Just got a new knife in CSGO. 95% Fade Huntsman Fade FN .02 float. Dubs names it

Just got a new knife in CSGO. 95% Fade Huntsman Fade FN .02 float. Dubs names it.

Waste of time, money and pixels.




my greatest achievement

>on Sup Forums

I hate myself



"I'm a wallhacking Silver 1"

Mom's Credit Card



there are no dubs on Sup Forums

lurk more fag

This knife is cool and i'm autistic

Commander Boreale

I won it betting. Put in my cheap shitty MAC-10 Fade and my cheap good MAC-10 fade and got this in the win. Lost both the fade guns though

and trips gets it

">Dubs on Sup Forums"

Fucking Retards they turned off dubs like 4 years ago on Sup Forums

thats a knife

I am the Strelok

no they didnt

Yes they did

Reee don't bait me yes they did

"i love reddit"

00 are only dubs

Yfw even when dubs are turned off you can get trips, which are also dubs.

7770 get

what an awful thread
check out my 0


You can still get 0 dubs you dumb fuck.

Boaty McBoatFace

check these dubs guys XD


I even own it in real life. My FAVE knife


Knifey McKnifeFace

Repulsive tacticool shit

How about you buy a vacuum or a maid to clean that dirty fucking house instead of sperge on a video game knife you'll probably stab yourself with.

TacticEWWl more like. I didn't buy Tacticool. I bought through someone on eBay. This looks much better than anything Tacticool could do.

Link is a man

Proof it

did so

That was taken in my room mates room because it has better lighting than mine (basement)

Hey how sharp are these knifes could i ''protect'' myself with them or are they just plastic shit?

I wish these threads were against the rules.

>This looks much better than anything Tacticool could do

serrated back, fingers on handle, uneeded drop mid blade, tanto point, grooved back

It's complete shit, I know you're just baiting though so it's alright.

You mean that nice old lady that let's you stay, as long as you do her groceries?

440 Stainless. It's real metal and quite sharp out of box. I shaved paper with it effortlessly.

James sends his regards

I live with a bandmate I met in high school, so no.
TicTacEww only paints them, as did my seller. The knife is an Mteck Xtreme MX-8054 though

What's your band called?