So what does Sup Forums think of Knuckle Sandwich?
>inb4 tumblr noses
So what does Sup Forums think of Knuckle Sandwich?
That's an awful logo
Those are some awful sprites
That's a tedious battle system
Putting >inb4 in front of something doesn't make that thing go away.
>That's an awful logo
Aside from the gross shade of green, I think it looks fine. Maybe a bit more variety of colors on the outlines though
>Awful sprites
I think they look cute. Just a bit above average from indie Earthbound-esque games, so nothing too special
>Tedious Battle System
We'll see how it plays out when it's released. I think the incorporation of mini-games for specials is a cool idea
Oh boy, another mother inspired RPG.
The tumblr nose already ruins for me.
Look at that shit, the guy on the left looks like he has a tumor on his nose. Why this style got so popular all of a sudden? It is ugly as hell.
Yeah but it'll at least establish the idea so Anons won't come in every 10 minutes saying the same thing thinking it's not been said before
Wait this is Sup Forums, nevermind
The fact that it's yet another Earthbound RPG doesn't make it any better.
>people are bad at art
>go to tumblr to learn
>everyone does tumblr nose
>they do it too to fit in
Cute girls is all I need
I can ignore the tumor nose
I actually like the spritework and music, but the sprites are ruined by that shitty fucking mixel tweening.
Either leave the sprites still, make them just bob up and down, or actually take the time to animate them.
CAN YOU?????/
>Good Earthbound inspired games
>Bad Earthbound inspired games
Citizens of Earth
Knuckle Sandwich
This shit just seems so uninspired, I highly doubt its going to be any good.
Yknow people say this alot, but have their been alot of instances where the game hasn't been good?
Only ones I can think of that were bad were Yiik, and Undertale. But even then Undertale was "eh" at worst
Unoriginal, yes. But you can't deny that so far it's a formula that's worked out for the better
> But you can't deny that so far it's a formula that's worked out for the better
No, it's not okay to just copy an already good formula and slap your own name on it. At least try and diversify and use less known mechanics.
I would fucking kill for another game like Strider 2, or something like SotN, except that indie devs never stray away from RPGs.
honestly i like the art and sound but conceptually it just looks too derivative
other offbeat RPGs that have come out were obviously inspired by earthbound but this one looks like a hamfisted attempt to steal earthbound's aesthetics and that rubs me up the wrong way
the central thesis of earthbound was 'be new, be different, don't look and sound similar to what's come before you' so making an earthbound clone defeats the whole point
however i reserve complete judgement until i know more about it
>Citizens of Earth
Please user stop reminding me of that disappointment of a game
I have hopes for Knuckle Sandwich. Then again getting my hopes up has never worked out for me
>tumblr noses
I can see your point, user. But I think saying a game that tries to capture the essence of Earthbound a "clone" is a bit harsh. There have obviously been attempts to better the formula, or at least try to diversify itself amongst the crowd. Original ideas can always be made better, it's just the execution that defines it
honestly looks like tumblr bait
so it may be an instant success
but i wouldn't play it
not because of the tumblr bait
but because those (turn based rpgs) aren't my type of games
Seems funny. Also the music is really good
What the FUCK is up with the fucking noses?
Nothing really new or interesting here, the silly drawn out special executions were cute though.
Also subtle shilling there Mr. Dev
>indie game
>inspired by EarthBound
What IS it about EarthBound that makes it far and away the most prime candidate to base your indie game off of?
>Tumblr noses
>A walking nose is an enemy
>The title looks like it was written in mucus
What the fuck?
I have 0 interest entirely because of that art style
Well then learn how to make a pleasing art style you indie dev faggot
This desu. Really uninspired
Earthbound was a obscure Nintendo game, that was highly expensive. Otherwise it is a fairly by the numbers JRPG, with a quirky coat of paint.
So naturally what used to be a obscure hidden game, makes a good foot note for indie devs to replicate because they can't make something new or revolutionary.
What is it with you fetish fucks advertising here? I remember the Dungeons of Dredmor dev advertising here and he has some weird eyebrow fetish and you have a nose fetish?
it's niche enough to appeal to hipsters and mainstream enough to sell a lot. It's not hard to play, it's style is easy to emulate and it hasn't been done to death enough you don't really need to do much to stand out a lot.
Also because it's "thought provoking" you can feel good about playing/making it.
>tumblr nose
With me a more clear image of bottom qt and I'll make some Sup Forums-endorsed porn.
Why is his nose purple
>Implying I have the creativity/concentration to create a game
Less than three you too, my friend
Those special skills seemed ok. The punch one was fine but then you end up with pinball which you're basing resources and your attack damage on. seems pretty RNG based unlike the Mario RPGs which is the same execution each time.
Do you have any full body shots? If not I can only do a sloppy blowjob
or maybe a nosejob?
Sup Forums pls go away
The sprites' animation and music is fine by me, but why are the characters so uninspired and boring? They're literally just random people with normal clothes. The fat lad on the OP picture looks like it had 100 times more character design than the other 4 combined.
This is the best I could find in terms of fullbody
Godspeed user
Looks great can't wait.
I like the geeky glasses guy, but I agree with you there
He could use a bit of work with his design
The music and general presentation is really nice. Hope it doesn't suck earthbound's dick too much
because they're supposed to be normal people
>yet ANOTHER soon to be militantly viraled Earthbound-like
Boring characters that look too stiff in battle. I'm sure some other Earthbound inspired indie RPG is doing the whole mini-game battle gimmick as well.
I see, too undetailed. Face is detailed enough, so sloppy blowjob it is.
Any particular blowjob scene Sup Forums? This is for you after all.
Sucking, licking head, kissing the head, showing mouthful, etc?
It's almost charming. Everything looks like ass though, and those special mini games look like they're straddling the line between fun and tedious.
>tumblr noses
Will avoid just to spite you. It's as valid a reason as people dismissing anime-art games as weeaboo shit.
>those fucking tumblr noses
everything about this looks awful
Well, at least Ness has his striped shirt, his red cap and his round, black eyes, these characters are just plain people with mono colored shirts.
Hey asshole, we were here first and were doing the RPG thing way better than you. Go viral your mediocre game somewhere else.
Showing mouthful w/ smug face
>more hipster tumblr bullshit
Please user tell me you're shitposting
I'm really hoping here
this is worse
but i still have hope for it
offputting character design aside, this actually looks interesting from the trailers
>those characters
You have to be kidding me, son. There has to be at least one self-insert here.
>falseflagging as some butthurt dev
You forgot Off nigga
>Takes place in the 90's
>Hipster attire
>Poetic black girl character
oh look more ironic super-casual earthbound knockoff bullshit
>tumblr noses
Before I click just tell if its "retro 8/16bit graphics".
Forgot this one op
>tumblr noses
>first boss is a giant nose
I was about to argue Def Poetry Jam but that's early '00s.
Tumblr the comic
story involves time travel or some similiar shit
will literally never play a game with noses like that, not even if every retard on Sup Forums says it's 10/10
HE'S EARTHBOUND, HE'S EARTHBOUND, YOU'RE EARTHBOUND?! I'M EARTHBOUND! Are there any other Earthbounds I should know about?
>inb4 tumblr noses
If the developers are going to be lazy as fuck, why should I put any effort into critiquing them
Looks breddy gud. Sprites are detailed and animations look smooth. Those special moves look like they're gonna get pretty wild based on that complex punch one.
Are people really this hung up over one tiny aspect of the art style? That's some pedantic ass shit right there.
Here we go. At least something came from this thread.
Goodbye, Sup Forums.
>with love
Thank you user, you beautiful fuck
>inb4 some fucker sends it to the devs
>literally steals art from mother 3
>implying this is bad
He literally asked who people thought was the cutest girl
What was it?
I was too late.
some dick sucker.
I guess it really was a dick sucker. Thanks archive
>portland: the game
inb4 is used by a poster after OP to make fun of OP for posting something that has such a obvious hook for people to shitpost about.
When you post it as an OP you look a baby who can't handle the banter by going asking people not to flame you when you post flamebait.
>getting so buttfrustrated that people want to get out the way predictable shitposts out of the way
What is this garbage
mite b cool.
Although I feel the animations for skills are a bit too long IMO.
this is the best thing to come of the game so far
it's worth a pirate
>Le video game pixel art
I've always thought people overreacted at tumblr nose but this here is genuinely fucking ludicrous
sucking, pov if you can
if you can't or don't want to it's fine, thank you user
i like it