So how's your game coming along Sup Forums?

As for me I've finally finished my mobile game for the android. I worked on it alone for months using UE4. I think it turned out pretty good. Right now i'm working on porting it to IOS. Here's the play store link if you want to check it out. would love if you can rate it and give some feedback

Other urls found in this thread:

>doesn't look like a ripoff of any current popular titles


Post your game

>working on your own engine for 10 years without having released a single game

it doesn't take 10 years to build a functional engine since by default it will only use what you need.It's just really boring to do.

Thnx m8

>say the nodev

nah, I did that a lot in the past (think 10+ year ago, though), in the end you spend your time on msdn copy pasting code that exists, microsoft is usually generous with "samples" that do everything you need. So putting basic 3d loop, basic sound and basic control is easy.
Like, seriously I'm fucking tired of modern devs that refuse to do it even once and pretend it's "too hard" or some sort of mystic magic box only the allowed guru can touch. A dev that is afraid of his own craft has some serious issues and potential no future in the field

What's a good 3D engine that can run on toasters running linux? No Unity please.

your mum

>Can prototype a game quickly
>Good place to start learning
>Good place to continue learning
>3D and 2D support
>Can build to multiple platforms quickly

And you are laughing why?

Source meets these requirements but making anything using Source is nearly impossible.

Nice app m8. Original and addictive.

So I'm stuck using ioquake3 then? I really want an engine with recent documentation. Hell, I have no idea how to make model assets for this engine. All guides use old tools, and they all do it differently.

>So I'm stuck using ioquake3 then?
Probably. Every developer friendly engine nowadays has pretty high requirements for the users.

The only thing that bothers me if how potentially long it would take to make an engine solo. Especially if you're a newbie.

So since you seem to be Mr.knowsit how long would ya say?

Maybe look into UDK? I'm not sure if it's still available since UE4 came out but it might work for you.

Did you use blueprint or c++

It isn't available. UDK redirects to UE4 now.

My main problem with ioquake3 is no gpu support. That limits modeling a lot (Not as much as I expected, but still a considerable amount).

Is there any way to make movement similar to Asteroids in game maker without using the built in speed variable? Similar to how it is possible to recreate the effects of hspeed without actually using it by increasing/decreasing the x position of an instance.

I made one. It's shit.

Make your own speed variable and move your object's position by that at a set interval? What's wrong with just using the built in vars for your game?

>potentially long
relative to what? Cause your game is gonna burn a year or two of your life to begin with, the few days/weeks of making the engine won't really change much
>Especially if you're a newbie.
a newbie shouldn't make a game as a first programing experience unless it's pong or tetris or hanged man.

>nah, I did that a lot in the past (think 10+ year ago, though)
Ok so did you finish anything


Then you literally have been working on an engnie for 10 years?

>What's wrong with just using the built in vars for your game?
Nothing wrong with using them, it's only that I also like to know if it's possible to recreate their effects by using simpler code to get a better idea of the logic that makes the built in functions work.

>with, the few days/weeks
Always sounded like it'd take a year at least.
Also I just meant newbie as in, didnt make a full game.

In that case yeah, pretty much all functionality can be broken down into simpler, lower-level steps. Speed is the change in position over a given time, so you can break down a speed variable into a position variable and time, for instance.


I use motion_add(image_angle,how fast it will accelerate) to make an Asteroids-like movement system. What's the best way to replicate this (making an object move towards the direction it's facing) with simpler code?

>Ok so did you finish anything
>Then you literally have been working on an engnie for 10 years?
are you retarded? I finished my shit yeah. Doesn't mean it was commercial stuff. You really are out of ammo if you have to answer your own questions by fear it doesn't fit your expectation. My school final project was a small SRPG with neuron network AI made from scratch using open gl.
Your refusal to admit people are better than you is baffling.

>Always sounded like it'd take a year at least.
no reason if you know what you need and how a game works. Just look at all the tutorials individually, most are a hundred line long at best. it's all about cleaning them from useless stuff, and adding specific stuff you need.

>Doesn't mean it was commercial stuff.
>My school final project was a small SRPG with neuron network AI made from scratch using open gl.


I thought we were talking about engines and finished games, not prototypes that you can show to your teacher so he pats your head.

Here's hoping you get to do some actual gamedev someday, maybe then you'll see what I'm talking about.

I don't know much about Linux, but BlitzMax/MiniB3D might be a good choice. They're just about as outdated as ioquake3, but they're easier to learn as well. I don't really know much about them though. I just have a bit of experience with Blitz3D.

Trigger Spree (MP FPS)
Going thru the bank. How does the speed/scale feel from this vid?

more info/footage

>I thought we were talking about engines and finished games
The engine was fully functional. At this point it's showing you don't know what an engine is to begin with.

I'd do something like:
var angle_in_radians = image_angle * pi / 180;
var x_move = cos(angle_in_radians) * speed;
var y_move = sin(angle_in_radians) * speed;

x += x_move;
y += y_move;

motion_add takes a degree angle and an amount to move. It's a right triangle where the amount it moves is the hypotenuse, and the angle is the inner angle of the triangle. You use the cosine and sine to find the height and width of the triangle, and then add those to your object's position.

It's not really simpler, it's just a breakdown of how motion_add works.

Also I should add, if I remember right Blitz3D at least requires .b3d file format for models. It might be a pain to actually get your hands on a suitable program to make those. There's a plugin that allows an older version of Blender(2.68a if I remember correctly) to export to .b3d, Deled CE also has a plugin to export to .b3d but that program is terribly outdated, fragMOTION can export to B3D, and it's not as badly outdated as Deled CE, but not as good as Blender. For whatever reason Blender started glitching the fuck out on the computer that I had, so I switched to modelling with Wings3D, exporting the .obj to fragMOTION, animating with fragMOTION, then exporting the .b3d. I don't know if any of these programs work on Linux, so you're on your own there.

it's the most flexible out of the three and it's free up till your games have sold $100,000

So how do you make money?

Give people the mechanics that they want, the artstyle they want, the setting that they want, the characters they want, the music that they want, and the story that they want, all for $20 or less.

Having a story at all is optional. Music is technically optional too, since there are people that will mute the games music as soon as they start it up and play their own music.

>Music is technically optional too
having bad music, however, is much less of a viable option

Based on what posted, I see that my original fear is realized (Which makes me glad I haven't started full asset creation yet), and now I am looking at UE4. How well does UE4 run? I keep hearing people saying UE4 can run on higher speced toasters, but I don't really believe that to be true.

That's cute! You're cute. An engine without a game is just a prototype. We're talking about real game development here. Do you think your engine was done and you'd never touch it again if you used it for a full game?

Anyway, please reply once you've made an actual game and sold it, or at least put it up on the internet for someone to play. This way we could compare your sales/downloads to people who've used Unity and make more fun of you!

I'm pretty sure UE4 has been used to make phone games so it might do well, don't really know though.

>Just look at all the tutorials individually, most are a hundred line long at best
Would you be willing to point me in the direction of those tutorials?