Monster Hunter Blows

This was probably the most boring fucking thing I've ever played. All my friends kept trying to convince me to keep playing, but fuck that.

This is probably the single most grind filled fuck fest i've ever seen. Supposedly it gets hard, though I wouldn't know, after like 10 hours of shit fetch quests and retarded hunts against cannon fodder enemies I threw this game the fuck out

I'm pretty sure you can diagnose how deep on the autism scale someone is by how long they actually want to play this tedious shit

Why the fuck are so many animations needlessly long? Why the fuck is mining even in the game? it takes fucking forever and wastes your fucking time. I bought the game to hunt monsters, what is this stupid farming shit that takes forever?

and when you do get to the good hunts, they get dull super fucking quickly because you have to do them again and again and again to get the materials for your equipment

fuck this game, you either need to be autistic or korean to stomach how fucking boring it is. You can probably beat the whole soulsborne series in the time it takes for this shit to get decent

Something has gone horribly horribly wrong if a game isn't fun after the first couple of hours

If you like this game your tastes are bad and you should feel bad

>Favourite weapon
>Favourite Monster
>best hunting experience
>hopes for X/generations

You guys excited for generations?

Hell yeah buddy
Hopefully they still have insect glaive in there

whats different about monster hunter #216474C?

like one new monster and 200% more grind?

>Hunting Horn
>When me and my friend ran into a Jho for the first time and he got pinned and I left him to die
>More interactive environments and the ability to make your hunter a loli or shota

Okay maybe not that last one.

>Nether Excellion
>Jumping off a Jhen Mohran's tusk right when the repel camera happens just in time to get a glorious screenshot
>hoping more quests =/= more gathering

I don't get it either. I trust that it gets good eventually. But my back log is way too huge to put up with this shit if its not fun from the start

>Gore Magala
>Anything vs Gore Magala, perfect fight
>Gunlance kill times that don't suck

IG got kind of shafted

it feels like killing anything takes fucking forever


IG is now a balanced weapon instead of a retard-magnet OP stick. Every time I use IG I have infinitely less fun than any other weapon. The weapon in 4U was mind numbingly boring.

>he doesnt carry dung bombs even if its a single encounter mission

Good. never save that scrub from his own pitiful planning.

Already been playing X for a long while and helping a friend farm Tempest Narga tickets.

I totally agree OP

Now get off the hate train

It was our first MH game and we had no fucking idea something like Jho even existed.

One time we had to fucking Metal Gear style sneak by one.

We failed, he saw us under a rock and killed both of us.

>All of them
>The first time I managed to cut a Rathalos' tail in MH1

>get rodeo god
>high paralysis damage IG
>eat for increased status effects and have skill for it
>mount every second attempt
>wail on monster
>stands up
>instantly paralyzed
>whack the shit out of it
>remount in seconds
>permanently stun lock nearly anything

Basically my solo grind weapon. if i'm not using IG, its dat charged blade for days.

>Stygian Zinogre or Zamtrios
>getting my first solo g3 kill
>Bancho palico back, cool collaborations, no more apex

I think apex monsters are gone, but I haven't kept up with the game much.

apex is gone and hopefully buried forever

fuck everything about that system

I wish they could have done something more interesting with its striker and bushido

It's the only bushido style I can think of where the cons usually outweigh the pros

What new sort of ranged weapon they could make?

Hunting Hounds.


it's like bow but you can't move while charging

basically just copy paste GS's design but with giant arrows

Also boomerangs.

Thank goodness. I'm officially super excited to play now.

>possible release date announcement this month

>Poison Queen Rathian
>Killing Teostra by sniping its head with a LBG Rapidfire right before he did a supernova which would've caused a quest failure
>Exclusive DLC quests for the west

New players are probably going to have a hard time with the key quests in guild hall because it has probably the hardest keyquests in the entire series barring FU.

Uh.. Well, welcome to the party!

>buying any MonHon game after it shifted to Nintendo
Kill yourselves.

>Generations release date
>He posted a webm of Stories

Oh, wait. You mean your webm? Dur. Disregard, I suck dicks.

Yeah, I'm dumb. I will face my shame and not delete my post.

Don't worry.
You still have two fuck ups left before failing.


I can't believe a game about hunting could go for so long without even attempting a hunting dog

Pair it with some medium bowgun equivalent and I'd main it forever

Well, it is a series that has had talking bipedal cats since the beginning.

So that might explain why dogs have been passed over.

Goddamn after sitting through the shit that is Souls I really need to go back to this series.

PC release when?

>DS for MH3U, Chargeblade for MH4U
>Narga was fun to fight
>Mid-air kill on a Seregios as he was doing his flying charge
>For it to not suck ass
The styles look pretty interesting and I want to try out the X+A Striker style chargeblade

When Citrus gets into a decent state. So a couple of years.

Play the mmo. That's all you're getting.

Don't play it like an MMO or it's soulcrushingly boring

>wanting Mon Hun to get pulled down with Vita's undertow


>he can't enjoy MH games regardless of their platform

i have autism and have always wanted to get into monster hunter, which game should i start with?

Generations when it comes out

>I don't wanna pay money
Get PPSSPP and download either Freedom Unite or Portable 3rd (Patched).

>I don't mind paying money
Get 4U or wait a bit and gen Generations

To be honest I'm not a fan of the genre. I've played Freedom Wars, MH3/4U, and Tri. I just don't find the gameplay that satisfying. The whole scenario with building your own armor from the things you kill is pretty neat, but I don't really enjoy the feel of the weapons. The whole memorizing how certain monsters fight is neat as well. Just not my cup of joe.
Favorite monster is easily Lagiacrus, makes best looking armor.

>Master's test no clothes
>Lightbreak timbre
> ITS HAMMER TIME (in the air)

so you literally dropped it during the tutorial

good fucking riddance, nobody wants to play with an impatient cunt

The middle one is looking at me with those eyes what the fuck

He knows you want the Small Barrel Bomb.

Can somebody post those edits of the Tigrex picture? You know which one.

I bought MonGen after I played the tutorial of MH4U and gave up. I even bought the New 3DSXL MH4U Exclusive thing.

it was bait friendo


Is anybody getting the generations N3DSXL?

>Dual Blades
>Stiggy Ziggy
>Farming 2jang 140GQ with 4 Para DB hunters
>I just want it released to the west already!

I really wish monster hunter fans all didn't have this unwarranted self importance.
Their like soulsfags except they take pride in pointless grinding.

>Guild Knight sabers
>Narga and Zinogre equal
>too many to count nigga
>played japanese X on a hacked 3ds, its not good, hopefully 5 is better or 4u will stay on top.

I just bought the MM one and id swap in a fucking second

the purple looks great

If your friends keep telling you to play then why are you not playing it WITH them?

I am. I was too slow to get the 4U n3ds so having another monster hunter special edition floating around pushed me to nab one.

>tfw haven't mh played on a console since wii
>tfw last mh i owned was pg3

played 4u on my roomates n3ds and loved it, decided to save to buy one since last year.

>tfw forgot to save and now ill have to buy the 2ds to play it

End this suffering.

I wish I could. Got the MH4U one last year, but blue is my absolute favorite color.

Nah, I've got the MH4U N3DS

>>Favourite weapon
I love gunning. LBG is my favorite but I more often use HBG because I'm better with it.

>>Favourite Monster
Zinogre hands down. I can't freaking wait for the new variant in MHX.

>>best hunting experience
In MH3 this one time I pug'ed with this user named holyfork. She was insane at this game. Just raping every monster, breaking every part and barely even taking damage. Bitchin'

Also this one time I shot a fucking khezu out of the air.

>>hopes for X/generations
I just want to play it. I was hoping for a g-rank but it's OK.

Which game?

Greatsword. Been my weaponfu since MH1

Shogun Ceanataur

The time I KO'd an Uragaan out of its rolling attack in an arena hunt in Tri.

>Generations hopes
That the bonus weapons/armor actually all stay in rather than get removed, but I doubt it'll happen.

why didnt they release another one on the fucking wii u. all it got was monsta hunta 3 with some updates... i heard the 3ds one had better controls. i got my wii u hacked and now i look at the games and realize there really aren't many except some plats.... im considering selling my wii u and buying a 3ds and getting free games on that. i can think of plenty that i'd enjoy on it

No because it's going to be on 11.0 firmware
I'll probably just pirate generations to be honest, I already imported X so it isn't like I'm stealing anyway.

>People who main Great Swords
I get the high damage, but I just find it too boring to use. Every other weapon feels great to play with but for some reason Great sword is just "wait for level 3 charge, dodge, sheath and fuck off till next opening." I love the other slow weapons like Gunlance and Switch Axe mind you.

For me knocking down a monster is more satisfying when its from a Greatsword.

How would it be mechanically different from HBG?

it's worth it dude, what the 3DS lacks in power or display size, it more than makes up for it with an awesome library

Throwing Axes/knives?

It doesn't have "Gun" attached to it.

The only thing he got right is that it would be nice to have another heavy and grounded weapon like Lance.