On what button do you put you ultimate/special skill and why is "r" the superior choice, Sup Forums?

On what button do you put you ultimate/special skill and why is "r" the superior choice, Sup Forums?

R is reload, numbskull

don't you even pay respects?

legit ''r'' is only from league you faggot

off youself

oh look it's another offtopic lewddump

It's obviously 4 you inept faggot.


What is he spelling?

The buttons on your pic related.

Mouse 4

ur a faget

Is that a doll?

love becuase this shit is made by a tumblr woman

asdf is best
use qwerty for items
keep the numbers as control groups

E, T, O, [, M

>not using tab

It's always X.
And sometimes C.


>found the jealous guy without a gf

>wanting a gf
spotted the 15 year old

>ultimate/special skill
>implying i play assfaggots



>not wanting a girly bf
have fun not being able to stroke a feminine cock you fag

>wanting a washed up hipster pretending to like nerd shit for attention
What a filthy casual you are.

>be big masculine statue of a man
>no girly bf to manhandle and violate at my leisure
now you gone and made me sad

What a slut

>manhandle and violate

>not be tender to

You fucked it up, Walter.

>be tender