Constant Overwatch shilling

>Constant Overwatch shilling
>Legion shilling now happening
Fuck off marketers!

Nothing wrong with shill threads if they are on topic

Majority of Overwatch threads are either waifuposting (including porn) or "Why haven't you bought the game yet?".
Like two days ago I had 21 Overwatch threads hidden at the same time, should be enough to tell you that it's not okay to have that many threads. Just fuck off to /vg/ and have your circlejerk there.

>was a huge blizzard fan
>haven't bought a single game from them since Wrath

Doesn't matter to me how good games they will release in the future, I'm not giving them a single penny after all the bullshit they have done.

People discussing games they like on Sup Forums? This has to be stopped!

>stop liking things I don't!

Making multiple image dump threads of your shitty generic waifus isn't discussion numbnuts

Spamming is against the rules you imbecile.

I Might Have Actually Bought Overwatch If It Wasn't For The Fact That There Are So Many Threads About It Constantly, Something About That Makes Me Feel Like It's A Lure

I'm in the same boat but they got me with SC2 WoL and Diablo 3. Never again though unless they do Legacy servers

And? I'd rather have those over

>furry threads
>thick threads
>console wars
>SJW threads
>Sup Forums alt right threads

It's a popular new game, it belongs here regardless of if it's shilling or not. All you're trying to do is grasp some concrete reasoning to eject a game you dislike from the board but it ain't ever happening.

>Just fuck off to /vg/ and have your circlejerk there.
Or you what? You aren't a mod, there's literally not a God damn thing you can do to stop anyone. So no, I'll take them here and enjoy your whining

Noooo this can't be happening! Sup Forums is a hivemind and we all hate blizzard games, if you don't you clearly aren't part of the collective!

Pretty much all of those you listed stay in single thread, two-three threads max.
Now read again what I said, I had to hide twenty-fucking-one threads because people wanted to "discuss" about an upcoming game by dumping porn and other waifufaggotry in them.

No one cares, we go throug this shit at least 20 times a year with newfags crying about the next major release being all over Sup Forums, and mods not giving a fuck what you think because they already told you the rules several years ago. Deal with it or leave Sup Forums, those are your only choices.

>Pretty much all of those you listed stay in single thread, two-three threads max.
Good joke. I actually can't avoid Sup Forumsshit no matter where I go, even low population boards.

Last series I'm buying from Blizzard myself. I got all three to finish out the story, but that's it. I'm done. I don't know what rehash they'll release next, but I'm not even going to be remotely interested.

>People have non-pc opinions
>It's le Sup Forums raid

Warcraft 4 is next

>Major release

To be fair, we all know Sup Forums is correct in their ramblings.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, user. It is a major release whether you think it is or not. Get ready for more threads to cry about next week when it actually launches. Less than the open beta got, but more than likely still enough to make retards like you upset.

No one said that, retard

Good joke.

Spamming in topic is still spamming, retard.

Let alone a thread for every shitty character of that TF2 clone.

you forgot Sup Forums now decided to have always wanted to play bethesdoom and if you don't you are lying, literally.

I haven't made a single thread for it. Don't really plan to since I haven't played it. If you really think people are spamming the board with it, go ahead and try to report them or something.

Or, I don't know, stop being retarded, and just filter the threads.

>No one said that, retard

>I actually can't avoid Sup Forumsshit no matter where I go, even low population boards.

>Somebody says nigger
>Its Sup Forums

>No one said any of these things
>still the Sup Forumslack gets triggered someone shat on his people

No one said saying nigger=Sup Forums.

Whining non stop about black people, liberals, SJWs, and muslims is Sup Forums and even if you think you have some right to do it all over Sup Forums, people get sick of you guys making blatant offtopic/politically charged threads on other boards just to circlejerk.

You having not made them don't make any difference. Did I accused you of anything? You're a fucking moron.

>Nothing wrong with shill threads if they are on topic

The problem is that moot made advertising against the global rules, so if twitch streams of unpartnered Sup Forumstards playing dark souls for the first time can get banned, and anyone mentioning a new game in development can get banned, then people posting AAA threads for games that aren't out yet should be banned too.

Really though the solution is fucking drop global rule 11 (except where it's literally bots with random text strings trying to fool spamfilter).

Even if you are baiting on purpose the blood from your butt reeks.

>people talking about video games on a board for the discussion of video games is shilling

I think you should go to reddit if you don't like people talking about video games on a video games board

>Cries about Overwatch threads
>Tries to question other people's intelligence
Stay in school.

>No one said saying nigger=Sup Forums.
LMAO, what did you meant by this?

Then somebody says something about blacks and you think is the Sup Forums boogeyman. Just like I said.

last game I bought was Burning Crusade, WPvP was dead by then and raiding wasn't really my thing.

>Sup Forums boogiemen
When ppeople say Sup Forums they mean shit threads like this , not people saying nigger you double nigger

You're grasping straws.

I already told that spam is wrong, and all you can says is that I am a dumdum because I don't like them crapping up the board.

No, the problem is some people on Sup Forums think the board is a direct representation of their personality and do not like when specific things they dislike are talked about en masse on Sup Forums. That problem solely lies with those people and they need to leave the site if they cannot handle it.

Twitch shit streams are banned as is blatant advertising. Mods never have and never will delete genuine vidya discussion threads because some whiny cunt thinks it's "shilling" to discuss upcoming games

A thread about nintendo?

Those damn weenies.

>Mods never have and never will delete genuine vidya discussion threads

That isn't true in the slightest. I've been victim of shit mods myself for trying to talk about Section 8 Prejudice and small kickstarter games.

The mods sure are getting dem Blizzbucks.

The mods are in their pocket.


Holy shit, thats next level denying.

*teleports behind OP*

>being so delusional you think shills come to Sup Forums, an image board that makes up maybe 0.1% of gamers.

Them and moot/his japanese cosplay


This is just as overused and misused as the word cuck.

Why are you in Overwatch threads if you don't like them moron?

Take off your fucking tinfoil hats for once in your lives