There is LITERALLY nothing wrong with Popplio

There is LITERALLY nothing wrong with Popplio.

there is LITERALLY everything wrong with Popplio.

>picking Snivy 2.0
>not picking Birb

he looks like a nice and fun guy, but he truly has a goddamn horrendous design. Cereal mascot tier design.

I hope his evolutions make up for it.

can you see the irony in this post?

Of course not
The games themselves and mechanics and shit are the thing that suck now

Are you one of the fags that want Pokemon to use a ATB or LMBS battle system?

>not Borb
It's a spherical owl

Nope I just want my simple combat system and less bullshit that just complicates things that only competitive autists care about

>picking cuck bird
Popplio will most likely be able to learn ice moves making him the best starter

>GF please undo the phys/spec split and make special one stat again and remove natures and abilities and reduce movepools, I hate having options because it hurts my brain!

>GF please pander to autists that want stupid complicated bullshit exclusively for tourneys and shit for a game FOR 10 YEAR OLDS
Truly as bad as Smash faggots

So you want the game to be less deep because you don't want to minmax.
I mean, you're free to not EV/IV, more power to you, but you lose nothing if the people that want to can. It's all underlying numbers, the combat system is near identical either way.


Popplio is clearly Chespin 2.0 aka Oshawott 3.0.

The new moves and types of mons exclusively made to pander to toruneyfag autists are used by the story characters.
That's my fucking complain.
I hate shit like the balloon item, to say something.


Wow wow wow dude, that Pidgey might have an ABILITY!
It might be immune to the sand attack NONE of my pokemon know!
This is way too much, fucking autistic tourneyfags, ruining muh simple combat system.

I wouldn't really say it's complicated bullshit. It's all rather simple outside of Hidden Power. Fuck that shit.

And yet you still want to be taken seriously?

>smugleaf was teh hot one in BW
>fenekin was the hot one in XY
pattern have spoken, that little duckling will become a beautiful swan

Funny enough I picked both of those as my starters and I'm most likely going for Popplio.

100% agreed OP
Popplio is a solid and fun design

>implying the hot one in BW wasn't Baraboar

What you're saying here, is that small, easy to deal with items, moves and abilities, are causing you enough of an issue that you need to complain on the internet, you're being beaten too hard by the story characters in a fucking modern Pokemon game.

Don't talk shit about Tales.

Clowns are retarded

You will never encounter an airballoon in the story mode. And the new moves aren't made to pander to anyone. There are very few moves from gen6 that are competitively viable. And new types were introduced to balance the game way back in the second gen and I seriously doubt you threw a bitch fit. So what's so bad about a rebalancing now? (other than the fact that GF can't balance for shit?)

He's not.....awful?

But he's by default third place, for not being anywhere near as good as the other two.

Popplio is #2 pick for me right after my boy of course

You must be really retarded if you think pokemon is complicated.

>People care about competitive Pokemon
>When the meta is literally just entry hazards out the ass to set up that Volcarona sweep


it's the most straightforward shit.

Unless you want to make "physical" one stat as well, and get rid of Attack and Defense.

I love the Tales games that I've played, but I wouldn't want it's battle system in Pokemon, especially not if they kept the 4 move and PP system.

Make it water/fairy and bulky with a priority move. All it needs.

>Being beaten too hard
I don't get beaten
But why one should stand bullshit he doesn't care about? I just want to trade collect and beat the story.
Don't give a shit about competitive autism.
Why should I be forced to acknowledge those things? Make them end game battle tower only, so I can enjoy my fucking game pure and simple and you autists can have yours.
It is that simple, faggot.

Popplio is the only one who doesn't look shit.

>not going full retard Karenfag competitive with your friends
You haven't experienced true Pokemon



Competitive autist detected

It's just Drilbur in a clown costume!

Well there's nothing wrong with it but there's also nothing right with it. It's just really average and unremarkable, while the Owl is absurdly cute (borb) and the cat is a fire type (which everyone picks for some reason). He's an ok design but he doesn't have any real edge over his competition.

>not wanting to be the very best

No it isn't, Drilbur is actually adorable

>I got my ass handed to me by some Karenfag's Volc sweep team at 1200 ELO and never looked back: the post

I wanna fuck the Litten.

You seem to want to remove any vague semblance of challenge from a game that hardly has any left in it, who wants the story to be an even more dull challengeless slog than x/y and OrAs were.

You will never be.
Enjoy your delusions, faggot.

Why does Litten look like such a slut there?

Phys/spec split not being a thing fucked me up when I was a kid playing Yellow, and natures and abilities are fun. Get the stick out of your ass.

If it's different now I'm sure whatever replaced it is equally as retarded.

"High-level" Pokemon autism isn't fun, there are too few viable options to make it fun. The best time you can have in Pokemon is making up your own rule sets and battling your friends with dumbass hodgepodge teams of your own design.

I think Popplio is cuter than Drilbur.

>He wants challenge in a game designed so kids of 10 and less can simply mash the buttons to win
Pokemon was never about challenge, you massive idiot.
If I want challenge I'll simply play something else.
Pokemon for me was about forgetting about my shitty ife and immersing myself in a world where things are better and with company of magical friends that actually care for me unlike real people.

I can still enjoy being competitive with my friends at something we both enjoy.

Fuck you for that.
I am jelly that you actually have friends that play pokemon.

And you can't do that because?

Watch Popplio have the epic third evo like Oshawatt and Torchic

I bet you're glad the Battle Frontier is gone, faggot

Dude, even deep shit like EV and IV is easy to understand. Like you said, it's a game for 10 years old.
They even have a fucking touchscreen app to help you train EV since Pokemon XY.

And that's without mentioning that you can plow through the game just by overleveling your starter no matter what IV/EV you give it. The only way you can screw yourself is by learning only non-damaging move, which casual tend to avoid at all cost.

I mean, if pokemon is seriously too hard for you, I'm simply flabbergasted.

The only thing wrong with it is that it doesn't look as good as Borb and Lit.

The fact that some bitch has a mega Absol does nothing to that. It does nothing to stop what you said whatsoever, all it does is make it so it feels like less of a chore for the people that want to reach post-game to do so.



>Dude, even deep shit like EV and IV is easy to understand. Like you said, it's a game for 10 years old.
>They even have a fucking touchscreen app to help you train EV since Pokemon XY.
Can attest to this. My best friend is a normalfag, and he was able to follow a chart I sent him to breed a full badass team.
Then his game got wiped somehow so we never actually got to play like old times again

That's fucking stupid. If you don't like competitive shit, then ignore it. No reason to shit up the endgame.


Dude Pokemon is so simple... Like seriously, what about the battle system is remotely confusing?

>people somehow find modern pokemon games hard

are you playing online or something? Otherwise I find it very hard to believe that you had difficulty with a game that literally hands you overpowered shit like Latia/os and two starters for nothing, unless you're some kind of retard who can't into rock-paper-scissors


That looks worse

it wasn't "replaced", it has always been a gimmick

>there are too few viable options to make it fun. The best time you can have in Pokemon is making up your own rule sets and battling your friends with dumbass hodgepodge teams of your own design.
I don't think you understand how metas are formed. Those are the rules that literally drive metas. Except some people like to win more than they like to use X mon. And they see that "hey, I don't really like the design of this pokemon, but it's doing something that could really perform well with this or that." "Hey, these two mons together made it hard for my opponent to get around and it helped me win, I wonder if there's a way to bolster these two even more? Hey, this mon has exactly what I need to cover the things the other two can't deal with." And the meta evolves. There is no reason that you can't build your favorite team compiled from whatever mons you like with little to no synergy. Just don't expect to win a whole bunch, and don't get mad that other people are winning because they are using better mons. You can't blame smogon or "competitivefags" or whatever else. The only people you can place blame on for not having fun with the pokemon you like are Gamefreak and yourself

I agree
Nothing wrong with Litten either
Still picking Rowlet

>Ignore it
>NPCs talk about muh hidden values muh different pokemon muh EVs
>Want to see all the text from npcs so still see it
Fuck off

Thanks for the (you)

The lastest trailer has only been up since one or two days ago, and there's already flame wars between starters, especially against Poppliofags, when I haven't seen any of them until now.

How can you judge something that's almost nonexistent?

Looks a bit like something that would be a yugioh character.

Its mouth looks literally like it was just tacked on

This is bait right?

I swear to Christ this nigga can't be serious.

See that's bullshit I don't understand
Why did they do that? Who the hell needs fucking legendaries for the story mode?
Gen V really fucked everything up

Were Volcanyon and that one ring Pokemon ever released as a mystery event, or are they just teasing them like the faggots did with Arceus?

Unless he becomes an evil elephant seal juggalo, everything is wrong with Popplio.

>How can somebody be autistic like this in a game made for autistic children and manchildren
I wonder what are the chances

>hidden values
>you can see it in the menu and easily manage it
I could maybe understand if you meant IVs, but literally only one person in X/Y talks about them

I think even the best competitive games ought to give you a wide variety of options, I tend to shy away from competitive scenes where you can only get by with very few characters/strategies in the highest level of play. Smash Melee comes to mind.

The Pokemon meta is too rigid for me to garner any enjoyment from it, so I stick to more casual play and I avoid the larger competitive scene.

>the water starter is the worst

>as usual

That person should be in the endgame, not in the story mode.

It is endgame, you dumbass

desu the main problem with pokemon at any kind of a competitive level is piss-poor balancing in recent gens and the crippling RNG with some moves and status effects (ie. Scald)

Not in gen 5

1) it is
2) why "should" it? if you've taken up to middle school English, you'd know that "should" is not an argument, it is a conclusion, and you must back up your conclusion with arguments

The problem with competitive pokemon is such thing existing in the first place

>implying the other starters are bullies

This isn't gen 5.

Well it shouldn't but then GF can kiss my money goodbye.
Also those awful cover mons of sun and moon... never mind.

The judge only appears after you've reached the credits. You know, endgame.

>complaining about a """problem""" in gen 5 when 6 is been out for years and doesn't have it
You are just bitching for the sake of bitching


>I have no mouth, yet I must bwark

K bye

It's the only thing that sets it apart from other JRPGs.