Polygon takes 30 minutes to complete the first 5 minutes

>polygon takes 30 minutes to complete the first 5 minutes
>they disable all comments because people are laughing at them

Does anyone in that company even play games?


Other urls found in this thread:


>game reviewers
>actually playing video games

Are there even good gaming news sites out there anymore? Only one i use is siliconera, but it's mostly j-stuff.

How is it even possible to be that bad?

It looks like they let someone play who never played a FPS before.

>They get paid for this

That's why they are games journalists.

It's nice to see someone playing the new Doom with the old keyboard aiming.


we've compared DSP's gameplay in another thread and he's way better, both are playing with controllers

You know they did this on purpose so you'd link their shitty video everywhere and give them views right?

>""""""journalists"""""" censuring the public in the comment + rating system disabled

>can't even walk around and aim properly while watching
>can't even fucking aim
Doesn't even matter that he/she is using a controller, even with a controller you can do a million times better than this shit. Who played in the vid?

[shaking my head intensifies]


Nice damage control.
I'm surprised the """"people"""" at polygon were able to solve the captcha.

probably a strong womin/nu-male sjw who doesn't even care about video game.

he's doing that on purpose, right?

Reminder that games are being dumbed down because of retarded casuals like the guy in the video.

Kill yourself

dont watch the vid its a shill op is a shill

This is the jerky motion of using only a keyboard, not even a mouse right?




Keep giving them youtube ad bucks with your false sense of superiority.

It's also him in the OP?

this looks like someone who has never played a game with a controller


Why on Earth would I watch the fucking vid while I have webms and all the banter here on Sup Forums?

I'm not into e-celeb trash, let alone people with brain palsy gameplay vids.

>he doesnt use adblock

this looks like someone who has never played a game*

You are contributing to the viraling of the video, idiots.

idk that's kind of a gamble and it would only get them so far

One would assume that's the purpose of difficulty settings.


It's a good thing they added in a melee auto kill button so people like this can play the game

Please calm down stupid person

This is the most pretentious video i have ever seen.

>Scared of a fucking virtual gun

Holy fucking shit, how can someone be this much of a pussy.

>hipster cucks who dont even play reviewing games for other hipster cucks

>Does anyone in that company even play games?

No journalist do not play video games. they play games for 3 hours then make a review and then they have to tend to their kids and wive or husband

no thats just bait to get a reaction out of normal people. His mom told me when I was cumming in her ass.

And why is that a bad thing you fucking retard? That they get a small boost in money off it? You do realize the more people who see this the more will know Polygon knows jack shit about video games. This video is ultimately bad for them. They disabled comments and likes but kept the video because obviously they know they're going to get views off it, but they're too retarded to know how much damage it'll do in the long run.

So anybody in the office?

literal marketer here, the amount of money they'd get from a single video would be pathetic

>Are there even good gaming news sites out there anymore?

I only go to Easy Allies now and use use Allgamesdelta to filter out the announcements.

>Marrying a game "journalist".
Somebody out there has it worse than the sempercucks from /r9k/.

And you guys keep giving them more money with your views.

>muh adblock

Does not matter.

There's literally not a single game with actually good difficulty settings.
Most game's difficulty settings is basically just a HP slider.

But it's their fucking jobs

I go to IGN once in a while, they tend to steer clear of bullshit/drama and just do what they're supposed to do, inform and advertise about new releases


I really can't imagine a full agency for a web video game magazine with no people at all who play/ed games. They might be casuals, but a general interest in the medium should be a job requirement.

Any publicity is good publicity, child.

Each view is literally less than 1/10th of one penny. Who cares, the people bitching here are going to create way more negative PR about them than they are going to make back in fucking youtube views.

Christ... I am total shit at FPS games but even I'm better than that.

I remember one time my uncle saw me playing fallout 3 and he wanted to try it out.
I loaded up a save and let him go at it.
He is the kind of person who hates being told how to do something. He really likes figuring shit out for himself.

I went to go make some food, came back 20 minutes later. My uncle had his character staring at the floor. 20 minutes in and he was still trying to figure out how to look around. It just wouldn't click. It made me realize just how ingrained this shit is in to us.

The last game he played before fallout 3 was centipede, back in 1980. Eventually he did manage to figure out how to look around. Though he still couldn't walk and look at the same time, he had to do one or the other.

He was still a more competent player than whoever the fuck they have over at Polygon

>inform and advertise about new releases
You mean shill right? IGN are the ones that invented this retarded 9/10 average rating system that we have.

link a webm and give it views? Start clearing those checks!

There is no excuse for being that bad. Not even "b-but I'm using a controller," because even controller users play FPS's better then that.

>hahaha these guys are so bad, let me see what other vids they have that I can make fun of
>OH MY GOD look at this guy bitching about guns in video games LMAO I'm going to link this to my phams at reddit and Sup Forums and we're all gonna enjoy the bantz together!

>meanwhile polygon gets millions of views and a nice paycheck for their bait videos

ITs not about the money they get directly from it. Well its part of it.

But you are also giving them exposure, the more views, their videos have the more they get spread around.

>implying bad reputation doesn't take down sites

Holy fucking shit

I like Doom's difficulty settings where it just adds more enemies. Mowing them down is actually enjoyable so in addition to testing your ability to crowd control it actually makes it more fun as well

I actually don't agree that playing games is a job requirement for modern game journalists

not the user you're replying to, but you're wrong
David "Pig Fucker" Cameron

>reading reviews
you're retarded for letting yourself to get shilled, it's a solid source of information such as release dates, trailers, early gameplay videos, etc.

Yeah they literally play for 2-3 hours then make a review before reaching the end or they just watch a play trough and then make a review.

At least the PC version doesn't look so fucking slow paced

Then you'll fit right in m8.

Next stop, car reviewers take the car around the block and a make a complete review about it, and this is considered journalism.

You're overestimating your value as a single individual. Your impact as a single person is SO MINIMAL it doesn't matter a single bit. Me watching or not watching the video doesn't do shit.

The only time where you're of value as a person is when you can influence a large number of others (which this thread probably doesn't do, all of us is still a small number).


>I don't know how viraling works

>but a general interest in the medium should be a job requirement.

Oh wait... you are serious.

Everyone at polygon and similar websites hate gamers, didn't you see it in the whole gamergate debacle?

Isn't this how all console gamers play?

all games delta. I had to email the creator when all games beta went into private mode. That site is Top tier.

This is literally me anytime I try to use a controller.

Is it even possible to play a fps on console without auto-aim? The stick is so fucking low and imprecise, how can you even get good with it.

No, they get aimbots so they don't look as retarded as this.

It's not hard at all to find someone who knows how to play video games. It's pretty fucking obvious they did it on purpose, as making bait videos isn't a new thing for them.

>ITT: People discover FPS console 'gamers'

T-thanks xbox and Halo for ruining gaming

Aiming that shit.

If anyone aims like that, be it on PC or console, they have problems.
I can aim almost as well and fluidly with a pad as I can with a M&K.

>I can aim almost as well and fluidly with a pad as I can with a M&K.

This is simply wrong.
Why do you think there is no FPS competitive scene on console?

That's also how I play console shooters

Shit's impossible without a mouse

I enjoy clueless gamer as much as everyone else but letting conan o'brien do the preview gameplay for Doom probably wasn't the best idea

>This is simply wrong.

Except it's not.
If you aim even half as shit as the guy in the webm then the problem lies with you.

did the guy who play this have one hand? why the fuck can't he move and aim at the same time?


Even Conan plays better than that.

you're hired

btw doom engine is fucking great

Not matter what, a console 'pro' player will never be as good at aiming as the average PC player.

I thought the reason the aiming is so bad is because it's on PC with a controller which doesn't have magnetic aim like the PS4 and X1 does? Pretty sure that's it.

>comments disabled again

If your can read German I recommend 4players.de

Thank Goldeneye, faggot

>comments disabled

I pictured them closing comments through teary eyes then running to their safe space for a group hug.

It's possible but it sucks cocks

The HUD shows it's been played on the PS4

Maybe you should re-read my initial post.

>He doesn't use mpv+youtube-dl
>He doesn't just rip vids from youtube-dl
>He doesn't play them on a third player so that they don't get any ads or view counts.

>The last game he played before fallout 3 was centipede
M8 that shouldn't even be a surprise.

I didn't even discover mouse controls until getting wrecked in Quake 2 multiplayer, before then it was keyboard tank controls or controllers with D-pads.

Analogue aiming is fucking hard when you first start off.

(No excuse for the fucking reviewer video though)