Why is this texture acceptable when using GTX960?

Why is this texture acceptable when using GTX960?

your card has nothing to do with that texture
blame squeenix

because the game is unoptimized as fuck

the sign was merely drawn in crayon


>mfw going back to this shit post Uncharted 4

This game fucking ruined me.

Because it would be needless work. There is not a single sale you gain by fixing that sign. There is not a single sale you lose by keeping the sign like that. The main audience, which is not you by the way, will not care for a second.

What settings are you using_

Texture is locked to low on GTX960, basically anything 2gb vram below. WTF

Unlock them then you fucknuckle there's a giant button in the launcher "Unlock ram limitations".

This is Nvidia telling you to buy a Pascal card.

>mfw I bought the 4gb 770 ages ago and can play on max without supersampling

What, it made you realize you're content with shitty gameplay as long as the visuals are good?

Whoaahh nigga what the fuck is happening with the trees

Modern games do this weird thing where mipmaps get fucked on textures that have transparency. You can see the same thing happening in Witcher 3.

and it's windy so they look like shit when you screenshot, in game they look pretty good

This is what is making me worried, this is an issue I thought people with ultra high end PC's dealt with but now its happening with my shitty console. I really hope other devs step it up like 10fold from now on in otherwise I am kinda ruined.

It's just painful to play.

Is this better than blood money?

There's no way is this maxing the 2gb VRAM

>wont make it back home before the elusive target is gone because I am working this weekend

Uninstalling the game when I get back home and going to write a negative review.

Nah, but it probably is maxing the shitty 128-bit bus.

That's what you get for being an uninformed consumer and buying Nvidia below the 980 pricegroup. I feel no pity for you.

>buys a shit card
>complains how his game looks like shit

How is that autistic outburst is related to my post?

Nah that's what happens when you buy a 2gb video card, even my 770 doesn't have that shit

>not having a gt 220
Can play all the xp games just fine.

It was you in plural. I just didn't bother quoting OP or whoever else too. I hope you are not wondering why you are an uninformed consumer yourself.

770 is fine enough, it's the current Nvidia gen mindrange cards and lower that are trash.

>Deleopers owe me something because I spent money on a PC
>I'm the dumbest mother fucker to ever walk the earth