What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
She carve for dick.
something something pump her rum something
What is pickle pee?
She meant we need more drawings to justify these threads.
She wants to stick her pickle pee inside your pump-a-rum
she wants to pickle your rum with her pee pump.
I mean new draw-
That's a start, I guess. Not bad, but kinda frugal in the level of detail, kinda insufficient for straight up porn.
On the plus side it's colored, but that isn't as important.
she wants you to pump her rum with your pickle pee
wasn't there someone in the last thread that said imgur was pretty much reddit. Why are you linking to reddit?
some user needs to teach their bird to say "pump a rum"
She means she wants this thread to get derailed by pro/anti loli posters arguing about pedophilia
this happened in the last thread and will likely happen again
Sup Forums is pretty much leddit. Why are you here?
using an image site to upload images is reddit now? that's fucking news to me
You don't need to believe everything that is said on Sup Forums. It's often used for NSFW image linking so mods don't ban your ass here.
Gough carve for fun
What went right?
>anime face
Fucking weebs.
The old King of Dorchester,
He had a little orchestra,
And never did you hear such a ceremonial band.
‘Pah-pa-rah,’ said the trumpet,
‘Zoomba-zoom,’ said the bass,
‘Pickle-pee,’ said the fife,
‘Pump-a-rum,’ said the drum,
‘Tootle-too,’ said the flute,
‘Deed-a-reedle,’ said the fiddle,
For the fiddles and the flutes were the finest in the land,
Oh! the fiddles and the flutes were the finest in the land!
Also it means splendor and grace.
Who cares?
You sound like a massive fucking tool.
"They". There's two of them.
I bet he has a massive fucking tool too.
I miss sparkly.
More like plump-a-rump
More please
She wants you to pump her rump with your pickle-pee.
Now that's the stuff.
>same fucking topic
>same images get posted
>same "I'd pump her rump ahuhu" shitposts
Just fucking go play a videogame, you sad little fucks.
How about you suck my dick instead?
you don't have to get so rump pumped
I'll probably draw something tomorrow so I'll just wait till I see another thread after that
This meam I don't get. The voice doesn't sound like a cutegirl. Sounds more like a baby or something.
She meant "make thousands and thousands of pointless and unfunny threads till the next meme is forced and the retards on Sup Forums find it entertaining".
babies are cute.
I've got to say.
How is there fanart for what amounts to literally just a voice?
Remind me of the os-tans
>sounds like a child
>acts retarded meaning exploitable
Sup Forums is nothing but a cesspool of doddering old folk and degenerates
>There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who picked Pickle Pee
Jesus tap dancing Christ, that's disgusting.
this has got to be one of if not the most retarded poll I've ever participated in
I did what I must.
I want to pet that crow
>leave my wife's daughter
Remember the winter ball?
Was there anything more cringy?
Imgur is the site which hosts reddit pics, probably also owned by it.
It can be used to upload nsfw there, but of course the redditors who shitpost here don't know that there are much better alternatives.
Another circlejerking pedo thread.
D-did Asanagi do art of the crow?
Is there anything you wouldn't fuck or sexual Sup Forums?
I'm legitimately curious as to how far you'd go?
Now there's a rump I'd like to pump
I seriously don't understand why everyone is considering the crows to be a single character. They literally introduce themselves as two different crows.
Filter it then, if you get so asspained.
I probably wouldn't fuck a mailbox
What's the age of consent for crows anyway?
Can't you normies just hide pump-a-rum threads if it triggers you so much? I'm having my fun and there is nothing you can do about it.
>I want to fuck something that looks like it'll give me a disease and shit on my car
When I was like 12 or 13 I was playing Adventure Quest and out of nowhere I started fapping to one of these. I still have no idea why but yeah, I suppose it could only go downhill from there.
t. pedophile
Would you pickle her pi?
Nigga I saw you in an embarassing faps thread. I thought you were joking. Be ashamed of what you've done. Be ashamed of what you've become.
Why even make these threads with the same images and posts every time?
Just go and fap to the bird girl from monster musume.
Psh, I know... Dirty fools... When the ignorant masses look up and ask us to save them from their memeing, we'll be there... To look down... And say no...
that's not so bad I wanted to fuck the Robin Hood Clone and pet shop owner from that game as well when I was younger
>How is there fanart for what amounts to literally just a voice?
Pickle pee and pump-a-rum sound like sexual innuendos.
I'd pump her rum full of cum.
i'd pump her rum lad
> loud sweating
Muh pickle pee
Goo is better
My point still stands
>entry level casual trash
Fuck off normalfags weebs.
Someone post a picture of that bird covered in cum
> some fag on the internet said something
>"it must be true!"
What is your fucking problem.
Back when Driv3r came out, I was fucking around in game blowing up cars. At one point I noticed that I got a massive boner whilst blowing up cars. I quit and never played it again. No other game made me pop boners from explosions as well.
Why do you assume the birds are underage? Assuming they're some kind of monster or demon, they could have lived for hundreds of years. Perhaps thousands. Their voices sound soft, because they don't have the same vocal cords as normal humans. Their speech stilted, because they're not speaking their native tongue. And their body's small, because again, they're demons.
Or maybe they just naturally look young. Pic related was taken when she was 30 years old.
What about birb and goo together?
A bird eating KFC?
I'm gonna pickle her plump rump with my pee-pee.
all girls are best girl but Darling is best man
I'd fuck any kind of monster girl, or furry anything really.
I don't give a fuck if it makes me a furry, I'd tap anything not human that's wasn't just an animal.
Ornisex is best crow
I once jerked off to a mailbox in broad daylight because of a joke I made.
Friend dared me to.
Not sure if this counts
oh, i'll pump her rump
Isn't she so zany?
Yet the results make 100% sense
>Super loli waifu sex party
Aww yiss
I see this argument every time after seeing new images that have been only posted once or twice max.
Anything that isn't a basic animal, now mythical animals with at least the slightest humanoid In them, I would fuck.
Seems like she's a real bird brain.
Hi user, that was a while ago. And yeah, I wasn't joking, I legitimately sat in front of my computer jerking off to this thing. I was extremely confused the entire time and I still am when I think about it. No idea what happened, especially since 99% of the shit I get off to is basic vanilla stuff. Oh well.
I prefer snek