Best assassins creed character

>Best assassins creed character
>Not even an assassin

That's not Altair or Haytham

>playing asscreed

Best AC character was Ezio
You see him starting as a little shit and ending up as total bro tier

Not assassin either.
Was not full brainwashed muhfredom assassin.
Actually, real trained from childhood assassins are Connor and Desmond. Who are both shit.
Makes me wonder.

This, anyone who doesn't think Ezio is the best by a mile is just a hipster.

I like Haytham the most but I think Altair and Ezio are great as well. Haven't played Rogue or any AC since 3 tho so I can't speak much about other ones.

Best AC character is the Huntsman because assassins creed singleplay is garbage and always has been

Of course, the multiplayer, the one source of creative thought in the whole series has now been cut.

who the fuck cares about the player character

who's your favourite historical bro?

thats remind how hard ubisoft milking ezio by making TWO extra separate game that barely different.
Ezio is the last and first of real assasins creed game

The only good part of AC3 was the one where you played as Haytham. The second you go into the red nigger protag the game falls apart.
Prove me wrong, you can't.

Motherfucking Blackbeard.

>total bro tier
Travel in other country, kill ally, cause local assassins be killed, be saved by reinforcement, find old corpse, go away.
Sounds more like old useless fart.

Rogue was really underrated.
>Perfected naval combat
>no bullshit diving Bell missions with shit controls
>more diverse areas for naval combat
>having Assassins as enemies really kept you on your toes during normal missions.
Plotwise its a shame they never followed up with the idea that the Assassins can be as big of fuck ups as the Templars.

Altair is the only trained from birth assassin. Connor and Desmond inherited the mutated and degenerated ideals that were falling apart.

You'll also notice that Altair is the only Assassin that experienced a crisis of identity and faith within the Brotherhood, whereas the Templars of 3 and Black Flag had returned to the ideals of the Templars from 1 after the decadence and hedonism the order fell victim to during the Borgia control of the Templar order.

Edward was pretty good at the end of AC4 though. Just a shame everyone worth a damn was dead and European Assassins hadn't changed at all, still promoting the mutation of the ideals rather than understanding them.


Fuck the Assassins, fucking cunts.


>black black beard

I guess to be fair Arno was pretty okay. Nobody remembers the story of Unity though even though it was kind of neat in a way, and having the protagonist end up hating both sides was a good reflection of how shit the French Revolution was.

The dialogues and story of Rogue was absolute dogshit, but it was fun to kill civilians.

>get to finally shit on the Assassins

>"I make my own luck" repeated ad infinitum and in parts where it makes no sense



What's Shay's secret?

I didn't hate the story but they could have done a better job with establishing why the Assassins were terrible rather than that one guys complete refusal to listen to Shay when he returns from Portugal.
Also feels like we skipped a large part of Shay's story where we just jump ahead a year and he's suddenly a Templar.






>the rainbow and sparks are coming out of the little porcelain grenade-launcher

10 out of fucking 10

>Thinks they are the arbiters of good and the only ones that can make decisions for all other humans
>not reason enough

The worst shit is always done by people who think they're doing the best for everyone else.

Shay is an absolute retard, far from best AC character. Ezio, Edward, Altair are all better than him.

Also literally shoved civilians to a meatgrinder so he could get past a door.

Only character development was in his first game, but fuckers only like the guy because they want him to penetrate them

>Assassins are supper cool effective heroes while the Templars are incompetent corrupt fools.
>Assassins always end up the underdogs under templar prosperity and can only turn the tables through continued terrorism and slaughter.

You just described the templars.


is it worth to replay ac1 ?

Arno didn't give a shit about actual assassin/templar ideals for 98% of the game, an even worse ratio than Edward!

He wanted to get his dick wet through the entire story and only returned to the assassins offscreen after he failed to do so.

i hate that the gays stole the rainbow as their symbol

Not really.

Power of friendship.

I did and loved my time.
But then again I'm a huge fan of AC1, don't know about you. If you didn't think highly of it then it's probably not worth it.

Seriously. No one listened to Shay. It's baffling. I get Achilles not listening since he clearly knew this was going to happen after Haiti. But both Liam, Hope and everyone else just shrugged off Shay going batshit when he returns.


Col. Monro was too good for this sinful earth

Here's my review of AC: Rogue

>you can kill civilians

Done, 10/10, best ass creed game

>tfw no PS4 version of Rogue
I made the stupid decision of selling my PS3 awhile back. And I have no other way of playing Rogue.

How edgy is Rogue's protag?

Using Berserk Grenades on crowds is really satisfying.

Too true.

Best part of Rogue was kicking the filthy French out of the New World for the glory of the British Crown.

not edgy, but a bit too angsty for me

other than that, pretty much a cool guy


what did he mean by this?

>running up to someone close to a wall
>knee him into the wall with the force of a thousand suns


Is Rogue essential to the story of AC? I honestly like the story of AC, or is it just "Hey, here's what happened between IV and III."?

Mostly irrelevant. It explains why american assassins are gone by the time of AC3, and in the present is the ultimate fuck you to the assassins in hiding.

It's pretty important imo.

He doesn't really say this, does he?

I think it was made to give the Templars some time in the limelight, instead of being just some generic doomsday villains

And shay DID start the events of Unity

>the end of rogue
that and the ending of revelations still gives me goosebumps

Revelations was worth it for the Altair content alone.

Nah, the closest thing is along the lines o "the assassins are fucking retarded and should absolutely not be allowed to hold these mystical artifacts"

I think he does, but Shay IS one of the best characters

I like Assassin's Creed and I'm happy that Ubi takes a year off to get their shit together.

What do you guys think of the movie coming out? Even as a hardcore fan of the series, I think it looks like shit.

I thought it would look absolutely horrid, but it didn't. Not that I have any hope for it, just that my expectations were so low I don't think there was any lower to go. It was just a trailer anyway, it will probably still be shit.

I think Achilles suspected what happened in Haiti would happen in Portugal but didn't know for sure.

Either way he was a prideful dickhead who was more concerned about Shay questioning his judgement than the consequences of his fuckup. It still pissed me off though that the rest of the assassins just rolled with it instead of questioning why Shay was so furious and left them in the first place.

Literally all the devs had to do was show some cutscene of Achilles lying to them for some 'to protect them/they wouldn't understand' reason. I'm still mad about how half assed that was.

It looks fine. The only thing really bad about it is the meta present day story and the choice of music, and a shitty meta story is true to Assassins Creed.

Almost everything else pretty much looked like the games except with some Hong Kong action style camera framing.

>Unironically enjoy Demond's story
>People bitch about it so Ubisoft kills him off
>The modern story in games is now absolute shit
>If you want to know what's actually happening you have to read up comics and other source material outside of games
>People are now complaining that there's no modern story at all

I wish they'd make a new present day protagonist.

At the end of the day assassins are cultists, extremely self-righteous cultists.

But Haytham was an assassin but was lured to join some Templar faggot who took him in as his own son and convinced him that Templar is better, cause daddy assassin was too busy doing other shit neglecting his own kid.

Where do you think he got all his skills from?

Connor wasn't brought up as an Assassin. His mother was more of a Templar cunt falling in love with Haytham and bearing his child, even holding on to Haytham's journal. It wasn't until he was told to reach the Assassin's and follow the Assassin symbol in a vision from Juno.

I think Ezio and Desmond are the true childhood Assassins. Ezio's father was an Assassin all along and was subtly training Ezio to become one of them, but he kept the origins hidden from him until he was ready to understand the cause they were fighting for.

Honestly, the plot in both the past and present is a clusterfuck now. I think they should either end the series, or reboot it.

Literally the only thing Ezio learned was parkour

I'd be fine with a reboot or with them taking a step back. I don't get why they have to keep moving forward with the setting. There are still a shitload of places and events they haven't shown. Also making games in China and Russia just a 2D side scrollers was plain stupid.

>Ubisoft says in an interview they won't go past the point when the steam engine is created
>Says it would take too much time to make trains and cars and other stuff work properly in the games
>They make Syndicate

Fucking this, I wouldn't mind playing as a Mongol Assassin.

Man I feel really bad and nostalgia (get fucked memers) for this franchise. No game has ever made me feel like I did when going out of Maysaf for the 1st time. Revelations had me in tears and even more so AC3, the Homestead was great and the characters too.

I'm pretty sure there is going to be a step back in the series.

There was a foreshadowing in AC III where Shaun and Desmond had this conversation where they talked about the wonders of the first civilization and how Shaun wanted to know what it would have looked like. Shaun says "maybe when this is all over we can use the animus on your memories going back 70,000 years ago".


Same here. I'm a huge fan of the series and even I got a little bored about halfway through.

>a member of the race that destroyed Masayaf
>an assassin

can't choose my favorite between this guy, Haytham and Edward.

>tfw we'll never get a proper game with him

>not Haythem

at least we got comics right?

Chinassassin's Creed should have been a main game. Too bad they're afraid to take such risks.

>at least we got comics right?

Russia too, maybe even India. They just fucked it all up. Everyone's been requesting for an Asian AC game for years now and we got a 2D side scroller. Same shit happened with Russia. Everyone's been requesting it, more so those that knew of Nikolai and we another shitty 2D game. Well, we've still got Japan which is also requested by a lot of people, but IIRC Ubisoft said they don't really want to make one as there's already "a lot of games like these set in Japan".

in general, it tends to feel like Ubisoft has this weird problem with AC where they keep introducing great ideas in and concepts in side games and then dropping them, or hint at some big shake-up in a main game but nothing of it pans out.

>Liberation actually lets you make use of blending in via disguises other than running around in blatantly obvious assassin robes hinting at new stealth mechanics

>III has the whole "oh, the end of the world got stopped but we may have just put something worse on our plates for down the line"

>Rogue shows how Templars can be goodguys and Assassins can be just as dogmatic and blind.

>Unity (and III to a lesser extent) hints at the possibility to Assassins and Templars banning together for once

So would the best AC game actually make use of all these things introduced?

>Assassins are antagonistic but need to be reasoned with so Templars and Assassins can work together
>New stealth mechanics involving disguises
>Followup on the modern day plotline that seemed to die with Desmond? (Okay, maybe not this)

We had slave dlc where you played as a nig nog


Better Animus in the movie

So long as that makes it in to a game.

It will. Ubisoft liked what the movie team did with it.

The whole future plot should have ended with desmond.

Then they should have REMOVED it, not have us work at ubisoft.

I hate it. But at least for the games they're skipping a year and hopefully coming out with something amazing in 2017.

row boys row boys row
GOING DOWN TO- sing us a song gents!

RUNNING DOWN TO CUBA WITH A LO- sing a shanty lads!

>wind blows.
>no more shanty

Really not that edgy. I mean he quits the assassins because THEY are too edgy.

He's a cheeky irishman cunt though, which some may consider slightly edgy.

And he only learns it for lewds with waifu

>implying that isn't the shock twist in the game.

Also next one is egypt which is a step back.

Best feature in the entire AC series.

Edward had the best arc by far.

>starts out with a wife
>fucks up big time by joining a merchant vessel and wasn't even put into the Royal Navy by a press gang
>goes from Merchant Navy to privateer
>fucks up his marriage once he is out of work due to the war between England/France/Spain being over
>joins a pirate gang and just boozes it up further neglecting his wife
>thinks the Assassins are retarded and only kills the Illuminati traitor because of his duds and promise of pay
>tricks the Illuminati
>is in tricked and put on the third Spanish treasure fleet with Addy
>doesn't care for Addy at all and doesn't really care for blacks or slaves

The best

so i've been fucking this 24 year old for about six months now. she's got a boyfriend in the next state over. he's making the drive over today because she's got a formal that they're going to.

she came over this afternoon to fuck around because we couldn't do anything this weekend. we took a shower and we were talking about birth control, because she's getting on it in a week or so. managed to get her to agree to wear condoms with her boyfriend, he doesn't mind apparently, which is nice because i've been barebacking her for months.

anyway, we fucked for a while and her phone was ringing every 10 minutes like clockwork. she hopped off for a minute and called her boyfriend in the bathroom to calm him down, then came back to swallow my load.

her boyfriend was almost in town at that point so she had to bail. i thought it make me feel like a badass, having this girl kiss her boyfriend after swallowing my cum, but i don't..

i feel like an asshole.
