Supposed to be getting to that time when PC manages to reach and/or surpass the level of graphics seen in the best...

>supposed to be getting to that time when PC manages to reach and/or surpass the level of graphics seen in the best looking console exclusives
>PS4K is going to catapult console games visually ahead of us again by another 4-5 years
Hold me bros I'm scared, I've been feeling sick to my stomach watching playthroughs of Uncharted 4 and realising literally nothing looks better on PC even though we spend $1000's on high-end hardware and the only thing keeping me sane was knowing eventually the good graphics will trickle down to us and ONLY us as current-gen couldn't handle it.

But now they can! PS4K is 2.3x as powerful, how the fuck do we compete? Can you even imagine how goddamn amazing the next Naughty Dog game will look on that thing?
We're done. We're finished. The mailmen delivering preordered GTX 1080 gpus will be the first to notice the stench of our dead bodies after we commit suicide over this shameful defeat.

Other urls found in this thread:

PC gaming kind of folded into itself in the last few years, just like Nintendo it essentially killed itself.


>little console cuck has to make another thread after getting completely destroyed again
that's really fucking cute
and no, it doesnt even come close to the visuals of tomb raider 2 on PC released this year
you're just too much of a fucking pleb to notice the incredibly washed out low res textures coupled with heavy beer goggle filters and 20 fps

>being this wrong

>That instant damage control defense team rollout. It's almost comical.


1080 and vive, double meme threat
vr porn


That all-out le caps lock damage control lmao

>Arma 3
>looking good

I've seen PS2 games with better textures


>OP makes a false flag post of how a console with quarter the power of avarage gamen/workshop pc is 2.5 times ahead of said pc despite having trouble reaching 30fps
>people post valid counterarguments
Never change children whose parents only allow 1 gaming device.


Golden Axe II had more impressive visuals, to be quite honest.

>runs at 30fps on a 980ti
PC disaster race

Arma3 looks great, considering your only argument for a game that can have theoretically unlimited player count running around on washington dc sized island is that its mid ground textures look bad

Visual upgrade makes everything look twice as good as well with natural lighting. Excited for tanoa

>valid counterarguments

My GPU sure as hell aint. That foliage feels like a boot to my framerate's nuts.

Wow you sure are sore.
Hey mr buttblast, call me when ps6 finally stops presenting crysis level graphics as anything more than a slideshow or has complex games like dorf or arma or DCS

>Being a graphics whore in current year


They play PC games and of course is pirating the biggest library at the world as ever seen

Pretty much

Visuals are pretty optimized, arma, DCS, dorf and such are all CPU bottlenecks

All game studios should just trash their PCs and dev directly on the PS4.

>Arma3 looks great

No, it looks like shit and run like shit. It's also well known for bugs and glitches that's why was panned on metacritic.

>MFW consoles power is so worthless people have come down from real graphically impressive games to the mediocre arma 3
>and still win arguments against consolekids

Incoming damage control

>he has to download his cherrypicked low setting screenshots from imgur because he doesn't even meet the min requirement to run the game himself

You can't make this stuff up

>PS4K is 2.3x as powerful, how the fuck do we compete?

You can't. Sony always wins

1080 was just announced you retard


It's always the sonyggers who try to start shit with PCs. Why? Your 30fps shitheap of a console has been consistently downgrading multiplat graphics since its inception. They said the same bullshit about how the PS4 was going to break records and here we are again.
Same consolecucks desperately tryingf to spin their new AAA shit as on the same level as dated PC games and failing every time.


>I-It's low settings!

Holy shit, always excuse of PC autists. I remember the same when I posted Crysis screenshots from high settings

>Xbox Live Arcade.jpg

Idunno, runs at everything maxed at 6000 drawdistance with reasonable amount of AI running around at 40-60 fps on my 970 and 2500k

And I think it looks pretty good for a mid budget czech made game by devs who spend most of their time fixing bugs and improving the engine for users

Cry me a river PCuck. Your games looks like shit, this is fact.

Oh hey, it's this guy again.

About 2 years ago, this Neofaggotry would have been mocked so university, you would never see retarded images like this.
There is literally no argument you have in regards to games. With or without shovelware and indie meme shit, the PC has vastly more games than all three consoles combined


Prove it, sonypony.

>all this endless shitposting
>all this endless console war shit
>all this fanboy masturbation

I'm so tired of it Sup Forums. It's old. Stale. Nothing new said just different dates. Why do you do it? the companies you defend don't give a single fuck about you so why?

It's all so boring now.

>5 bad games, a disappointing game, and an e-celeb
You sure showed me

> PC has vastly more games than all three consoles combined

And vastly less quality too.

not to mention they will eventually emulate the games at stable FPS and higher resolution.
PS2 games are pretty much only playable on PC since they don't have the massive blurry pixels everywhere.
Forza is even shit on 360 because fuck driving around a track and having the low resolution confuse you wether the road goes down straight or that straight ends in a blurry barrier and it actually goes into tight right before that.

I don't care about budget user, game looks really bad.

Feel free to launch the game and take a screenshot right now of the settings

Oh wait you can't run it :(

Better start searching on google or imgur some more!


>reposting a cherrypicked collage
Man oh man, you sure showed the people who actually use Steam.

And some vastly higher quality too.

Call me when consoles have strategy games, competetive FPS's, simulators, dorf, hell even sims.

All consoles are good for are fighting game tournaments

People have been saying this for years, the "consolewars" is 50% people just people trying to bait other people into getting mad. Probably even more.


Man I didnt bother looking at what arma 3 actually looke dlike but this is a joke.

Except they don't, wog. No PS4 game has come close to even fucking Crysis. That's 8 years.

It's you who said those are low settings. Care to show me source on that? And by source I mean something other than your blasted butthole?

What's with all the Falseflag shitposting latley?


console is missing the whole RTS genere + most MMOs and other very complex games.


Call me when PC games stop being web browser f2p click adventure flash games.

>Top running on $1500 PC
>Bottom running on $300 console

Oh, I'm aware.

Easily-entertained teenage autists are figuring out how to toggle airplane mode and JapMoot hasn't fixed that exploit.

>Consolepeasant so retarded he goes for pre-builts

>post yfw you built a $2000 pee sea to beg for exclusives

That's just low view distance and ground complexity settings. If you have it on low it vastly simplifies the terrain causing shit like your screenshot.

How bout you stop talking shit about things you know nothing about

Why PC idiots shill Crysis so much? It's not even exclusive, it looks bad by today standards and every fucking screenshot of it looks almost the same. Literally put shitton of leaves and grass to cover everything and it's great graphics guys XDDD

Pretty much, you go console for couch play or fighting games

It's a simple system is just awful when it tries to become something more. How is the Wii even still a thing when the PS4 and Xbox1 is so much more powerful.

When one console finally becomes king and gains the IPs and powers from the other two then you can have a system that can stand up to a PC

>low settings

Great posts, user.

>PC retards pay shitton of money to play inferior looking games

You can't be more mentally challenged


>source: my butthole

Great damage control user

It's not shilling, you stupid cunt. It's setting a benchmark for you to try to reach eventually. 8 years on and you're still gobbling up your jaggy shit at a smooth 30fps

PC's have all sorts of games for all sorts of tastes and even gives chance to indie devs to make games they want.
But sure, keep making up reasons why limiting yourself to 3 buttons on a controller and processing capabilities of a solar powered lamp means consoles have high quality games.

It's cute you kids still think MAG is impressive when PC has has games that laugh at MAG's puny capabilities while boasting massive maps, moddability, next gen graphics, insane draw distances, 4k resolution support, ballistics engine, sound engine, light-sim tier aerodynamics, and as many AI and players on screen as the processor can handle.

We don't have limits and we have games like GTOS, dorf, arma3 and DCS.

You have limits and all you have are mainstream titles your console manufacturers deem safe enough for your intelligence



cinematic experience running sub 30 are not classified games in my eyes
i'm not missing anything

>Complains that the top only looks good because of the price spent on that PC
>complains that PC players pay more money to play inferior looking games


>This thread

Wow Sony shitposting force in full effect today, what sparked that? Uncharted got it's rating knocked down a few pegs so perhaps that? the fact that they'll have to buy another PS4? whatever the reason the devastation levels have reached volcanic.


It is shilling. You shill game that looks like shit right now like best thing ever. Funny how my games at 30fps looks and play better.

Then post proof you're not running the game at low

Nice bait.

For really realz though, that car chase in U4 is pure gaming sex.

>changing the goalpost when the argument shifts to something he has no knowledge about


Top running ran and looked like that on my pc that cost me 1000 dollars.
5 years ago.

Without paying for internet twice or paying 60 dollras for every games.

Maybe once you learn to manage your money you can afford to move out.

To be perfectly honest with you, as a console user, I actually respect and acknowledge that strategy, RTS, MMOS and competitive multiplayer Mobas/FPS's play to PC's strengths, these genres of types of games typically have little overlap with the console market/fanbase and once upon a time PC and consoles co-existed peacefully because of this.

However console gaming isn't as simple as you're trying to make it out to be either, it offers a different gaming experience and a nice variety across a few genres itself and within those genres it's much easier to find the quality from the cheaply made stuff which you usually have to sift through on steam.

The real problem is millions of console idiots who only play AAA games migrated to PC during last generation via the passage of PCMR have fully internalized the fucked up ideology it promotes. They're the real problem and I hope you agree.

>top looks good
But Arma looks like shit.
>capslock shouting
Anus literally exploded with anger

Arma still looks and runs like shit even with SLI GTX 980Tis

Yeah consoles have a demographic
I just prefer my PC since I need to do work on it and I don't have to own another system just to play games I was never interested in. Most of this shitposting is just by salty kids who hate their parents for not forseeing ps4.5

I asked you for source before. Where is it?

No you didn't
You said ">source: my butthole"

It's extremely obvious you have no idea what you're talking about nor have ever played arma.

What's the matter? It's allright if you don't like a niche game, doesn't mean you have to shitpost about it everywhere you go.

So where the fuck did you get low settings argument? Care to show me? Some comparison, source maybe?

>thread still isn't deleted
So what now? Are lewds and Trump the only thing that can get outsiders to mass report threads now?

I'm still waiting for your proof :^)

Sonyponies, ladies and gentlemen.

Call me when PS4 can develop games by itself without a PC.

You act like starting console wars is against the rules.


I think PC demographic are mostly kids who got their gaming rigs from parents for "teaching". I see no reason to get gaming PC now. Consoles have all games I want, PC is much more overpriced and games for it looks really bad.


>hey guys look at my graphically superior shit games no one wants to play except look at for a minute
money well spent, retards