Is piracy really killing video games?

is piracy really killing video games?

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If piracy could really kill the industry why are we still sitting here discussing video games? As long as there have been games there have been people trading them without sending any money towards the developers.

>downloading 45gb for something that will never be cracked

Thank you based Denuvo.

DOOM doesn't have denuvo silly

What is that boy doing on your desktop?

>boku girl
muh african american brother

probably sucking on his hand?

piracy have existed forever and gaming industry still lives
but DLC, greedy producers and SJW shills are the ones who lower the quality of games.

Piracy is killing medium and small level games. Because people will pirate a game with little marketing like Henry Hatsworth or Dragon Quest to 'try it out first'. Then of course, 99% of them don't buy a copy even if they liked it. But then these same people rush out and pre order a copy of the latest Assassins Creed, Final Fantasy, Pokemon, GTA or whatever other game gets heavy marketing.

Piracy is one of the major reasons development costs keep rising. Because it takes ever increasing levels of marketing to get people to buy a game without pirating it first.

its basically cutting game content that was already in the game for a extra buck

thats a fuckin gay ass wallpaper you fuckin fag, do you never have anyone over? cunt

Never has and never will no matter how much devs ignore the studies

im already married faggot.

What is that resolution?

>Piracy is killing medium and small level games
And yet the guy who made FTL said that piracy helped his sales because it massively increased mind share. He even went on some torrent sites and helped people get the pirated version to run properly. It's free advertising for companies that can't afford mass marketing.


It's the opposite, piracy saves games

All games that were never cracked can't be played in a few years, because eventually, all games will become abandonware, and at that point, your choice is to pay 500$ for a copy or never play it

What kills games, literally, is online only games (servers go offline eventually, no stopping that), uncrackable games that become abnadonware

That's a girl.

marrying your body pillow doesn't count

That's fine for a game that gets updates and has DLC. But it doesn't help a single player game without expansions/DLC.

using a cheap ass tv for a monitor while i get a new one

Which FTL is
It had that one big dlc thing, but that was it

It was actually free too

So fuck off

>Piracy is killing medium and small level games.
nope, piracy is not killing anything, piracy lets you evaluate if you want to buy the game or not. If the game is shitty moneygrab, it lets you avoid purchasing it, especialy since there are no demos anymore. If the game is good, its going to be bought, even if its medium/small game.
>Because people will pirate a game with little marketing like Henry Hatsworth or Dragon Quest to 'try it out first'. Then of course, 99% of them don't buy a copy even if they liked it.
Not true, people who wouldnt buy the game anyway wont wouldnt buy it, others would.
>Piracy is one of the major reasons development costs keep rising.
Actualy development costs are lower than before because with new technologies its easier and easier to make games, AAA game producers costs increase because they spend 99% percent of their budget on commercials and shilling. Fuck ive seen indie games done by few people with a fraction of the budget of big companies and their games were much better than AAA games.

Piracy is actualy a good thing for good games, its free promotion, if you make a good game you dont need to spend 99% of your money on promotion, pirates do it for free for you.

wish i had a body pillow for my boobs while i fucking sleep. Now shut the fuck up lets talk piracy

the problem is AAA developers make shit games that wouldnt sell if people could try them. Its easier to make shitty moneygrab games that profit the most in the first sale week.

Demos actually hurt game sales.

recent game i downloaded was huniecam studio and holy shit was that game a cash cow its not even a game!

>If the game is good, its going to be bought
>after already pirating and playing the game
Please stop spouting this junk until you can provide proof of every game you pirated and then purchased later.

Only if the game is terrible. It's like saying consumer protection laws hurt dodgy tradesmen because it helps stop people being ripped off.

chapter 107 still not translated.


I had this same fucking argument on Sup Forums. People who were never going to give you money in the first place are not lost sales. In fact, piracy bolsters sales from the "try before you buy" crowd who would otherwise stay totally away from a lot of games they might be on the fence about.

Nobody in this or any thread can give a single solitary reason why piracy is bad for business or immoral. It's going to be greentexting and strawmanning while people still continue to pirate shitty games they weren't going to buy anyway.

>piracy didn't hurt this game
>it was free to play to begin with

what are you
a girl

The content pack made for the game was free
That's what I fucking meant you moron

only bad developers are against piracy

>waaah i made a shitty game and it wont sell! ITS ALL PIRATES FAULT!

not exactly.


Dude talk about the issue in the thread.

>bad games don't sell, regardless of piracy
>good games do sell, regardless of piracy
This just in. Call of Duty and Pokemon are the best games in history.

I mostly pirate stuff for two reasons
- I'm 3rd world NEET, so I don't have any money anyway
- some stuff is not available otherwise

most music artist actually allow this cause of this very reason

the stick of truth was block in a few areas of the game and the south park people said to just torrent it.

They wouldn't sell if they weren't fun

Its a fucking girl dude. It has tits, stop acting like its an actual trap its just some magical genderbender shit

He's a tranny, is what he's saying.

If they weren't good they wouldn't sell you elitist shit.


They sell because they get hundreds of millions of dollars in marketing. Next you're gonna tell me the Star Wars prequels were good movies because they broke box office records.

>I dislike this thing, therefore it is bad

Nice deflection from your failed point.

Why are you trying to fit in this hard?

No, but corporate greed and normies are. I'm honestly surprised they haven't ditched vidya for some new fad yet.

Fuck off Cebruz

Mizuki is too soft.

Piracy is not killing the industry, instead it's changing the industry. The quality of video game certainly has decreased due to it not being able to recoup the cost of making complex games. This is why we see shit tons of F2P cashgrabs, because it's more profitable than making quality niche games like we used to.

>why are you trying to fit in so hard
>from a guy defending piracy



Sent from my iPhone

Did he ever come back? Or is he dead for good?

welp good bye to the thread

Source faggot

went to the great 24-hour store in the sky

fucking illuminati pulled the same shit with i am a hero, but fortunately others are scanlating now

boku girl

Wait does this actually happen in the manga?

A bonus chapter he did.

You have a VPN?
Nice desktop bro

Piracy's been "killing" video games for about two decades now. Fucking shitty killer imo.

A person with AIDS can live 20 or 30 years. Just because something doesn't kill it doesn't mean it's not killing it.

That manga is so fucking dank

How about you post that wallpaper fagboy?

Can I get the wallpaper on the right please user?
The left one as well, if it's not too much trouble.

How is speaking out against piracy in a piracy thread trying to fit in?

And some others if you want

Hellshock, that military chink and some vanilla shit. That's a weird mix man.

Thank you so much user, the other pictures are great too.

You are not very heterosexual it seems

>He doesn't know about the ending

Poorfag pirates are one of the reasons games are so expensive and why developers keep butchering games with DLC.

I know that he chooses to stay as a girl but that's not the last chapter

I've always though of piracy as the result of poorquality. As and has pointed out, piracy has been around since video games were created, and the industry is still alive. You know what caused the crash a long time ago? A terrible movie-game created by developers. Today, practically all companies are in it for the money, doing shit like micro-transactions and shitty DLC for an extra buck, so piracy is bigger than ever as the result. Dev's defense against this is to add DRM and other bullshit features that don't work and only FURTHER INCREASES piracy. Some people argue that Denuvo will put a stop to piracy for good, and I don't mean to spawn another argument, but I highly doubt it will.
I could argue for days on WHY people pirate, but I will say that (at the very least) a few people would buy the games if they were good.

A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. And you're running on the smallest amount possible.

>torrenting a game with Denuvo

Oh shit, nigger, what are you doing?

No. A lot of the time, the games people steal... were never planned on being bought in the first place.

Example: New console comes out. People buy the games they want to play on the console.
It finally gets hacked! then people wait for kernel exploits and CFW to kill off the DRM.
People rarely wait for CFW to play a game they actually wanted.
After CFW its like "Okay I guess I can get Zelda." And then you don't play it anyway.

I don't see what the big deal about piracy is though. Technically speaking... if you bought a game used, the developer still doesn't make any money off that.
The retailer would be the only one gaining there.

Not at all, no

>Technically speaking... if you bought a game used, the developer still doesn't make any money off that.
The retailer would be the only one gaining there.

Completely wrong. If you buy a game used, the person who sold the used game has money to buy a new game.

If every person who pirated instead purchased used, all that money would flow to the sellers of the used copies, who would use the money to buy more games.

Yeah, I know. Video games is a biological organism and piracy a small infectious agent that replicates inside living cells.

Aren't metaphors that don't work at all great?

>Completely wrong. If you buy a game used, the person who sold the used game has money to buy a new game.If every person who pirated instead purchased used, all that money would flow to the sellers of the used copies, who would use the money to buy more games.

>You will never be this retarded

>If the game is good, its going to be bought

>I don't see what the big deal about piracy is though. Technically speaking... if you bought a game used, the developer still doesn't make any money off that.
You can still buy a new copy. Not all games that get priated are used games.

Metaphores are meant to give examples that explain to someone who doesn't understand something.

I was going to use a metaphore to explain metaphores, but I think you're just too IAmVerySmart.

>someone buys something used
>the money vanishes into thin air and is gone forever

I think the retarded one is you.

Really no choice but to download 10 huh.

Is the game really 45 gigs?



join us
it's fun here
i promise

He's a huelander, i've seem that typo coming from then a few times

I dunno man. Is it really ok there or there are compatibility issues with older stuff or something.

Hey user, no shame in admitting that someone is a lot more intelligent than you are. At the very least he knows how to spell better.

Never seen a typo repeat itself thrice in a row. I think he really thinks it's spelt that way.

Except they didn't understand the metaphor, and then instead tried to pretend they were smart by going on a tangent about biology. Sounds pretty dumb to me.


Join us, user-kun! I'll let you have all the free sex you could ever want! As long as Father Microsoft can watch and periodically take notes, that is.