
" Lionhead wanted to do a full-on Fable 4, something akin to Mass Effect or Skyrim, but Microsoft was invested in the games-as-service model, so that idea was rejected in favor of the free-to-play Fable Legends. But according to one source, it soaked up an astronomical $75 million before it was canceled; and while there was, as reported, an effort to save the project and release it under the banner of a new, indie studio, there simply wasn't enough time to pull it all together. "

Holy shit microsoft is just nothing but suits with slime in their veins.

Cancelled? Wouldnt they recoup some money by releasing a bad version of it?

>something akin to Mass Effect or Skyrim
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA thank god it was killed

Good, Fable 3 was complete ass

literally no one cares.

fable 3 was terrible though

>akin to Mass Effect or Skyrim

Not again, Molyneux

Even if it was retarded, I loved Fable 2. Hated 3 though.

fable 2 2 would have been good though

Never played the Fable series. Any good? What's wrong with 3?

>Holy shit microsoft is just nothing but suits with slime in their veins.
You know why, right?

Doesn't bother me. The only good Fable was The Lost Chapters anyway.

It's a shame, maybe it could have been good like 2. Fucking microshit, for the past two years they've been pulling the "nice guy" moves with Phil but they're still up to their dirty old tricks. Fuck 'em.

Do people really give a fuck about FABLE at this point.

Only the first game was somewhat good.

Fable 1 was Fantastic. 2 was ok. 3 was meh.

>Holy shit microsoft is just nothing but suits with slime in their veins.
Considering how poor the Fable series is with the constant over promising and under delivering, MS did us a favour.
I'm sure another open world adventure game will fill the void.

As someone who played fable TLC to death ... who gives a fuck? It stopped being a good game series since Fable 2.

There already is one, user.

Console war thread backfired

Fuck off cunt

I think I'm the only person on earth who loved Fable 3.

I know it's casual as fuck, but I loved the atmosphere.

>close neogaf tab
>decide to take my "controversial" bullshit to Sup Forums
>no-one cares


>filling the void

no, that game only made the void larger, by lifting all our expectations and crushing them with soulless hard force

i love the way the faggot OP tried to create an eye-catching title in capital letters as well to get people really riled up

>this is the future of all 3D Juegos


1 was pretty much ahead of its time, but doesn't stand the test of time
2 was pretty mediocre
3 was very mediocre
You didn't miss out, I can sum it up with
>Peter Molyneux promises loads of brilliant features to get you hyped for the game
>your character ages as the game progresses
>being good or bad results in getting a halo or devil horns
>your character's physique changes as you develop your skills
>some choices can be made
>you can buy homes and rent them out and get married
>black screen sex scenes
>British humour
>Peter Molyneux lied and you realise not nearly as much cool shit is in the game
>Peter Molyneux promises everything he did before AND MORE in the next instalment
>repeat for 3 games

I made this thread as an example to you all, after all a good company like Sony would never cancel a game.

Something about fixed costs and marginal costs

There was only ever one good Fable game, so I don't give a shit.

Daily reminder to Fable fans. TW3 is truly Fable done good. I adore Fable 1 and 2, TW3 is basically everything they tried to do with the series but turned to eleven.

I was expecting someone to point out the Witcher but I think you got the point.
Nothing of value was lost.

Buy my lies

Didn't all of the Fable games just get worse as they went along?

>after all a good company like Sony would never cancel a game.
Instead they would probably just downgrade it and turn it into a series of cut scenes with "PRESS X TO NOT DIE" at a silky smooth 30fps

>Sony would never cancel a game.

oh my god

>Ape Escape PS3 cancelled due to Mario Galaxy existing

>suits force developers to change their product and or rush it out to mimic some other big seller in hopes of stealing money away from it
>holds developers responsible when game is recieved poorly
They can't keep getting away with it