How did they do it, Sup Forums?

How did Nintendo manage to make one of the freshest shooting game experiences in the last 8 years by combining marine biology and paintball while a (second) remake of one of the most influential and violent shooters of all time that has you blasting demons straight outta hell turns out to be flaming hot trash?

Barney shit, grow up, fag. I bet you like mlp, too.

>still no playable

It's because a fresh new batch of faces were making the game.

and miyamoto was there, on the sidelines, waiting for them to fuck up. wanting to put mario in it.

By actually letting young and fresh developers give it their all without supervision, Miyamoto was only involved in guidance by didn't intervine.

D44Mcucks on suicide watch

>Its another Doom hate thread in disguise



All this game had going for it was the fact that it was something new. That's it. It was something that hadn't been done before so it got a lot of attention. However, after the novelty of using paint and paint accessories wears off you are left with the realization that it's a mediocre game.

They wanted to get their cut of shooter money but still appeal to kids. They succeeded but that game has a severe lack of content. You can unlock everything (except amiibo shit) within a day or two.

>Child's game with somewhat new mechanic
>Game aimed at HARDCORRE GAYMERRRRSS that is a bad excuse for a remake of a classic FPS, only put into the modern FPS mold

gee i wonder

Why are you playing an online shooter for the shit you unlock in single-player mode?

Let's see which one sells more first.

>All this game had going for it was the fact that it was something new.

That and it's genuinely fun

>You can unlock everything (except amiibo shit) within a day or two.

Not necessarily a bad thing. The game is easy to just pop in and play either single or multiplayer when you have thirty minutes to spare. In that respect, it's like almost any other shooter that racks up tons of dollars, except that it has a unique play style and isn't just another just another copy paste CoD/Battlefield. It also has the bonus of having a fairly drawn out period of updates and a good amount of character customization. It's only real drawback is the lack of chat functions that handicap the competitive community formed around it. That and probably not enough focus on the single player mode. But these will probably be fixed in Spla2oon, especially if it comes out on NX.

If the game's main selling point is online play then that should tell you it's shit.

Like it matters

Only if you're too self-conscious to find any enjoyment in playing with other people

that might be the most retarded thing I've ever heard

You unlock weapons as you level up in online battles. You unlock the little the game has to offer in no time.

so what?

>How did Nintendo, a company dedicated entirely to making great games, make a great game?
People actually ask this question today.

i think it's more this was a bit of a surprise

This is legitimately one of the funnest games i've played in a really long time. Lack of voice chat sucks but it's still so satisfying to play

>Rocket League

What the actual fuck is going on? Fresh and fun multi player games are actually being made.

The original game was shit and if Miyamoto hadn't made some comments it would of bombed. Guidance from someone experianced means a lot for newbies without a visioin.

Yeah, I think the Miyamoto hate has caused people to forget that the guy does actually know a lot about making games