Gentleman, how do we Make Nintendo Great Again?

Gentleman, how do we Make Nintendo Great Again?

>What should be their priorities
>What do they need to bring back
>Who are the biggest idiots running Nintendo
>Who are the good people
>What should be deported
>Who should they make deals with

Custom Robo 2

>What should be their priorities
Making good games
That's all they need to do.


Stop dividing the games between handheld and consoles

that seems to be rumored with NX

now if only they made good games again, that seems to be a problem

Am I wrong in believing the average person who makes Trump threads or supports Trump on Sup Forums is like 15?

Nintendo has nothing to do with politics

it is 100% related to videogames

Lie about every single thing that will make the game great and don't stop lying until it's made and everyone buys it.

pls refrain from shitposting and discuss the subject at hand

How do we make Nintendo great again?

No, it isn't, now go back to where you came from.

Pretty sure the subject in hand is Donald Trump as you clearly intended that, OP?

>Nintendo has nothing to with vidya

No, you are an illiterate dumbass

Do you actually legitimately believe someone is fooled? Honest question.

there people trying to discuss the subject and you are over here being a faggot

So you aren't going to answer if you legit believe anyone is fooled by your completely unveiled thread?

Make more systems like 2DS. Comfort over gimmicks. Gay ass Wii and Wii U and 3DS have some of the shittiest designs.

You can't Nintendo is beyond redemption

Amiibo Faggotry gotta go

even Disney is getting rid of Infinity

Why does Sup Forums think they are exempt from global rules?

>Sup Forums is so fucking gay that one image derails a thread when the topic in question is perfectly vaild

Are you all illiterate machildren?

I kinda agree

but they were decent just a few years ago
I feel the potential is still there, I been enjoying Yarn Yoshi

Honestly they need to do something this year with Zelda to get people's attention again. I get that the new game is coming out in March (maybe even later now) but they need another game before hand to remind everybody that the series exists. They should just do a HD remake of Zelda 1 or OoT for the publicity since its the 30th anniversary this year.

is just one faggot, it seems like he left now

good thing the thread is returning in to an actual discussion now

>making Nintendo great again
>posting Trump
So, lie about your actual content and hope people believe you have merit based on your past empire despite the fact your future seems to point towards everything crumbling?

Nintendo are already doing what they have to. Why do you think they're releasing so few games and the ones they do release are shit like Star Fox Zero.

They're showing third parties that Nintendo games are a shadow of what they used to be and that it's possible to compete with Nintendo games on their home turf. That's why they're so hush-hush about ZeldaU/NX it's their one game that's threatening to be good so they have to keep it under wraps lest they undermine their whole scheme.

Always been that way. And do not for a second act like it was an accident on opspart


Go 3rd party.

So what politicians have been doing for nearly a century?

Hillary isn't better and you know it.

Are you really that triggered by the mere sight of Donald Trump? OP asked an honest question, while including a pic of Trump and play on words of his slogan for comedic effect.

Quit being an autistic retard.

>just the image of Trump alone is enough to trigger numale faggots on this board
You can't make this shit up.

Also lie outright about your worth and success