This game is absolutely amazing! They've taken the Doom 1+2 tropes and made a masterpiece of a single player campaign...

This game is absolutely amazing! They've taken the Doom 1+2 tropes and made a masterpiece of a single player campaign. Expertly designed, fantastic music, audio and graphics and some adrenalin pumping action. And the exploration, oh my, I love the exploration! I've spend so much time just roaming around trying to discover every secret there is.

The game is fast in bursts of demons. Then it slows down and let's you discover the map until you run into another demon nest. And every battle is unique with traversal of the environment in all dimensions. Enemies are really well designed. Each one has a different optimal approach for extermination. In each battle you find yourself constantly laying out tactics for which demons to hunt down first. And it happens so fast that you can't help but get a kick out of it! It's glorious!

Outdoor environments, indoor environments. Stunning vistas of the martian horizon. And even with so much going on on-screen, I haven't once dropped below 100 fps on ultra with my GF970. So well optimized.

This is all I wanted it to be and more. And oh my god, the chainsaw! Love that it's not just another weapong but actually has a tactical point. The game design impresses the **** out of me. Finally a game that is A GAME! You know, not just an on-rails interactive cut-scene. There's NONE of that. This is how you make a computer game.

That's it, you have convinced me to buy the game Sup Forums!

>Doom 1+2 tropes
I doubt these matter. todays gamers probably have never played those games.

This is where screaming shill would be relevant. You dissapoint me v


DooM is fine but what about WooD

Wood is far superior in every aspect over DooM.

hope you got your 3 dollars for this post.
was your soul worth 3$?


Started playing this morning, it is actually really good. The faggot OP is spot on, surprisingly.

I'm only on Sup Forums while I take a shit.

the game could have spoken for itself, shame they felt the need to market it to death.

I honestly can't even tell if this is a sarcastic post pretending to be a viral marketer, or an actual viral marketer.

The little throwback references are nice.

I've only been enjoying since playing on nightmare. But I went in a trip and can't take my pc with me. I'll be playing more between that and the new vr stuff I got

i think i'm retarded. what is that?

game's great so far. i'm at the argent facility, i'm having a ton of fun.

So is Doomguy the demons now?

I watched the videos and while it looks fun, I'm not sure if it's fun enough to pirate.

I liked the name of the multiplayer achievement for an old reference

Not saying the game is bad, but it's really weird hearing/reading all these people saying how much it's like classic doom, then seeing them do 90% of their kills as melee "push button receive animation" bullshit. Last I checked classic doom was a shooter, not spam the melee button and watch one of 10 re-used kill cutscene animations over and over again for every single enemy.

You don't have to play that way, but it seems to be how absolutely everyone is.

>not doing chainsaw only runs

fucking marketers wanting to talk about the hot new games on Sup Forums

I only melee when I need health. And I think it's a neat feature.

It's not bad. Kind of fun. So far so good. Not amazing, but I don't regret the purchase at all. 8 out of 10, would buy again

While Sup Forums screams shills, it seems that Doom 4 came out alright in the end, as in, everybody is loving it. It seems Sup Forums couldn't pull the same thing with Fallout 4 here, cause they were proved wrong.

0.05$ has been deposited into your account

Do I need dosbox to play quake?

I went in not expecting much. I am 4 hours in and really liking it. Some levels drug on slightly, but it is pretty damn solid

I like it. Im only 3 levels in so far but the game really picked up at the foundry level. I was getting worried the game was going to be linear pipes connecting monster arenas, I was pleasantly surprised to find the level design very reminiscent of classic Doom.

Feeling a 7/10 maybe even an 8/10. Havent tried out mp or sm yet

Same here. It is fun for what it is. I just beat the cyberdemon. That thing was pain in the ass.

Todd is out of control lately.