Struggles to even get 30 fps

>struggles to even get 30 fps
>20 fps to mid 20 fps during fire fights
>crowned a technical masterpiece
thanks consoles

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Is Black Panther in this game?

20 fps is perfectly playable you dumb mustard

It looks better than 99% of PC games, on a $300 console, that's a technical accomplishment to say the least.

Denial is the first stage of grief

>>struggles to even get 30 fps

That's false. It's locked at a solid 30.

Meanwhile this is what a PC game from the end of last year looks like.

If you like slideshows sure

But it doesn't run at 20
I played the entire game (roughly 14 hours) and it dropped maybe once, and I'd notice because I run PC games at 144hz.

That was pretty cool, it does look good ill give you that


You can say the same about any triple a game on pc though.

Stop bashing the game retard. It runs solid 30 frames throughout and 60 frames multiplayer. Doesn't drop much or at all.

>what is artstyle

Like what ? Since crysis 1 i can't think of any.

fps to mid 20 fps during fire fights
>crowned a technical masterpiece
Because it is, environment has variety and looks gorgeous.
>thanks consoles
You're welcome

Meanwhile this is what a PS4 game from the end of last year looks like.

>what is artstyle

I can answer. Excuse for shit graphics.

I wasn't saying it didn't run at 30 I've seen the benchmarks i know it does. Was just pointing out 20 fps is awful.

> gross, salty PC autists throwing shade on a masterpeice

Only times it dips below 30fps is when the water tesselation/physics are involved during action scenes, of which there aren't that many in the entire game.

But that's wrong. It very rarely dips under 30 FPS.
The game is shit, but its performance isn't why it's shit.

I like the fact that a $400 dollar console can out perform a $1400 dollar rig -- not even a sonygger (got a Wii U/Xbone as well)

all three provide me with more games than the PC could ever offer me (and that's just the exclusives I'm talking about)

>20 fps

>Xbone as well

Halo 5 was 60 fps lel

>Runs at 30 fps during singleplayer
>Runs at 60 fps during multiplayer

There's not even that much difference in graphics between the two (other than more destructive enviroments I guess.)

U4 is a good game, but Naughty Dog fans are fucking obnoxious and treat it like its the best thing to happen to gaming since SMB. They're the Undertale faggots of console gaming

It looks amazing for a PS4 game, but compared to GTA V and Witcher? LOL

>all three provide me with more games than the PC could ever offer me
Considering the pc has infinite backwards compatibility and can also emulate other consoles I find that statement hard to believe.

Fuck off fucking shitposter. You haven't played the game and this obviously isn't true seeing as the game has enough headroom to drop to 900p and go 60fps for multiplayer.

This looks significantly better than Witcher 3 in nature environments.

GTAV is impressive on a technical level but it's not comparable to U4, even on PC


Naughty Dog has technical wizards and I wish they'd make just one high-end PC game to see what they're capable of milking when targeting an average PC spec.

>According to Digital Foundry at least it's generally a very stable 30 with only occasional drops to 25-ish
>user still shitposts

I'm expecting ND to push towards a PC/PS4 console exclusive title sometime in the next 5 years.

The environments in Uncharted 4 are better than the ones in The Witcher 3.

Naughty Dog are some sort of Wizards to make their games look so good on the hardware that they use.


And here's the proof

I'd be interested to see that too. Something ND has always been very good at is working closer to the metal than other devs, I'd be interested to see how that impacts their ability to target such a varied platform.

>PC/PS4 console exclusive title

>My face when I realised Nate's ear was glowing because I was seeing the flare he was holding through the skin
The game is very pretty.


TW3 is huge open world which looks good and U4 cost 2-3 times more and it's fucking corridor shooter

so we're now at fps shitposting and false information, huh?

Their devs would be right at home with Vulkan since they're already used to working at the low level access of the hardware, instead of a constricting API.

And you're not accounting for the fact that CDPR is essentially paying slave labor.

TW3 handles nature and interiors not as well. Go compare Uncharted 4's trees to Witcher 3's nature assets that look like they're being pushed by tsunami-tier winds. Interior lighting is clearly better than TW3's interiors

I say this as someone who played Witcher 3 on a 4K monitor.

That's a very good point. They'd also probably struggle with not being able to squeeze specific hardware for all its worth, though.

>mfw those grafics running at 1080p on a $300 apu pc
Why the fuck is pc optimisation so shit? DX12/Vulkan better fix this.


>mid budget
I run ARMA 3 on my 980ti and I get sub-50 FPS regularly @ 1440p.

Not to mention a lot of the effects are pre-baked, there isn't even any real time AO.

Arma games are always horrendously optimized

It doesn't perform shit when it relies on pre-baked shit to have most of the visuals. When a scene had to rely on game lighting, the environment looks like absolute ass.

Not to mention the cutscenes have really aggressive culling, because pretty much outside of the screen is rendered, this is just to use a somewhat better lighting (but just simple directional ones)

>top pic requires a $600 video card to 'maybe' get 60fps with those settings

That bit seems impressive until you realize that it's a scripted sequence, like everything else in the game. It would actually be impressive if the level design wasn't linear and you could do that with any tree, but that would require a lot more work.

There's agressive as fuck LOD scaling in the game itself. The level from the PSX 2014 demo has a fuck ton of fog in it compared to the original demo because the game has a massive LOD scaling problem.

The amount of people trying to damage control reeks of actual professional astroturfing and shills.

I have the aforementioned $600 GPU and it doesn't run at 60.

I have NEVER seen anyone this salty

How many hours have you wasted being butthurt on Sup Forums today? 4? 6 hours?
What about yesterday?
And the day before then?

Holy shit man, this game is eating up your life. I don't care for it either but for fucks sake move on.

>I never played the game at all
lmao PC cuck
the ONLY time it drops is when a gernade literally blows up infront of the camera and thats because of the particle effects

*Literally* the best looking video game of all time. Also 30 fps most of the time. Regardless: never ever, PCuck.

It's not scripted the game has rope physics.

They're owned by Sony. Keep dreaming though

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Op is a faggot

>Considering the pc has infinite backwards compatibility
Try playing crysis 1 on Windows 10, or the sims 2, or many other games that are broken by pretty common hardware configs on Windows 10

Why bother watching a FMV game on a computer screen?

I don't know why Win10 doesn't have a WinXP VM installed by default just to deal with old software/copy-protection measures.

>lighting is baked
>cutscenes cull offscreen geometry
Why are all the faggots copy pasting the same shit?

Who cares if the lighting is baked, it looks good in most cases.
Who cares if I can't pan the camera in cutscenes, its a fucking cutscene

>not knowing what the word struggles means

I don't know why Microsoft are not capable of creating a good operating system, or one that's at least functional. They have a literal bottomless pit of money to throw at it.

Luckily I managed to make crysis work with a bios update but several other older games still don't work for me in Windows 10

>tfw I've had at least 18 little PC cucks call bullshot on my screenshots so far. Feels quite good.

Oh look I'm still running win 7 and i can also boot win 95 on it if I wanted to. Where did you get the idea that you are locked into win 10

Dear PC users:

The truth has come to light that approximately 82.5 million steam users who own hardware less capable than current gen consoles that are incapable of pushing even 1080p are the ones who are actually 'holding back' the gaming industry from whatever armchair market analysis projections your bias is working off.

Prove to me that gaming industry is sustainable on the $1000 PC hardware level despite AAA game budgets being raised to near completely unsustainable levels in it's current state. Games will continue to be optimized for lower end systems and optimized better on consoles because developing for a single architecture is easier than jumping throug hoops trying to optimize games for every manchilds unique hardware configuration inside his $10000 monolith while he nickels and dimes you through steam sales.

Nobody is holding back the industry from evolving, you guys are just salty because you thought buying high end hardware for yourself would somehow make developers and publishers lick the floor you walk on but in fact the opposite happened and they literally treat you like shit now with console opitmized or outright broken and unplayable ports, delayed multiplats and outright denying your platform from exclusives.

Keep shaming everybody who doesn't invest thousands into playing shitty multiplatform software, that'll surely work out for you and make PC more appealing

I take it you haven't played the game then.

>Games will continue to be optimized for lower end systems
Still waiting on this to even happen.

Modern games won't support windows 7 forever user.

Dual booting would be an option but I'm honestly not that bothered for the trouble it would cause me.

Trying to pretend pcs don't suffer from obsolescence is wrong though

30 fps for beautiful state of the art graphics that won't be surpassed for years to come.

I'll take that.

>*Literally* the best looking video game of all time
lol that bait


>Try playing crysis 1 on Windows 10
I did and it works. It's not that stable at first, though, it require a little tweaks. That said, Win10 broke a lot of games. Then again, it's a fairly new OS and 7 or 8.1 have a near-perfect retrocompatibility.

It depends on your hardware config
It didn't work at all for me at first but then a motherboard bios update fixed things.

Apparently there's some low level kernel stuff they changed in Windows 10 that fucks with old school drm systems like punkbuster

But... That doesn't really look pretty.
U4 have beerter screenshot than that. It's a pretty game, come on. This doesn't look that good, especially the top right tree, it's fucked up. It's like there's no OA or something, and poor texture resolution.

I've seen way prettier screenshot of U4.

Because they literally have to make the real lighting worse than what the ps4 could do to work with the prebaked assets. And all these pre-baking, shortcuts, and pseudo effects balloons the game size to around 45 gigs or more.

Imagine if devs actually used pc hardware, everything could look better than crysis or fun at 200fps on a 780.

>The truth has come to light that approximately 82.5 million steam users who own hardware less capable than current gen consoles that are incapable of pushing even 1080p are the ones who are actually 'holding back' the gaming industry from whatever armchair market analysis projections your bias is working off.
Look at you own statistics and survey number, faggot. There's "only" 34% of people running at exactly 1080p but you can add up higher resolution and multi-monitor and see the majority (aka >50%) are playing at 1080p or higher. Jeezus christ that guy is retarded as fuck.

Also this blogpost seems incredibly salty.

The most common gpu is a GTX970, god dammit, which is more powerful that any current console, so who's holding the market back ?

fuck off Sup Forums

this is the best looking game I've ever played

What the fuck user?

The game looks nice, it doesn't matter if the lighting is pre-baked, it doesn't matter if elena's boob jiggles are pre-simulated, it doesn't matter if you think it's a psudoeffect and somehow worse even if it produces the same results on screen.

The game looks pretty good in 99% of situations, nobody is pretending that its going to outperform top tier pc games if you shove your head in a corner and start counting pixels on textures

Pre-baking is why Mirror's Edge still looks fantastic. You say it like it's some dirty underhanded trick.

Does this game have cheat codes like the good Uncharted games?

It also means it is easy to find terrible looking scenes due to way the pre-baked asset work with different lighting, and how much worse they still have make the real time lighting for it to look as intended in the specific scene. Not to mention, UC4 had to completely give up even bare bone AO.