Take 8 turns before you

>take 8 turns before you
>even if you use ulforceveemon in the first turn and speed charge with your digimon
>even if you prevent the status effects, phantom pain will destroy your front row eventually and you can't heal/revive in time because of her 8 turns before yours
>next row comes in, she has 8 turns before them
>phantom pain and repeat until all your level 99 digimon are dead

I don't even know what the fuck is going on here? Why can't this game be fair?

Other urls found in this thread:


If you're playing on hard, I found your problem.

DSCS is not balanced for hard mode. The devs completely fucked it up to be stupid with no semblance of balance. Normal is the way to play.

I am on hard. Is it really that bad? There's got to be something?

There a source on that? I mean I beat it already on normal but I wanted to replay it on hard eventually.

What did they do to make it hard? Increased the numbers higher or added bullshit?

End game bosses/secret bosses all have increased speeds. They'll get like 5-6 turns before you. Their HP doubles and then some as well as their attack/int. They're still doable but it's almost retarded and mostly luck based.

Basically it's a very shitty game design. Don't play hard. This isn't even a git gud thing. This is just the game being broken.

This is basically hard mode summed up in one image.

Well that's stupid

why is vmon evil

Because this game is evil.

>you fell for the cybershill meme
Bosses have a higher def cap and spd cap than your average level now imagine that shit going bonkers because you turned it one difficulty up.
Turn it to normal unless you feel like grinding and making nearly every digimans pierce based

This is true artificial difficulty, dark souls memers don't even know.

It's actually a pretty good game until the end game. And if you don't play on hard mode.

My first guess here was not that this was a Digimon game. So after a little research from what I've come to understand is that this character is a demon goddess who attacks by slutting it up and breathing on you?

Hard Mode is just minmax abuse, as in you're forced to do it unless you want to die over and over and over.

I mean to buy this game eventually, is it fun? I'm glad I can finally put my Vita to use, does it have a physical release or is it Digital store copy only?

Also I want to fug Lilithmon.

It's fun but only on normal. Hard mode is broken.

Only if youre a digimon fan its fun.
Im a fan and somehow parts of the game feel really backwards compared to the other story games. Gameplay is really simple and like all story games the meat of the game is in the digivoling. The characters are fun though.

Just look at this bullshit


Did you get a turn yet?



I thought hard was fine until I got halfway through the royal knight challenge quests.


>Digimon a franchise aimed at kids
>Character design that looks like it came out of an eroge
>Cleavage Geisha Gown Outfit
>Signature attack is death by sexy breath
>Ohohohoho win pose

Digimon is getting weird yo.

In the first one was after my first 3 got wiped so I took that screenshot immediately after the next 3 game out.
That second one was just evil. Pure evil.

Miraculously though I was able to plow through and beat 7 challenges and 2 of the DLC digimon as well as the legendary cup, but once I got to lilithmon and Belphemon. Its just fucked.

Are you stupid or can you not see the copyright logo over it indicating it's a picture grabbed off the internet. That said this bitch is fast and that looks like some cheap shit press turn system hijinks going on.

Is Lilithmon supposed to be a super boss? I've really been out of the Digimon loop for almost a decade now so no idea what's going on with the lore. I know Lili Rochefort from Tekken is her master in one of the games for some odd reason and that's about it.

Actually that watermark is applied to all screenshots taken in the game. These are my screenshots.

She's one of 7 DLC ultra bosses. I actually managed to take out one and now am at a wall. From what I've read, Lucemon is even worse. As if that's somehow possible.

Howbout you calm the fuck down and not be so hostile when you dont know the shit youre spewing out the wrong end of your body?
Certain game screenshots have watermarks when you upload them

I strongly enjoyed all the story bosses on hard. The bonus bosses are all stupid.

do you or any kind user have a higher resolution of this image?

>I mean to buy this game eventually, is it fun? I'm glad I can finally put my Vita to use, does it have a physical release or is it Digital store copy only?

The game is fun and well worth it if you like digimon and are into basic turn based rpgs with a slight side effort to monster evolving.
The game is only available for digital purchase on Vita, but if you have PS4 you can get digital or disc based purchase

>Also I want to fug Lilithmon.
good taste user

Considering this is by the same company that's trying to trademark the Japanese term for "finishing move" I guess it's not terribly surprising that they'd put that sort of coding in there.

I could just see Saban looking at Lilithmon and going either "NOPE" or "Fucking hate you guys" with the amount of censorship work they'd have to do on the character.

I just want to get Dianamon to finish the DB. This shit is insane.

I think this is the original resolution, I'm not sure if pixiv does some wacky image compression or anything though.
Here is the source:

censorship? Nope. It seemed they went the opposite route. Look at her intro.


Holy fanservice

Dat close up


It's been there for a long ass time, user. Angewomon been around a long damn time.

thanks I did what I could

Lillithmon is one of my mains, I would say she is a go to for anyone that wants to play a powerhouse team. The only downfall is that she is a bit of a glass cannon, her MP is kind of low and her HP is also a tad low, but her magic power output is ridiculous enough that it's more than justified
