Some famous youtube faggot's opinion is held higher than the general population of gamers

>some famous youtube faggot's opinion is held higher than the general population of gamers
What the fuck went wrong?

But I like Linkara.

>Celebrity's opinion is held higher than the general population
What the fuck went wrong?

Yahtzee isnt actually that smart, dont let the gutter accent fool you.

Literally fucking who? Stop giving random blokes a name

People thinking they aren't smart and choosing to meme other peoples opinons instead of forcing their own.

faggot millenials.

True story. Not even being an oldfag. I'm 25.
I grew up in the magazine era, then internet era of reviews.

Now for the mainstream if they searched 'X vidya review' they get a completely bias yotuber or tumbler blog of someone with an agenda, both types of genitals and patreon

> What went wrong?

Casual meme spouting faggots who shitpost frogs on Sup Forums, and Leafy fans.

> Implying magazine reviews in the early 2000's weren't biased or paid for.

And the opinion of a person who says same shit Jack Thompson used to, almost word for word, is held even higher than that, because vagina.

Its not that their opinion means more, I value anyone's opinion if they have meaning and actual critical thought put into it then present it well somehow. That is not the case for 90% of Sup Forums posts so I tend not to value their opinions.

You do realize millenials start from 1980-2000.

Those things were always biased, user.

>game of the month
i.e. what game we want you to buy this month

Who are you talking about OP? If you're gonna make a shitpost thread give us a target

You're all stupid as shit memesters who doesnt research and jump on bandwagon the way zoe quinn jumps on dicks

>e-celeb releases review of game where he brings up common complaints and goes into more detail
>fanboys on Sup Forums take advantage of this to dismiss all previously common criticisms also relayed by the e-celeb as bandwagoning or "the [e-celeb] meme"

I miss the days when game journos did greasy shit for big money rather than to push a political ideology.

I could at least somewhat respect that. Not much, but still.

>I miss the days when game journos did greasy shit rather than this new greasy shit
Listen to yourself.

I realise all publications were bias to varying degrees but people were still sceptical and game reccomedations were mainly based on friend reccomendations.

Nowadays it just feels like flavour of the month is the agenda and jumped at as hard as possible

You sound mighty stupid for a 25 year old

>Some well-renowned/well-known person's opinion is valued higher than some random cunt
how how fucking extraordinary

It's the difference between burning down your house because you got fire insurance yesterday, and burning down your house just because you want homeless people to like you more.

Oh fuck off

>I realize publications were biased, but ROSE-TINTED GENERALIZATION
you're not supposed to let Sup Forums brainwash you

>It's the difference between
There is no difference. I can't believe people are nostalgic for equally shitty journalism just because they were younger at the time.

Fuck I hate that condescending rhetorical statement shit that passive aggressive cunts like you use

Gen Z (2000+) is the new millennial.

He's right, though. The retard he replied to tried acting like he was superior to something he is.

Stupid frogposter

You're just pissed off that you can't use the word "millennials" as an insult because you're one. Nothing wrong with being born in x and y but when so many people fit the bill it's an idiotic insult concerning a vast amount of individuals.

You're part of the problem.

Centennials are the ones you should be hating, not Millennials.