Why arent you faggots playing this?

Why arent you faggots playing this?


it's fun for abit, i only play once every few days

Everyone dies way too easily, I feel like most encounters are luck based. When I kill it doesn't feel earned

It's a fun little fps. I really want the community to grow as it could be really good.

Togusas mullet is op

I don't play games based on pre-existing anime

headshots honestly, but they did seem to mess with the recoil now, it used to be easy to hip-fire the weapons since aiming down sights and hip-firing had zero penalties, but now it seems like hip-firing has a much larger spray pattern and is less accurate


>implying I care about Ghost in the Shell after this badass showed up

Adam Jensen is MUCH better. I played him once and never looked back.

there doesn't seem to be enough going on to sink time and money into it. I'm not a huge fan of having to pick one character and locking into that character until you pay or grind out another character. I initially assumed each character was a selectable class you pick whenever you want.


Because i hate Koreans to the bone.
Does this have controller support?

Yes it does.

Because it costs money to play a game that is essentially black squad/sudden attack

>was gonna wait and hope to see this as an alt costume for Motoko and maybe I'd buy it
>alt costumes are like $10 each
Fuck that noise.

Enjoying the game regardless though.

The only thing they need to fix is those abilitiy chips, they're just clutter for now since the "durability" is 20 which is seriously vague.
if by 20 they mean uses then that's even more useless since some make you swap weapons quick, so 20 times is nothing since you swap weapons in the game constantly to run faster with the pistol and back to the main weapon


I don't think my 2GB RAM laptop will run it though.
I'll just play Overwatch in my PS4.

Is it better than dirty bomb?

I never played Dirty Bomb

I forgot it existed, it's probably dead online hence this thread so no point jumping into it now.

>requires a nexxon account

it's a Gamebryo game right?
Is there any mods so I can see Motoko naked or at least half naked?

Asking for a friend.

It's not technically better, just a really nice atmosphere desu

Because it's pretty generic.

its boring
and theres still no seburo rifle

I want to be attached to that ass face first for the rest of my life.

>hardcore GiTS fan
>fav is Togusa
>pick toga
>whip out his side arm
>see not a revolver

Cause it's a shitty and old korean F2P shooter being sold as an early access game in active development.

It's a fucking scam.
