Other urls found in this thread:
>buyer's remorse
ey, we've all been there Sup Forums. what's your buyer's remorse?
>user scores
>0 or 10
Truly the video game audience at work
>it's alright
>it's alright
Sounds like he has broads in atlanta
seems legit
Anytime I want to have a laugh, I look at this account:
>worst souls gets highest
I'm still trying to figure out how this happened.
3 is the worst
The "2 was bad" meme needs to die already
but it is
It was the most accessible.
Definitely the worst in the entire series.
It's not a bad game, and that's not even what he said, stupid. It's just the worst game in an otherwise great series.
But that's wrong, you retard
3 is the worst in the series. Hopefully the DLC remedies that
>It was the most accessible.
It's really not though. DS2 has too many unintuitive design choices like that depleting health bar will more likely only scare new players away from the series. DS1 and even 3 are infinitely better starting points to the series.
>Played through DS1 like eleven times, not including NG+ playthroughs
>Played DSII for like 100 hours, multiple playthroughs and characters
>Played DSIII once, and then NG+, then a magic character
>Already sick of it
DSIII is the most boring shit in the universe, with boring level design besides the first area and horrible build variety
Mah nigga. You get it
The lack of viable build diversity, linearity, tedious level design, disappointing bosses, and watered down mechanics are why 2 was better than 3. Fromdrones will deny it because "muh miyazaki" and because 3 sucks off the first game so hard.
>DSIII is the most boring shit in the universe, with boring level design besides the first area and horrible build variety
You literally sound like you're mad because you're tired of Souls games. You ever consider that the problem is actually you?
Think of any recent PS4 game, I overpaid.
I held off for Bloodbourne to lower in price, it never did, bought it for $34 on Amazon, it's now $19.99 at Best Buy.
Considering how short and linear 3 is (still a better game than 2), it's probably the most accessible.
No, it's just Dark Souls III.
Dark Souls II had some bullshit deaths and some weird changes to the level up system, but at the very least the levels weren't just boring hallways and corridors with ladders and shit everywhere. Everything in the game besides the High Wall and the Undead Settlement is a series of hallways, dark rooms, and staircases. No major variety in the areas you can go besides two forks in the road; one on the Road of Sacrifices and another in Irithyll, with everything otherwise being a straight line. DS1 and 2 had plenty of rooms off the beaten path where you could explore to find items, NPCs, and there's almost none of that in DSIII. DSIII has no highs and no lows, just a mediocre trudge from beginning to end
>Dark Souls II had some bullshit deaths and some weird changes to the level up system, but at the very least the levels weren't just boring hallways and corridors with ladders and shit everywhere.
That's literally Dark Souls 2 you're describing, and that's about as bland as level design gets, friend. The only shit areas in DS3 are The Catacombs and Smouldering Lake, and one of those is completely optional anyway.