It gets good after 15 hours

>It gets good after 15 hours

Other urls found in this thread:

>you're just before the bit where it gets good

>It's not supposed to be fun

>The game controls horribly
>"You're just bad :)"

Fuck off

Don't be so harsh, it's been years and you haven't gotten good either.

>OP has been alive for 15 years and still can't git gud at life

What would be better?

>Game is fun right off the bat
>Is only10hours long

>Game takes 15 hours to get fun
>Is 50 hours


>game is fun right off the bat

time is more important than money for some.

The 50 hour game because you have 35 hours of fun
Lrn 2 math

You literally are though. There's no such thing as horrible controls, only horrible use of the controls.

play bubsy 3d

>pic related

>Deus Ex is still a great game!

Fucking Persona.

depends on how shit the first 15 hours are

So the question is, do I want to play Ratchet and Clank for the PS4 or do I want to struggle and try and get good and 100% Star Fox Zero?

>You have to play that specific playstyle otherwise it wont be fun

it never gets good though

>someone makes a dragon's dogma thread
>complains that he's bored, he's just about to quit, king is sending him to a fortress fuckways away to fight salvation but he doesn't want to
>remember what happens right after that
>tell OP your exact words
>he comes back a day later all hyped about the shit that happened
It shouldn't have worked but it did.
DD is a weird fucking game.

How much less fun is the first 15 hours of the second game?


Dragon's Dogma with an agility class makes it one of the top games of that generation.

The magic is cool for a second playthrough, and some people really dig the Warrior class for Arc of Deliverance, but if you didn't play that game climbing and jumping all over shit, you didn't play it best.

>FF13 apologists
Undertale apologists

>People act like dark souls isn't supposed to be fun, it's supposed to be grueling
>Have fun with dark souls
>If I didn't have fun I wouldn't play
Legitimately don't understand those people

2nd option, more hours of fun. 1st option might be good if it had replayability though.

Mediocre. Kind of like you need to push yourself to keep playing.

I was just wondering what people thought. Some people are not willing to spend hours before a game gets good.

>Someone realizes my favorite game is shit
>"Um... er... you just didn't get to the good part! You need to play more, otherwise you can't criticize muh fave"
>"Fuck that, not playing any more"
>I win...

>Undertale apologists
I don't understand how the undertale fanbase can be so retarded. You're clearly supposed to do a neutral run first.

I didn't find dark souls grueling or fun. I found it frustratingly bad because of the shitastically awful camera. It wasn't hard, it was just uncooperative.

Im talking about people who try to defend boring games with that excuse.
And idiots from MvM in machine who get mad if you dont play the class they want you to play
I will never understand the undertale hype

The second one because Muv Luv is great

Won't work on me because I dropped that turd before I even met any king.


>Pic related

The rationalization of a shitter
>it's not hard, it's just fucking unfair
It's okay pal, I say this myself when I was stuck on bosses in games


FFXIII only "gets good" because you finally get to use everyone in your party after like 20 hours of switching around between different character but by then the game's almost over. With Undertale the Pacifist and Genocide routes are supposed to be done after beating the game.

is dragons dogma: dark arisen worth playing on the ps3?

The first because my backlog is full of fun but long games. Short and fun 20 dollar games are great.


>Game takes 15 hours to get fun
>Is 50 hours


Game A is a good game.

Game B is not.

If "It takes 15 hours to get good" it's not a fucking good game.

What? Who says that and why?
I loved FFIX from the start.

>Max level is when the real game begins

>Game is only good for the last boss fight
>So amazing it totally makes up for the rest of the game
Guess the game

>Best weapon is obtained after defeating final boss/extra final boss

This is okay when there are extra bosses, or better a NG+ mode.

People always seem to describe JRPGs this way. Is the point where "it starts getting good" just where the plot starts to pick up generally?
You hate it at first because the mechanics are dogshit but if you give it enough time the story captivates you for the rest of the playthrough?

FFIX has the strongest start of any of them

>it gets better when you hit the level cap

The gameplay isn't going to change when I increase this irrelevant number buddy.

So let me get this straight. It's not a difficult game for you, but you have no idea how to control the camera with the right stick? Do you expect anyone to believe you? You're fucking shit, son. I think you need to go back to playing isometric games where you never have to stress about the camera because your tiny pea brain can't handle it. Damn that's some ownage.

Megaman Zero 4, duh.

It's people like you that are ruining this industry.
I bet you wont buy a game unless it's open world, hundreds of hours long, and has thousands of boring collectables darted in every corner of the map.

Someone didn't play Lair on the PS3

>summer of 2014
>FFXIV was being shilled nonstop
>Sup Forums told me it gets good 20 hours in
>make it to level 35 before getting bored out of my fucking mind

god damn that game is boring

No. There are some linear games I enjoy. I like the metro series, it's not incredibly long either.

This is New Vegas for me, i pushed through it and by the time i finished the playthrough i felt it wasn't worth the wait. I had fun, but not as much fun as i was expecting

And that was with a modded version of NV, i can't help but think how much worse it would've been with a vanilla NV

It's not how big is the game, it's how it is designed

Not at all, I hate meaningless additions to games to extend the length artificially. I like longer games assuming they keep up good content. If the 10 hour game had tight, exciting gameplay at all times and the 35 fun hours of the second game were filled with tedium, I would prefer the first game.

Nah, FEAR had some shitty controls...

If you don't like rpgs by the first hour, you're not going to like them no matter how long you play.

>Binary Domain is a good game!

b-but it is

Premium bait

>dev frontloads everything good and interesting, while the remainder of the game is shit

>Game takes 3-5 hours to start getting fun
>Game is 500 hours long

Monster Hunter tutorials and new games can be really boring and they turn a lot of people off, but I'm so glad I stuck with it my first time

More like they don't have interesting gameplay and i think that's one thing that kills the interest in new RPGs i play nowadays

I have to choose between a good story or good gameplay, i can never seem to have both, i can't even remember the last time i played an RPG that had both good gameplay and a good story

>Bethesda's motto

The souls games just feel slow and tedious to me. I get it's about pattern recognition, but goddammit I always get bored of it within 5 hours. And I want to like these fucking games too.

But it's fun

I'm too grown for that type of shit nowadays

I cannot play any RPG anymore

I've made an incorrect assumption.

First option is essentially any 'normal' game and second option is generally pretty much every turn based RPG or hack 'n slash

>play 90% of the game
>dont open your mouth until you finish the game

Why can't more turn base RPGs be like Pokemon and be fun after the first 30 minutes?

Gotta unlock all the abilities etc. that actually make the game fun and not tedious bullshit

>Xenoblade doesn't suck, it gets really good 30 hours in when you get a skell!

I've played around, 6 or 7 Pokemon games, i think i only ever lost 1 fight ever

Pokemon games are fun but jesus christ are they not challenging in the slightest

>It's one of the best games ever made, but the gameplay and graphics suck

In some cases this is correct
Skyward Sword is a good example. Sure there a legit complaints to be made about the game, but its not hard to control. Even the stab is easy to do if you stop spazzing around with your wrist.

>wanting instant gratification
le casual

Then they turn around and say

>Skells ruin the game, you're better off playing on foot

Biggest case for this?

>dude it gets good after 50 hours lmao

And it's name is Dying Light.

>it gets good at endgame

MMOs are shit

>Why should your entertainment, that you paid for, be entertaining

This isn't like a movie where the first 30 minutes are slow. Hours go by in some games before you get to actually do anything. I'm looking at you, Kingdom Hearts 2. 1 gets a pass because it's introducing the universe and shit but I did not need 4 hours of Roxas.

there is nothing to understand, the creator is the guy that composes most of the homestuck soundtrack and known in the furry and earthbound community, that's how it got so much publicity

It has more to do with the fact your characters are fragile at low levels and you have like 2 shit party members

also the beginning of JRPGs is always the most linear part of the game, with more conversations, cutscenes and forced tutorial bullshit

>it starts to get fun on your second or third play through

>trails in the sky
>but it gets good during the last 5 hours of the game!
>50 hour game

>japanese game
>you fight God

>its fun with friends

By definition the hypothetical game is fun after the first 15 hours, even if it is the same 100-hour open world w/collectibles.


>Today's going to be a good day

If you want a steady 20 fps in most areas and don't mind that, go for it. PC is much more stable than the PS3 version at the moment, though

>mfw FF13 came out and the best thing anyone could say about it was "It's starts getting pretty good after about 20 or 25 hours."

>Tfw Ice Cube randomly shows up in the middle of your game/movie/show/comic.

huh? that one doesn't even make sense. Now if you posted the first one i'd understand

more like 30 hours

>game has only like two or three actually fun parts
>the rest is entire shit
>still replay it every once in a while because those fun parts are amazing enough to excuse the shit game
What's her name Sup Forums?

skyward sword made me realize everyone on Sup Forums has parkinsons