What's the best playthrough on youtube?

What's the best playthrough on youtube?
Don't care what game.

Is that drink good? Seen it in shops but I've never tried it.

It's really good lemonade. Kinda expensive but worth it

It's pretty good, Lemonatta is better though.
They're too expensive since they're imported.
>tfw drinking them nonstop when visiting the family in Italy
I gain so many pounds, but I blame the pasta too. Italians make WAY TOO MUCH FOOD

That's the orange one.

>Canned juice
Why ain't something cool like that in my country?

>18% from concentrate
You can get 100% juice everywhere.

It's not juice, it's more like an expensive looking deviation of Fanta.

It tastes 20 times better than Fanta too, and uses real sugar not that cheap shit high fructose corn syrup garbage americans are addicted to.

>implying there's any difference between the sugar in high fructose corn syrup and that in other sugars

The difference in taste is astronomical. Corn syrup is fucking disgusting, only someone who's been drinking that vomit since they were a kid would enjoy that taste.

The lemon one is top tier

Considering American soft drinks are the most popular sold in the entire world that's a pretty stupid comment to make.

You know they use sugar in every other country but the US to make those same drinks, right?
They only use Corn syrup in the us because americans are already use to drinking that cheap shit.
Ever had an imported coke?

The bottles are way better. Don't buy the cans.

anything by pew die pie bros xD
love that dude =P phows it gone bros my nam peww die pieeee eee =P

You're like those fags who say bottled water tastes different between brands.

>Not Blood Orange

He's right, though. Get out of Little Rock, Missouri and visit a third world country you fucking hick.

It does.

I ran a test on my similarly simple-minded flatmate. Volvic, Evian and Sainsbury's Basics water were indistinguishable to her.

No nigger, its literally fanta+ spoonful of juice, while charging like 300% more in price

Supergreatfriend's old playthroughs are pretty damn good.
His Deadly Premonition LP was a masterpiece.
Not much in the way of jokes, but he's very solid and consistent with his quality.

If you want the funniest playthroughs, I'd recommend Adum Plaze and their videos, they're pretty sweet. Adum Plaze Heavy Rain is a great series that I constantly find myself going back to.