Why are they advocating Playstation games now?

They've been seemingly PC centric since their inception, what made them go all out and clamor over Uncharted 4?

You don't just go from being a PC enthusiast to someone who praises a console game to high heaven, I refuse to believe Uncharted 4 is that good anyway, it's fucking bullshit.

OP is a truly pathetic human being.

No DF going on Sonys nutsack is the pathetic thing here. Uncharted 4 is garbage

Because there isn't much to discuss in the way of PC gaming, they have all the worst games you can find on consoles without any of the pesky "exclusives."

UC4 looks amazing. Fucking deal with it already you salty nigger. I've spent $1000 of PC hardware myself and never expected a console game to look that good but here we are. Guess I got memed a bit by master race delusion.

They didn't imply that Uncharted 4 was a visual and technical achievement for the whole vidya development industry you numskull, They only said it's a technical masterpiece for PS4. Learn to fucking read, DP even criticize it's flaws like the slow loading times, weird frame drops, Photo mode, shadow quality and lack of 60fps E3 promise on the single player.

People will do anything for those that fill their pockets.

The last bastion of good unbiased reviews got paid off

This. Op is a triggered fag who takes console wars seriously. He cannot stand you saying anything positive about a PS4 game. So he goes full retard and doesn't listen or even watch the videos

god forbid people like video games
what a fucking crime

So it's not good because they're not catering to PC fags, ok

Its not good because they are shilling a legit 3.5/10 experience (Its barely a game) as some kind of technical marvel when it reality its a garbage "cinematic" game.

If you watched the video they talk about strictly technical things and not story or gameplay. Their channel is a technical one. What is your problem? That a game can't have any technical achievements because you don't like it?

They're hardware reviewers not game developers.
They just can have a valid opinion in things like Uncharted run smooth but they don't have a critic opinion in technical effects and aspect of videogames.

No, but considering things Crysis did better in 2007 "acheivements" just because they were done on a shitmachine is gross.

The game is ACTION and it doesn't run at 60FPS. How the fuck is that acceptable.

How the fuck do your standards get that low that you are willing to play a game that objectively plays badly?

You do though?

So what, if I paint a picture that looks like shit, is it still an achievement because I am a bad artist?

Yes. just look to the video where they talk about this non ambient occlusion low res textures everywhere game.

>I refuse to believe Uncharted 4 is that good anyway, it's fucking bullshit.
It is that good PCuck, and you'll NEVER EVER get to play it :^))))))))) Just admit it, Sony won.
Is that the response you were looking for?

Yes they do. The narrator clearly has an understanding of the work that goes into the graphics department and how the effects work or don't work.

Even if they didn't, you as the player can still appreciate the detail put into the game and point it out.

The multiplayer is 60FPS

Can you make a post that isn't retarded?

>They've been seemingly PC centric since their inception
DF has never been some "master race" circlejerk, they analyse games and publish objective facts about their performance. It just happens to be that the majority of the time, the best performance does in fact belong on PC.

This doesn't mean they're biased against consoles. In fact, when a console has good performance they'll tout about it in the same way they do for PC, and when it has a bad performance, instead of just saying "lol consoles" like Sup Forums does, they actually explain why the console is getting that bad performance and whether or not it's a hardware limitation or a fault of poor coding.

And when they review games, they don't show a particular bias for any one platform. They've praised their fair share of Nintendo first party, MS first party, and Sony first party.
I don't know why this is upsetting you. They said pretty much the same thing about Bloodborne.

Legitimately, what's wrong with you OP? Do you seriously take all this PC master race stuff so seriously that you have a fit over a pretty console game? Jesus Christ, grow the fuck up.

kill yourself, OP, or at least go back to r/masterrace