What do you think of Spelunky?

What do you think of Spelunky?

You need lots and lots of luck. Random shit happens all the time...

shitty la-mulana ripoff

I get the impression RNG matters way less in Spelunky than in many other roguelites, it does have some effect with shtty spawns and badly placed traps, even if you get shit like jetpack easy, it doesn't feel like an instawin button, unlike some combinations of BoI.

The original has the better music

>grab a gold skull from a trap room
>the giant boulder rolls into a shopkeeper
>welp, gg

this desu

nothing that a bomb cannot solve

Bullshit. RNG can be bad but no run is impossible

I bought it and played it for an hour or two like years ago and can't be fucked to pick it up again.

I love it still. I bought it when it first came out and i still play a couple of rounds like once a week.

>Skull being wroth even looting
>Destroys loot (shit that is worth at least twice the boulder destroys)
>Pisses off shop keepers
>Pisses off Kali
>Can kill the Damsel
Never pick that shit up

Got pretty hooked on it, along with Don't Starve, some years ago during my NEET days. Used to play them all day long for weeks straight. I've been thinking of going back to them, but I'll probably suck now.

Vagante is far better

one of those games that I love but am so bad at
this game made me realize how shitty at videogames I truly am

I wish it had more content.

I still wreck my friends in free for all deathmatch almost every weekend.

I fucking love it, but I wish I was better as it.


See: Freeware version mods

>get a Kapala
>Abuse a mummy for a lot of health (200~)
>Get cocky
>Lose all that health from panic

The updated version isn't as fun. The pixel art one is the best.

Way too fucking hard.

wew lad

I gave up.

Fuck off. I'm not bad at video games either, I've beaten Dark Souls, and Spelunky is just bullshit.

It took me forever to realize you can just drop it in the shop and it'll auto-sell.

How is Spelunky bullshit? The enemy design and level design is pretty standard and the traps are really easy to avoid.

Only problem is the instakills, which isn't difficulty.

>not beating the game several times in a row with only basic items

It's not luck, the reality is you suck.

Nah, that game is janky as shit.

I disagree

Not him, but define basic. You mean bombs and ropes?
