Other urls found in this thread:

I want a pet snake

no you don't


Snort fridge mold

>pass the controller, bro

Snakes can be a lot of work, especially with some of the species that have really specific requirements, and they really don't care for you in the same way that a bird or mammal would. That said, they sure are neat looking animals.




I remember that one user who accidentally fingered his pet snake's cloaca when he was cleaning it

That snake is pretty cute desu

>tfw no beautiful snake woman gf
Also I noticed that the only snake women in video games are nagas. Why isnt there more variation?

looks like an anaconda, what is it?

yeah, they are very comfy.
My daily routine is to wake up, open the terrarium and place the snek around my neck, she starts smellin' around with her tongue as I open the windows and go make coffee, then I sit at the desk and turn on the PC with her for a good 10 mins chilling while the coffee brews. She either just stays on my neck or goes down and rests on my lap.

Well, just don't get a species with a lot of requirements, pretty simple. I can't think of a single pet that is easier to take care of.
With a snek you can leave your house for 2 weeks or more and go camping, then come back and the snek is just fine.

>they really don't care for you in the same way that a bird or mammal would
Well, that's not why you get a reptile, is it? They do get used to you and you notice their mannerisms change over times. Mine likes being massaged and the occasional head rub.
She also learned to only poop/pee in my bathroom.

They don't get affectionate but they aren't just living dolls either.

It is indeed an anaconda! A baby green anaconda.

>I can't think of a single pet that is easier to take care of.
sometimes i forget i even own a pet tarantula. mother fucker could go 6 months between crickets and water i swear.


for what purpose? they just look scary as fuck and are lame as shit

Good form, Snek. Knock worst girl off the shelf.

Is your Snake constantly trying to kill you? That's always the impression I get with snakes no matter how long you have them for all they are trying to do is squeeze and kill you.

>Having anything but mammals as pets

he has edgy taste

>not having a pet banana

Yea, us mammals right?

But you need bad pussy

I imagine it's more like a cool set piece for a room than a pet. Some of the more exotic colorings are pretty fucking groovy to look at.

That said I'd be too fucking scared of it getting out somehow and resting on my face while I sleep.

im not sure. i got it because i had an empty terrarium and he was like 15 dollars. expected him to die relatively quickly since i knew id barely take care of him but hes become a bro. he just sits in his log and occasionally i take him out and let him crawl around when girls want to see him. surprisingly women are less afraid of him than the guys i know.


Not really. It requires a lot of exertion to constrict. Snakes don't squeeze tightly unless they're going in for the kill or you move around a lot and they start to feel like they could fall off. Until then, you're just a warm tree to them.

You're thinking of cats.


>took care of a snake one summer in highschool and it was great
>playing vidya with a snake curled around your arm is mad comfy
>mother wont let me get one as a pet

>That said I'd be too fucking scared of it getting out somehow and resting on my face while I sleep.
jesus christ that triggers me physically
Can you just grab him? Does he ever bite?

>not wanting a birb

he actually did get out early when i had him. i read they weren't supposed to be able to climb glass and looking at them you wouldn't think they could. let me tell you, they can climb fucking glass. i dont even know how he managed to get by the screen but he was just gone one day. i left the house came back and he was just sitting in the middle of the floor out in the open.

well, first off, I am not a pussy, and I like the appearance of my tarantula. secondly, they are pretty neat to watch when they are looking for food, or even moving around their enclosure, even if it doesn't happen often.

>Can you just grab him? Does he ever bite?
he can bite and it supposedly feels like a double bee sting. he never has bit me or anyone whos held him. i think i read that hes technically venomous but in the same way a bee sting is venomous.

sometimes when i reach in to get him hell raise his front legs and his fucking mouth feelers or whatever they are and look like hes not in the mood for it in which case i just don't bother him.

Birds are fine too.

Pic related.


>keeping a bird indoors


No birds can fuck off as well.

How the fuck did you gets yours to calm the fuck down anytime a hand is nearby? I've had mine for months and I've very patiently, very slowly kept my hand in/around them, even had them eat millet from my hand but when I try to get them to go up on my finger or put my hand in millet-less they freak the fuck out and fly everywhere.

I'd probably get a snake if I didn't have to feed it dead mice. I really like watching 'useless' animals move around areas.

It sounds kind of cool to have one but still, just thinking about these things make me repulse physically. I think i'll just get a cat or maybe a snek.

>I really like watching 'useless' animals move around areas.
You don't need a snake for that, just look at yourself.

I know those huge ass pythons that are big enough to eat small dogs or murder small children occasionally do just that.
Inevitably they're owned by edgelord punk rockers who don't know how the fuck to take care of exotic pets.

As always Sup Forums is only comfy when talking about anything other than videogames.


>having shit-tier pets

Wolfdogs or bust.

Seriously just exposure and treats.

Try holding some millet just out of reach of them and put your finger between them and the millet. Generally they'll get over their fear of your hand and step onto your finger to eat the millet.

Oh yeah spiders should be even easier and chill-er.

My snake skipped two meals now. Sometimes I get annoyed that they aren't more high-maintenance pets. I just have to wait 2 more weeks and try again, I guess.

Oh nice. I'm still a bit iffy about large snakes though, in the rare chance they get temperamental a bite would be nasty.
In a few years I might "upgrade" to a ball python though.

What other spider would make vidya-like walking sounds?

Nah, she never opened her mouth except when a mouse is in front of her or when she's sleepy and yawns.
I have kissed her many times, nibbled on her tail when she puts it in front of my eyes/mouth and I touch her head all the time. She really doesn't care.
She's also too small to have the force to strangle me, not that she ever would. Snakes are like the laziest fucking cat you can imagine. They go wherever they please and really don't care about what you're doing to them other than moving away, maybe.

You get used to having a bag of 20 dead mice in your freezer, really.

I suggest adopting a ball python, like me, if you've never owned a snake before. We are what you anonymous humans would call "babbie's first snake".
Another alternative if you cannot find a ball python to adopt is a corn snake. The human who feeds me used to have one long ago.

luv burbs
used to have a blue gold macaw, shit was tight

wew lad


oh jesus thats the funniest shit

I like dogs

shit, i got one of them
she loud and likes to roll around and be a brat when i put her away.

like said they barely move around and mine generally sits in his hiding place or right outside of it. they are very fun to watch during feeding time though. i used to be a lot more freaked out when i first got him. would only lets him crawl on my arms wearing a winter coat and gloves. now i've had him climb up my face and not give a fuck. you get used to them.

Suffer not the beast to live.

Not the worst things in the world.


Only real pet in the thread.

That's a good idea actually, though I have to figure out how to do it in my setup...I don't want them getting out again.

They've each gotten out once while feeding them millet, and I think I lost trust progress with them when that happened because I had to grab them to get them back in the cage. The less-freaked out one only bit a little, but goddamn the other bit like a fucking pair of scissors. (I kept my cool and didn't panic at the bite though to keep the spooking minimal, put them right back in the cage asap)

No you don't. They hella expensive to feed. Big ones need an enclosure bigger than a room will really hold for you to not be worse than some shitty zoo. Their cage needs to be cleaned constantly weekly at most. Their bedding is also expensive. Their shits are the messiest and most vile things ever. Many captive snakes suicide through not eating.


Tarantulas are actually top tier bros if you take them out of their enclosure enough and let them crawl around on your hands.

My friend had one and I had one. My friends was a rose tarantula and would crawl all over his house and crawl up your leg and watch T.V. with you.

They get mean if you don't interact with them, though.

Woah that guy has smooth moves. I would definitely take him to the club to be my wingman.

Pet threads on Sup Forums are amazing

History threads on Sup Forums are amazing

Food threads on Sup Forums are amazing

Sup Forums is one of the best sites on the web...for everything except videogames.

Snakes are cute but theyre not very fun.
They dont do anything.

you could get a scorpion or an amblypygi if you aren't so scared of them. if you spend enough time around anything you'll get used to it.

cats are funny motherfuckers

>Not the worst things in the world.



What do they generally eat?
So "interaction" is just let it crawl over ye? makes sense

don't do that
the roleplaying

Don't forget picrelated

t b h

You know we have an animal and pet board that's dead slow. Maybe if you guys actually posted animals on that board instead of loosly relating it to video games and posting here maybe it wouldn't be dead.

You're doing it right, in my experience. You might also invest in a larger cage or a cage with better designed door placement, it's really invaluable to have a cage that allows you to handle your birds in their own enclosure.

Just keep it up, they'll grow on you eventually. I would also recommend removing all mirrors from their cage if they have any, as they tend to bond with images of themselves. When I only had the green budgie I kept a mirror in there and all he did was spend the day in front of it when he wasn't out of the cage. Shit isn't healthy.

Also give them fresh vegetables and fruit daily and consider cooking a pot of rice or grains or quinoa or something, freezing it, and reheating a small portion for them every day.

I dont like this picture. It demeans the threads that stay on topic but dont get many posts because theyre not about fucking fetishes.

generally, tarantulas will eat anything that moves and is smaller than them. sometimes they don't eat anything for as long as six months. when my tarantula eats, it's typically roaches, grubs, or most commonly crickets.

I want a snake, but feel bad for allowing them so little space.

>What do they generally eat?
i've just fed him crickets. i think it's probably best if you give them more variety in their diet but it's been like 5 years now and he's still alive at least. i tried putting mealworms in there for him and he didn't want shit to do with them.

that fucking noise wtf

I've got one, snake is best pet.

>snek snug inside coconut

Had a boa constrictor, 2.5 metres. Vets said it was going to die in about 4 years. It died at 28.

Snek is best pet

The thing is, I couldn't stand discussing this regularly. Oncw in a whule is okay.

I take it you want the mouse?

Stop making me want to spend twice as much on rent.

Dinosaur threads are also great, mineral threads also.

I have a tarantula, pretty chill, never bit anyone.

Snakes actually prefer small, cramped areas. It makes them feel safe. They're supposed to have things called "hides" in their enclosures which are basically little closed off boxes they can crawl into. It allows them to express the natural instinct to wait in a safe place until food comes along.

Oh yeah and Lord of the Rings threads. I've genuinely had the best LotR discussion of my life on here.

>that fucking noise wtf
you try having velcro for feet and walking on carpet


Every time, there's someone wants to act like liking NTR/cuckolding is acceptable, when it's not.


This guy is absolutely right. See , my snake almost doesn't fit.

seeing as how there seems to be a bunch of tarantubros itt have any of yours ever bit anyone? i always expected the day would come where he would bite me and id throw him off me straight agasint a wall by reflex but it never happened.

I actually do have a mirror and they love the -fuck- out of that. The one time the blue one got out and happened to land by our mirror in the bathroom, I was actually able to pet him while he was there, and the blue one is the one that freaks the fuck out more than the yellow one normally. They do kinda fight over it so I was thinking of getting a 2nd so they can have their own, but I dunno.

The cage is shaped like a house, with a garage, one front door and the 2nd floor has a smaller door I can open to get to them up top, fairly easy to get to them but leaves the "garage" area as a safer area for them when I change the pellet food that's separate from the seed.

I tried the veggies with baby carrots and they weren't pleased with that.

These're actually the 2nd set of parakeets I've had, I had a blue and green one when I was like, 8, and the blue one was a total bro, bonded quickly with me, would sit on my shoulder, ride the fan(on off real quick to make it move slowly, not perma-on) and shit, he died a few years later though sadly. The green one was a total bitch though and would bite constantly. I think she had a part in the blue one dying too.

>Only real pet in the thread.
Fucking normalfag

If you want good videogame discussion here, go to the catalog and go to the bottom. Avoid threads about new games. SMT threads are usually nice.

>people willingly buy 100 pound murder machines as pets because dogs are cute
>people are afraid of qt snek because they're "scary"
why even live, Sup Forums?

Could a cat coexist with a snake?
Pic related, she can be territorial.

I rarely browse that board because it's dead slow. I wish it wasn't though, it's a horrible catch 22