it
>My brother comes in and gives me his copy since he doesn't want it
Being a pirate is suffering.

I'm playing Darksiders 2, got it from the Humble Bundle.
I have no reason to hack my Wii U until it gets more homebrew and emulators.

No point hacking the WiiU

Since I already bought all the good games and a lot of the good ones have online which does not work with pirated versions. Load times for fake games is also abysmal.

I stopped caring about my Wii U. The past couple months I've been solely gaming on my laptop and phone (before you say anything, phone has XCOM and emulators, and I have a gamepad attachment)

How is thee WiiSX? Absolutely shit or ok?

do you think people actually like Nintendo here?

>daily threads
There are only about 10 games worth pirating on it.
If that was currently hacked, it would have less.

List of those 10 games?

Bayonetta 2
Tropical Freeze
3D World
Mario Kart 8
Smash 4
Mario Maker
Xenoblade Chronicles X
Woolly World
Pikmin 3



Nah I won't pirate my wiiu yet. Btw I just bought mario kart8 on amazon

Stopped caring about my Wii U. Piracy won't change that.

It came way too late, most people by this point have played the one or two games they bought the shitty ass system for.

Awesome game

Just you a note, you should ignore any game that relies totally on online play (ie. Splatoon and Mario Maker) or games where you'd spend a lot of time online since the current hacks don't let you use it.

Hey fuck you if you pirate Bayonetta

meh, i tried the demo on the ps3 way back. wasnt my cup of tea

Literally who does this benefit other than poorfags?

If you have a WiiU you should own most of the games worth owning by now. Homebrew is the only useful hack and that's just to play emulators.

mario party 10 really needs to be removed from this list. everything else is solid

>implying buying Bayonetta now has any effect

>le poorfag meme

I really don't know why it is there, when Wii Party U, Game&Wario and Nintendoland are all way better party games.

>owning a WiiU in the current year and not having the best games already

Implying you fucking aren't.

because Wii U emulation will be good enough to play all 4 of the Wii U's good games by the end of the year

user, if you had a job, you'd have the entire library by now.

>Homebrew is the only useful hack and that's just to play emulators.
Agreed, I'm just waiting for more emulators.
>Playing PS1 games on Wii U
Sweet as fuck.

>4k usd a month
by no means rich, but sure as fuck aint poor

> emu fags

Fuck off you silly cunt.

I'm literally only interested in this to pirate #FE after what NoA did to it

>They won't be playing #FE uncensored for free
Moralfags have no argument.

> I make money

> why aren't you guys treating this irrelevant piracy thing like it's a big deal!!!

Okay mr piratefag

>hey fuck you if you pirate a game long out of print that commands unreasonable prices on eBay

>playing it at all

Honestly better off playing Paper Mario Color Splash. At least that won't be censored. No excuse.

>game long out of print
What the hell are you talking about

>not already playing the Japanese version
Enjoy you memes.

What the hell are YOU talking about? Ever since Bayo got announced for Smash it's completely unavailable

Bought the game for 28 bucks few months after release, played it finished it and sold it for 32

Super Mario 3D World is a very good game , not as good as Galaxy but better than sunshine and 64

I already own the most important Wii U games, i don't see myself pirating this, it's kinda meaningless.

I asked once or twice in the general without a reply, so I'll try again here.

Anyone know where I can find Loadiine-compatible GBA VC games? N64, DS, and SNES were in the pastebin, but not GBA.

Also, pic related. These are the Wii U games I was looking for that weren't in the pastebin. Tbh, I probably coulda found em by now I had actually tried on darkumbra and wiiuiso instead of asking to be spoonfed, but whatever. Main reason I'm asking is cause I just wanna be sure I get shit that works.

Even assuming you are right and you aren't, you can buy Bayonetta from the damn eShop.

>Better than the quintessential 3D Mario game, 64

>buying digital games on a Nintendo console

>Finding shitty excuses
Since MyNintendo started, there is no more reason not to. Your games are tied to your NNID and MyNintendo account.

I don't buy digital games, ever
It's really hard to justify buying a game without a resellable physical copy when I could be spending the money on food
If you don't understand that, that's fine, I'm a diagnosed obsessive-compulsive so I don't expect you to

I downloaded Japanese version of #FE. Hope there is an English translation somewhere down the line.

That's funny, because my local Microplay has the standalone Bayo2 on their shelf right now. Pretty sure both games are also available on the eShop (they were at launch, at least).

I'm waiting untill I can play games from an USB Hard drive. I hate SD cards.

Literally nothing. I hacked it but I already had all the games worth owning and I have actually zero interest in Star Fox Zero.

I pretty much hacked it just so I wouldn't have to pay for #FE and for Smash 4 mods.

>the standalone Bayo 2
we're not talking about Bayo 2, numbnuts

Well, that's at least a better reasoning than the one the other guy posted.

my internal logic basically says "a physical game is an asset, a digital game is a rental", I can't be alone in this

pls respond

user, I don't know shit about that. Sorry.
Just go to homebrew general on /vg/.

What's better for GB, Wii, DS and GBA games?

Loadliine or standard homebrew?

Oh shit I didn't know this
Is there a good guy on how to do it? I own almost every Wii U game but I want to play Taiko

Because there are less than a dozen good Wii U games, and half of those are only good because of Online, which pirating doesn't allow? Who the fuck wasted their time hacking this console to begin with?

I wish loadiine could use dlc

Aight, guess I'll try there again.

Here: pastebin.com/8u0WAyJC
There's always a homebrew general up on Sup Forums with guides for 3DS and Wii U, that's where this is from.

Anyway, in the future it's always a good bet to check there.

Damn didn't know they had a Wii U guide


Don't you need a drum peripheral?

Which I own
You can also just play with a controller but that is no fun